Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1275: Foot mole

Feeling the weak powder boxing, Ling Xian was relieved, and a heart finally settled down.

He knew he was shameless and even hypocritical, but he didn't want to deceive himself anymore. He thought he could have one person for one lifetime, but with the selfless dedication of Yan Ningzhi and others, he finally moved.

No one can deny this.

The man's inferiority and natural instincts are all right, he can't see any of these women turn into the arms of others.

At this point, he couldn't lie to himself, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to the silent pay of several women.

No matter how tempted or guilty, Ling Xian is always responsible. Regardless of the future, and no matter how the process will change, at least now, he has promised.

Therefore, he suddenly realized that he was relaxed.

For a long time, several girls have been pressed on his heart like a boulder, unable to refuse heartily, and because of some psychological reluctance to accept it.

Now that he chose to accept, he naturally relaxed.

"No matter what, even if I'm shameless, anyway, they can't be sad anymore." Ling Xian whispered secretly, looking at the girls with tears in her smile, her eyes full of tenderness.

They have paid too much for him, and even can't even kill their lives. If they are not cherished, they will be thundered.

"Well, the first person in Xiuxian Realm, just let us fight like this, it feels really good."

Gong Suoxin smiled with a charming smile, and said, "Okay, it depends on the account you gave, and today this thing is over."

Hearing that, Phoenix Jiuge and others stopped, and Fang Xin was shy in addition to sweetness.

The same is true of Lingxian.

Although there are mixed feelings in his heart, one thing he can be sure of is joy.

This is enough.

Life is alive, just go well, there is no need to be bound by some rules. Moreover, in this world, three wives and four widows can't be more common.

"Speak business."

Gong Suoxin sorted out her messy clothes, which suddenly made the women realize that they were disheveled.

This made them blush and shy, and hurriedly hid under the quilt, not even revealing their small heads.

"What a shame, even the marry promised, afraid to see it?"

Gong Suo's eyes waved, and she laughed, "Moreover, maybe I was touched by a satyr dozens of times last night."

Hearing that Ling Xian was choked up and coughed, but she had no words to refute.

Because last night, cough ... he seemed to touch it.

"Sister Gong, you should hurry up and talk about the business!" Tang Shisan was ashamed, and he vaguely remembered that she seemed to be kissing Ling Xian.

The other women also spoke one after the other and did not want to continue discussing this topic that made them shy.

"Forget it, to be serious."

Gong Suoxin slumped to the forehead and said, "It's been almost twenty years, and what you have let me do is still unbroken. Many people come under the guise every day, especially when you become sixth. After the situation is great, there are even more. "

After a pause, she continued: "Unfortunately, all are false."

"Are they all?"

Ling Xian's brows frowned slightly. He knew that this matter was extremely difficult, and it was tantamount to haystack. But when I heard Gong Suoxin's words, I was still disappointed.

After all, he has accepted the remuneration of Wanbaolou. If he didn't find the woman, wouldn't he want to break his promise?

Even if Wanbaolou didn't say anything, he would be uneasy.

"Yes, either the three red moles are all fake, or there are only one or two, but there are no three." Gong Suoxin sighed helplessly.

"What's the coverage of this news? Is there any coverage?" Ling Xian frowned.

"It's hard to say. With your current reputation, it can be said that it has spread throughout Xiuxian Realm, and even the 36 islands overseas should know."

Gong Suo shook her head and said, "But the immortal world is too big. There are many places where news is blocked, such as some small villages. It is hard to guarantee that you will hear the news."

"In this way, there is no hope." Ling Xian sighed softly, and said that she was afraid of losing her trust this time.

And just as he sighed, Su Zi suddenly poked out his small head and said, "What are you talking about?" "Lord Deng asked for a woman, saying there were three red moles under his feet." .

Upon hearing this, Su Zi froze slightly, subconsciously, "I have three red moles under my feet."

The voice fell, and Gong Suo's heart was suddenly choked.

Ling Xian also froze. After that, he looked happy: "Really?"

"Yes, I have had moles since childhood."

Su Zi nodded his head, and protruded his left foot out of the quilt. On the soles of the feet, three red moles embellish it, adding a three-point beauty, making people want to hold it in their hands and play.

"It really is three red moles!"

Ling Xianxing's eyes lightened, and she immediately relaxed.

According to the old man, the person looking for has two characteristics, one is a woman who looks good, and the other is three red moles on her left foot.

These two points are consistent with Su Zi.

Therefore, Lingxian instantly determined that Su Zi was the man looking for Wanbaolou.

Originally, he thought that he would break faith in Wanbaolou, but he did not expect to go back and forth, which made him sigh the magic of fate. The person he was looking for was always by his side.

"Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no time." Gong Suoxin sighed and laughed: "This is all right, everyone is happy."

"Lingxian, what do you want me to do?" Su Zi wondered.

"I am not sure as well."

Ling Xian shook her head and said, "I am entrusted by the Wanbaolou of the immortal world."

With that said, he also started to think about the purpose of finding people in Wanbaolou.

If the person with the red mole has nothing to do with him, then he only needs to take the person back, but the person to be found is Su Zi, then he must consider it.

If it is not good for Su Zi, he will never give people to Wanbaolou.

"Wanbaolou?" Su Zixiu frowned, his head full of fog.

"Will it be the dog blood bridge section in the play, Su Zi is actually the young lady who has been separated for many years in Wanbaolou?" Gong Suoxin said with a smile.

"It seems to be possible."

Ling Xian frowned, and turned her eyes to Su Zi, saying, "I remember, the village chief is not your own grandfather, you picked it up."

"Yes, I'm not his granddaughter." Su Zixiu frowned, thinking of a relative who had never met before, and couldn't help laughing.

"There are barriers in the immortal realm and the Xiuxian realm. It is not easy to get in and out, and it should not be so clever."

"Anyway, go with me to Wanbaolou first."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I will ask why Wanbaolou is looking for you. If it is harmful to you, I will never hand you over."

"it is good."

Su Zi nodded his head, trusting him very much, and even relying on him.

Although so many years have passed, she has changed a lot, but in front of Ling Xian, she naturally became the little girl of the year.

Ling Xian himself is convinced.

If he hadn't said this before, it was because Wanbao Tower had a deep foundation and huge power. But now he is the sixth power, even if he looks at the immortal world, it is second to none.

Therefore, he has absolute confidence and can protect Su Zi comprehensively!

"Get ready, ten days later, we will leave." Ling Xian smiled, staring with anticipation in his eyes.

What surprised him, however, was that when he was planning to leave for the immortal realm, a shocking event happened that shook the two realms.


These two days for emotional drama, I can't sleep in the early hours of the morning, I can only write like this, I hope you all like it.

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