Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1255: Heartless


A loud noise came from next door, making Su Zi frown slightly, rather suspicious.

She thought it was uninhabited next door, but now it seems that the people inside have never appeared.

"The business of others has nothing to do with me."

Shaking his head lightly, Su Zi ignored it, but returned to the medical museum, repeating his life.

Although boring, she was never tired of it, with a smile on her pretty face, but with a little shadow.

Three days later, the loud noise came again, more violently than the last time.

This frowned Su Zi, but he didn't bother.

Seven days later, the loud noise reappeared, accompanied by a severe cough, as if to cough out all the internal organs.

This moved Su Zi.

She is no longer that mountain village girl. After her grandfather's death, she came to Yunzhou through the teleportation of the vast mountains.

By chance, she was trained by an expert from Jianzhou Medical College to learn the mysterious medicine.

Therefore, when she heard the cough, she knew that her master had suffered a serious injury.

"Would you like to take a look?" Su Zi muttered to himself, pondered for a moment, or decided to forget it.

She felt that although the injury was serious, it did not threaten her life and could be recovered as long as she was recuperated for a few days.

In fact, as she expected.

Half a month later, the loud noise came again, which proved that the person next door not only did not die, but was jumping around.

"Interesting man, I don't know what he is doing, and he has tried so many failures, it is stubborn."

Su Zi shook his head and laughed, no longer paying attention.

However, the loud noise often sounded, although each time was longer than the previous interval, it never stopped.

This shows the firm determination of his Lord.

At the same time Su Zi was amazed, his curiosity grew stronger, and he even moved into the idea of ​​exploring. But in the end, she still held back and entered without saying hello, but it was not something she could do.

It's been three years since spring went to autumn.

During the three years, a total of 73 loud sounds came from the next door, which meant that the man had failed 73 times. This makes Su Zi lament that she is such a tenacious person, and at the same time she is more and more curious, looking forward to her next attempt.

However, she waited and waited, but never heard the loud noise.

Could it be ... he succeeded?

Su Zi was suspicious, and while she was in doubt, she heard a while of discussion.

"The owner of this store is really mysterious. Doesn't he even show up?"

"It took three full years for this store to open and it was fun."

"The name of the store asked, it was a bit interesting, I don't know what it is for sale? Remember that this store seems to be a magic weapon."

There was a lot of discussion on the road, and curiosity appeared on his face.

For three years, not only Su Zi is paying attention, but the whole Taohua Town is paying attention. Because this store is so abnormal, it has obviously been in business for three years, but it has never been opened. This is an unnatural thing in itself.

"It looks like he succeeded."

Su Zi's mouth turned up, revealing a bright smile, and then she focused on her own affairs and put it down.

Now that she's been successful, she doesn't need to be curious. As for that person, just disappear.

"Today is a great day for our store to open."

A young girl in a yellow dress smiled with a smile on her face and said, "I believe everyone remembers that this is a magic weapon for sale. It happens that the new owner is also a refiner, so this shop is still a magic weapon for sale. Welcome everyone to come and buy.

"This shop sells magic weapons. It does not accept spirit stones or exotic treasures. Each magic weapon has a question attached to it. As long as the answer is satisfactory to the owner, you can take it away."

The girl in the yellow dress smiled and said, "It is worth mentioning that all the magic weapons in this store are fine products of level 5 and above, and there are no defective products."

The voice fell and the whole street was boiling.

All magic weapons are fine products of level 5 and above, and do not collect spirit stones. Where can I find such good things? It's just a pie in the sky!

At the moment, everyone was excited and rushed into the shop in madness, ready to wipe out all the magic weapons.

When they want to come, it is nothing more than answering questions, no difficulty. But when they saw the problems, everyone was dumbfounded.

The acquainted person shook his head sadly, and then quietly left, while the sly one shrugged off, then shook his head indifferently in the woman in yellow and left helplessly.

This situation continued from the early morning until the evening. Everyone went in confidently and came out slumped. No one took the treasure from the store.

And the owner of this shop never appeared.

"I didn't sell one piece a day. I really don't understand what the owner thinks." The woman in yellow shook her head helplessly, closed the shop, and walked into the backyard.

In the setting sun, a pale red glow was shining on the man under the peach tree.

His face was pale, his eyes were deep, and his beautiful face became more and more handsome under the setting sun.

Not Lingxian, who else?

The only flaw is that he was paralysed in a wheelchair, with a pale and bloodless face, and was obviously seriously injured.

But even so, his appearance and temperament still fascinated the girl in yellow.

"Owner, we didn't sell anything today. Shall we ...?

The girl in a yellow dress whispered, and said, "I can see that those people really want your magic weapon, even if it is clearly marked, they will not hesitate."

"I don't want spirit stones."

Ling Xian said softly, her voice was very light and cold, like a dead person, without any emotion.

This shivered the girl's body, and she secretly said that the owner of the shop was okay. It was this temperament, which was too cold.

"In the store, you don't need to worry about it, Lingshi, it will not miss you."

Ling Xian looked indifferent, looking at the sunset that was gradually sinking, and her eyes were a little bitter, as if she saw a hopeless self.

Six years ago, he realized the direction of enlightenment, but he didn't know the method. Under irritability, he chose to retreat and forcibly integrate the Tao.

But in exchange, they failed again and again.

And every time he fails, his body will be weak. After all, this is an extremely crazy attempt. How can he not pay for it?

Had it not been for his physical arrogance and the ancient blood of Tianzun, he would have died long ago, and it would not be possible to last for three years. But even so, he paid a heavy price.

Although the strength has not changed, but it has improved, but these legs are always disabled.

The reason why it is said forever is because the meridians of the legs are completely necrotic, and even the ancient blood of Tianzun cannot circulate, so there is no way to cure it.

Therefore, Ling Xian was really hit this time. For his toughness, he also felt a kind of heartlessness.

In this way, he naturally gave up trying, and just happened to meet the woman when he opened the door that day.

After that, the girl was hired by him at the price of three hundred lambs.

"Xiaoye, you go down."

Ling Xian spoke faintly, his hands flashed, and Fulong Guqin emerged. Immediately, the desolate song sounded slowly, and then it sounded sad.

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