Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1226: 100,000 rush

In the setting sun, there was a red glow.

In the air, two figures galloped past, galloping fast, and surprisingly fast.

One of them was white in snow and had a handsome face, which was Ling Xian.

The other need not be said, it is undoubtedly the Lord of Darkness.

A few days ago, Ling Xian received a message from Gao Xin saying that the abyss's magic sea had changed and asked him to rush back immediately.

To a certain extent, this is a signal that the abyss demon sea wants to act on Sansheng Pavilion.

Therefore, Ling Xian must rush back immediately. If the Prince's rebellion had not happened, he might have returned to Sansheng Pavilion.

Right now, the Prince's rebellion has come to an end. Naturally, he has to hurry back to Sansheng Pavilion.

He originally planned to rush back to Luoyang with the help of the teleportation array. However, due to Pingnan's assistance to the prince, most of the buildings were damaged.

And it is completely damaged. It cannot be repaired by manpower and must be rebuilt.

This left Ling Xian helpless, no choice but to rely on flying.

Fortunately, he has the highest speed, and the Lord of Darkness is the power of the sixth realm. Even if he flew to Luoyang, it would not take much time.

Therefore, he flew with the Lord of Darkness and rushed towards Sansheng Pavilion.

On the way, Ling Xian received three more summonses.

The first is that the Abyss Demon Sea has already sent troops, and the strength of that abyss dominated even reached the pinnacle of the sixth realm!

The second is to attack Jiuchen together with three elder elders, temporarily restraining the abyss dominion and not losing. However, it did not prevail.

No way, the abyss dominion is too powerful, and it has even reached the peak of the sixth realm. This kind of cultivation is enough to claim respect for a realm!

Therefore, Xiang Jiuchen must have three elder elders to compete with him.

And the third one is that Sanshengge is losing ground and has reached an extremely critical level.

Although Jiu Chen and others held down the abyss dominion, there were too many sea monsters in the abyss's magic sea, which is almost endless.

As a result, the situation is naturally not optimistic, and it seems that it is extremely critical.

These three pieces of news are more urgent than others, making Ling Xian more anxious.

He did not expect the fighting to break out so fast, and he did not expect that the abyss dominated, even breaking through to the top of the sixth realm.

"It seems that he performed another sacrifice."

Ling Xian sighed, knowing that apart from sacrifices, the Lord of the Abyss could not have any other method, and leapt to the top of the sixth realm.

"What sacrifice?" The Lord of Darkness was puzzled.

"It's nothing."

Ling Xian shook her head and said in a deep voice: "You tell me, if you shot with all your strength, could you stop a sixth-level peak?"


The Lord of Darkness shook his head and said, "My cultivation is only in the middle of the sixth realm. Even if I add a curse, I can't compete with the strongest peak."

"So, isn't it that no one can dominate the abyss?" Ling Xian's heart sank, quite tricky.

In such a large-scale battle, what really determines victory or defeat is actually the top combat power. If you can't kill the abyss master, it will be difficult to win.

The only good thing is that one-on-one may not be an opponent, but if the Lord of Darkness joins with Xiang Jiuchen and others, it may not be impossible to kill the Abyss Lord.

"Anyway, you and I are the people in the Hermitage. It is the duty to protect the Sansheng Pavilion, and you must rush back as soon as possible."

Ling Xian sighed softly, and then her eyes gradually became firm.

"Pavilion master rest assured, I will do my best to protect the Sansheng Pavilion." The dim master looked serious and powerful.

"Very good, let me wait to fight against the enemy and defend the Sansheng Pavilion!"

Lingxian raised his mouth and sent a message to all members of Yinge with the token of the Lord of Yinge. The content was only five words.

Come to Sansheng Pavilion!

The message was sent, Ling Xian cut through the sky like a meteor.


The Sansheng Pavilion is one of the most powerful forces in Luoyang, and it is not inferior to the owner of the Luo family.

Since many years ago, it has been a behemoth. Looking down at the entire Luoyang domain, no one has dared to provoke easily.

Even the domain owner must be treated with care.

However, at present, Sanshengge is facing an unprecedented crisis, or this behemoth is almost being maimed.

No way, the overall strength of the Abyss Demon Sea is too powerful, let alone the Majesty who can now be regarded as a realm, and the countless Sirens alone, it is enough to make any top power headache.

The Sansheng Pavilion is notorious. Although all the disciples under the door are extraordinary, they can be regarded as elites, but after all, they are hard to beat with four fists.

As a result, the Sansheng Pavilion was defeated steadily, and it was difficult to obtain an advantage even for the most powerful combat cabinet.

Had it not been for the richness of the Sansheng Pavilion, and the Hushan array was extremely powerful, I would have been broken.

It is worth mentioning that the Lingshen Rune that Ling Xian once created has achieved remarkable results in this battle, not only killing tens of thousands of sea monsters, but also killing a sixth power.

Had it not been for the Lord of the Abyss to break this array at a great cost, the Rune of God would definitely create another glory!

But even with a deep foundation, Sanshengge is still a little stuck.

No matter how deep the foundation is, it can't hold up many enemies, but the most important thing in the abyss is the cannon fodder. In just a few days, the inside of the Sansheng Pavilion has been consumed.

This made Xiang Jiuchen angry, but also quite weak.

The abyss dominion is too powerful, and he must join the other three elders in order to compete with it.

This is not so much that they are controlling the abyss, but it is better to say that the abyss is controlling them, because once all the disciples of the Sansheng Pavilion are killed, what does it mean that they have won?

Therefore, he became mad with Jiuchen, as did the other three elders.

Boom boom!

A loud noise shook the earth, descended on Jiuchen like a **** of war, broke the sky with his hands, and smashed the wild waste!

The three elder elders were also very powerful. Every time they shot, they shattered into the void and the world changed color.

Especially in the case of teaming up with Xiang Jiuchen, it is even more enraging!

However, although they are powerful, the abyss dominator is more powerful.

He hunted in a **** coat, just like the demon king of the world, fiercely powerful, and murderous!

Facing the joint attack of the four masters, he did not panic, calmly responded, and showed invincibility.

This put Xiang Jiuchen and others into a hard battle. Although they will not die, they will not be defeated, but they want to kill the abyss, but they are just crazy dreams.

"Damn, it seems that those forces will not help."

Gritting his teeth to Jiuchen, he sent a message of help to the major forces a few days ago, but none came.

"Now it's up to us."

The elder elder sighed and said, "Several of us have been restrained by the Lord of the Abyss. Hope, it can only fall on Lingxian."

Hearing the words, the spirit of Xiang Jiuzhen was agitated, and some glory appeared in his eyes.

Although it is obviously unreliable to pin their hopes on a fifth-level monk, they have no choice but to pin their hopes on Lingxian.

I look forward to his efforts to lead the members of the Yin Court to turn the tide!

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