Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1228: Hidden Court

"Sorry, I'm late. Next, let's give it to Yinge."

A faint voice rang through the world, with anger and horror.

Immediately, there was a tremor in the void, and six black robes appeared. Everyone was covered by a large black robe, without revealing his appearance or appearance, and was extremely mysterious.

And their position is also very particular about, in the forefront is a tall and straight figure, those eyes are like a starry sky, deep and vast.

It is Lingxian.

He is at the forefront of the team, surrounded by five people like the stars and the moon, and the leader is self-evident.

There are two figures behind him, one behind him. The former is 佝偻, the latter is petite, it is the unknown old man and the Lord of Darkness.

Behind the two, there are three figures, namely Han Yefei, Yu Yanyou, and Gao Xin.

As soon as these six people appeared, they collapsed into the void and shocked the audience!

The eyes of Xiang Jiuchen and others brightened, Ning Yan was excited, and the disciples became red, so it was difficult to hide the excitement.

The reason is that there are too many legends about Yin Ge and it is too exciting.

It is the patron saint of Sansheng Pavilion, and it is the last place of hope. Historically, Sansheng Pavilion is approaching the moment of life and death. This mysterious organization has turned the tide!

Therefore, when Ling Xian said the word "Hidden Pavilion", everyone was in a state of turmoil and suddenly hoped!

"The Lord of the Hidden Pavilion brought all the members of the Hidden Pavilion to the battle, and the next battles will be led by us. Wait ... retreat!"

Ling Xian spoke lightly, although her tone was light, but it sounded through the world and contained indescribable domineering.

Isn't it domineering to dominate the battle as soon as it comes out and let everyone back down?

And when I heard this domineering phrase, no one in Sansheng Pavilion dared to refute it. Even Xiangxiang and others were a natural expression.

Because, Yin Ge has this ability!

"The Lord of the Hidden Pavilion is so powerful."

The Lord of the Abyss looked cold and said, "It's just that you, the master of these wastes, will be the master of my abyss and the sea of ​​magic. You can't dominate this battle in this battle."

"Whether you can dominate or not, when the outcome is revealed, you will know for yourself."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the Lord of the Abyss, and then turned her eyes to the mermaid prince, her voice trembling like a ecstasy.

"You ... want to **** her?"

The voice dropped, the mermaid scorned, and laughed wildly: "What is it? My father is here, who can't kill me!"

"Really, then try it out."

Ling Xian spoke faintly and raised her hand to point out. Suddenly, an eternal light of God cut through the sky and breathed in Changhong.

"Shoot in front of me, you look for death!"

The abyss dominated with a sneer, but just as he was about to take the shot, the unknown old man was already one step ahead of him.

This changed his complexion, and at the same time, the mermaid's complexion also changed.

Feeling the irresistible power, his body trembled violently, and he wanted to run away, but he was delusional as if he had been immobilized.

This frightened him, bursting into full strength, trying to resist the blow.

It's a pity, just futile.

The light of God cut through the sky and instantly penetrated his brows.

One hit!

This stunned everyone, his face filled with shock.

Once, it was Ling Xian who killed the mermaid prince at his fingertips, and second, he dared to kill his son-in-law in front of the abyss!

How powerful and domineering is this?

The crowd was shocked and excited, and the sight of Ling Xian was full of enthusiasm.

"Kill my son-in-law, you seek death!"

The abyss dominated the anger and rushed to the crown, and the magic of the world swept through the sky for nine days.

In this regard, the unknown old man is not afraid.

Ling Xian is not afraid!

He looked at the Sansheng Pavilion, which was reduced to a ruin, and looked at those corpses that fell to the ground, angrily, burning in his heart. Then, with a command, he ignited the blood of everyone!

"Hidden Pavilion, kill me!"

The voice fell, the Lord of Darkness flew out like an arrow off the string, and joined hands with the unknown old man to dominate the abyss.

The same is true for Han Yefei, Gao Xin, and Yu Youyou, each of whom has found a sea monster general who chooses a different path.

This is the strategy that Lingxian had set before he arrived. The unknown old man and the Lord of the Dark beheaded the abyss, and Han Yefei and others were responsible for killing the Siren.

And he is responsible for stopping the Kraken Army!

Although on the surface, the tasks of the unknown old man and the Lord of Darkness are the heaviest, in fact, Ling Xian's task is the heaviest and the most difficult.

Because he has to do it alone to stop a million troops!


Ling Xian rushed to the crown angrily, aggressively, and landed in the field with thousands of beams.

Suddenly the earth cracked, and thousands of beams swept across all directions, killing all the nearby monsters!

The blood was splattering all over the sky and shocked the audience. All the Krakens retreated subconsciously, afraid to look directly at the blood-stained figure.

However, in the eyes of the persecution dominated by the abyss, they had to fight hard.

In this regard, Lingxian has no fear, only anger!

He was really angry this time, and the thought of the tragic death made him irritable!

"Go to death!"

Lingxian drank, seven kinds of magic soldiers emerged from the world, swept across ten squares, crushed the vacuum!

"Boom boom boom ..."

Blood splattered and flesh flew, countless Siren died in this blow, and could not fight the regrettable power at all.

They can't afford their strengths. They have foundations and choices, but they have no sixth place. As long as there is no strong person in this realm, for Ling Xian, it is the same as nothing.

He is the King of Chosen Path, the strongest in the sixth realm!

These Krakens can consume the rest of the monks of choice, with their number advantage, but they can't shake him!


Ling Xianmu's eyes flickered with cold electricity, killing the rush to the skies, and seven kinds of magical soldiers hovered and hovered, strangling the Kraken army on the opposite side.

At the same time, he moved forward slowly, and at each step, several sea monsters turned into blood mist.

After a while, Ling Xian was empty in front of him, and there were only red ground and corpses.

And he finally came to the gap, standing still and standing tall.

At this point, the battlefield is three points.

The unknown old man, the Lord of Darkness, the two greats dominate the abyss, and the battle is over!

Han Yefei and others looked for the Shanghai demon general, who was so ruthless and ruthless!

Ling Xian stood in front of the gap, surrounded by seven kinds of magical soldiers, and allowed the sea monster to be menacing, standing still and standing proudly.

That kind of power is really like a peerless warrior.

As for Xiang Jiuchen and others, they are completely reduced to spectators.

It is not that they do not know how to seize the opportunity to shoot, but that they are already exhausted. If there is not a belief to support them, they would have been defeated in the hands of the abyss.

Right now, Hidden Court is participating in the war, and they naturally want to seize the rare rest time and adjust their breath.

"The survival of the Sansheng Pavilion is tied to me and others, please do your best to treat death as home!"

Looking at the endless siren army, Lingxian screamed, shaking the earth, and resounding all over the world!

In response, he was full of resolute words.

"Strictly obey the Lord!"

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