Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1215: Surprise

Upstairs watching the battle, the great Yan Yanhuang rushed to the crown angrily, killing the spirit of the Nine Heavens.

This made everyone scared, only to feel cold and cold all over.

However, the prince was just like a okay person. Although his face was pale, he was calm. Or, from the beginning, he was very calm.

This made Lingxian frown, and felt a little unusual taste.

"How dare to deceive me, how brave you are!"

The emperor angered and said, "From this moment, you are no longer my prince, but a common people!"

The words fell, and the dignitaries who supported the prince changed their looks and hurried to the ground and spoke.

"Your Majesty is impervious! The Crown Prince is the root of the country, how can it be easily abolished?"

"Even if it is going to be abolished, your Majesty, please look at it for the sake of blood and family, don't degrade the prince to the people!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, you must not be impulsive and make a mistake."

Many ministers have spoken, asking the emperor to take back his life.

"Shut up for me!"

The emperor sighed violently, slowly sweeping the audience with his august eyes, and said, "Don't the words of 朕 do not work? He deceived 朕, such a major crime, 朕 not killing him is already in love, who will do it again? Dare to say one more thing, take off your official uniform and go with him! "

The voice fell, and the audience fell silent.

The perseverant ministers who persuaded did not speak anymore, knowing that His Majesty was indifferent this time.


With a cold hum, the emperor turned his eyes to the prince, and said, "Can you disagree with this?" "The emperor has already ordered, and the sons and daughters have no objection, and it will not help." The prince said lightly, as if the sorrow was greater than the heart. Die, don't care about anything.

"Very well, get out of here!"

The Emperor Yanyan screamed loudly, and the mighty divine power swept through the wasteland like the waves of the Yangtze River. The space collapsed and the world was sad!

The prince was also shocked with blood and pale.

"You have seen the results of this battle."

The Emperor Yanyan swept across the hall coldly, and said, "Since Xiao Liu wins, he is the emperor Chu of my Emperor Yan. When I abdicate, he is Emperor Yanyan!"

It was said that Yan Liusu did not show a smile, but was a little sad.

He had no ill will for the emperor. If the prince deceived people too much, he would not fight for the throne.

The crowd did not cheer. Most of them supported the prince. Even if they did not support the prince, they had no friendship with Yan Liusu.

"Well, this is the end of this matter, tired, let's go away." The Emperor waved his hand wearily and turned away.

Seeing this, many people came to Yan Liusu to congratulate him as Chu Jun.

In this regard, Yan Tassel is not very interested, just perfunctory.

And everyone left very familiarly, without much interruption.

After that, the prince came to Yan Liusu and smiled lightly: "You won this round, but don't be too proud."

"Are you still dead?" Yan Liusu frowned.

"I'm still alive, why do I die?"

The prince smiled, turned and walked away, but glanced at him coldly as he passed by Ling Xian.

In this regard, Ling Xian smiled slightly and did not care.

He walked slowly to Yan Liu Su, and laughed, "Congratulations, next time I meet, I may call you Emperor."

"Even you make fun of me."

The words and tassel smiled bitterly, and the gaze towards Ling Xian was full of gratitude: "Thank you very much. Without you, I would have died in a fantasy world, how can I have it now?"

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled and waved, motioning him not to take it seriously.

"You saved me a total of three times, and I can rely on you to plan today."

Yan Liusu was grateful, saying: "Especially the strategy of fighting the Prince, if not, Chu Jun will not be me. By then, I will have to leave the country and be exhausted."

"You and my friend, you're welcome."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, and suddenly thought of the strangeness of the prince, his smile suddenly converged, and he said, "Be careful, I always think that things won't end as simple as this."

"Anyway, the prince has been degraded by the emperor to a commoner, and even if he can reach the sky, he can't turn the waves." Yan Liu Suman didn't care.

"No, it won't be that simple."

Ling Xian shook her head and said positively: "From the beginning, the Prince's performance was very calm, which is very unusual. Although it is obvious that he knew that fighting with you would have revealed the fact that he did not have extreme combat power. The emperor would be expected to be angry, but he behaved too calmly. "

After a pause, he continued: "Then it's calm, there are a few win points in the hands, and a little bit of death."

"The winning ticket is in your hands? Give up your life?"

Yan Liusu froze, feeling that her head was flooded, and she couldn't understand what Ling Xian was talking about.

"In short, be careful."

Ling Xian looked dignified and said, "I always think that things won't end that simple."

Hearing that Yan Liusu's expression was also dignified.

Although he is full of fog, the contacts these days have made him convince Lingxing.

And it turns out that every sentence of Ling Xian was correct. According to his instructions, Yan Liusu successfully won the position of Chujun.

Therefore, he was convinced of Ling Xian's words.

"Don't be too nervous, maybe I think too much, after all, the prince has no chance of turning over, and it is already lucky to be able to save a life." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"This is self-injustice, don't live."

Yan Liusu sighed, and smiled at the back, saying, "Let ’s have a good time with you and me today!"

"Okay, after a big drunk, I should leave the imperial capital." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"You're leaving?" Yan Liu Su frowned.

"You have already boarded Chu's seat. There is nothing for me here. It's time to go."

Ling Xian smiled. He originally wanted to stay here for a few more days, but when Yan Liusu and the prince battled out, he received a message from Gao Xin.

The content is only one sentence, the abyss magic sea has changed, and quickly returned.

This summons made him have to rush back to Sansheng Pavilion. After all, he is the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion and cannot be kept aside in any case.

Therefore, he decided to leave tomorrow and rush back to Sansheng Pavilion.

"Also, since you have already decided, I will not force you to stay." Yan Liusu sighed and said, "It seems that I must have a drunk party today."

"Let's go and get drunk with you."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, returned to the mansion with Yan Liusu, and began to drink wine.

The two drank from the afternoon until late at night until the Yan Liu Su was drunk.

In the early morning of the next day, Ling Xian quietly left the Prince's Mansion without alarming anyone. After that, he walked towards the center of the imperial city, intending to return to Luoyang Realm with the help of the teleportation array.

However, he had just stepped out of the Prince's Mansion, but heard a scream of screams from the Dongcheng Gate, which was only a hundred feet away.


Ling Xian's brows frowned slightly, and a few landings appeared above the Dongcheng Gate. After that, I saw a tragic picture.

I saw the city wall full of blood, but also full of limbs.

Outside the city, countless soldiers stood proudly, a black banner fluttered against the wind, and three large letters were written.

King Pingnan.

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