Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1510: Two facts

In the setting sun, the light of the reddish light fell and shone on the square.

Lingxian's hands fell on the star stone. Although her face was red and her body was trembling, it fell into the eyes of everyone, but it was glorious and unique!

Because, he has reached the extreme physical limits that Tianjiao could not reach, and he has achieved the feat that no one has done for thousands of years!

"It's incredible, he actually did it!"

"It's a miracle. It's incredible."

"Compared to him, the wonderful talents of my Van family for thousands of years are overshadowed."

Everyone spoke, shocked, admired, and ashamed.

As soon as they thought that they had ridiculed Lingxian, they faced the fire, hoping to find a place to drill in.

Fan Gang, in particular, felt that he was slaps in a fierce slap.

No way, this slap is too loud. It is no exaggeration to say how strong their irony was then, how slap it is at this moment!

This caused Fan Gang's lungs to explode, and he felt an unprecedented humiliation, but he couldn't refute it.

The fact is right in front of him. The person who finally humiliated was not Ling Xian, but him!

"It's a perfect matchless demon evil, even reaching the physical limit." Fan Li exhaled a long sigh of sigh, and at the same time shocked, he had some regret.

Ling Xian has proven his ability, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is worth all the arrogance of the Fan family for thousands of years!

These amazing wizards, even with the strength of the Brahma, cannot be ignored.

However, at present, not only does the Fan family not have a good relationship with Ling Xian, but it has also formed a beam, which makes Fan Li not regret?

"Well, try to repair the relationship as much as possible. Even if you don't make good relations, you can't end up grievances."

With a sigh, Fan Li blinked his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Raising your head, it should be considered an assessment."

Ling Xian glanced around the audience indifferently, without satire or brilliance.

But in the eyes of everyone, this is undoubtedly a great irony. Real demonstrations are justified and no one can refute them.

Therefore, everyone remained silent.

Seeing this, Lingxian's mouth raised, slowly spitting out a word full of madness.

"Otherwise, I change one hand?"

As the words fell, everyone raised their fists and felt a strong sense of humiliation.

This special star stone has been in the Fan family for thousands of years, but until now, no one has been able to lift it above his head.

At the moment, Ling Xian said that she would use one hand. What irony is this? How can we not let the Fan family feel humiliated?

Fan Gang, in particular, was going mad.

He stared at Ling Xian, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, don't be too proud."

On hearing that, Ling Xian laughed, with irony and coldness.

He looked at Fan Gang, who was full of anger, and said lightly: "If you don't agree, you will also raise the falling stone." "You!"

Fan just angered the crown, but had nothing to say.

He has tried countless times since he was small, not to mention holding the falling star stone above his head, even making it an inch off the ground.

Therefore, he could only endure the anger.

"If you don't have this ability, just shut me up and make your rice bucket." Ling Xian glanced at Van Gang slightly.

"Lingxian, don't bully people too much!" Fan Gang angered, his face was distorted, full of resentment. "It's too bullying."

Ling Xian's expression cooled down. As soon as he stepped into the Fan family, this person made everything difficult for him. In the end, he wanted to humiliate him in front of everyone. Who was the bully?

"Well, since you say I'm bullying too much, I'll bully you!"

Ling Xian sneered, and said, "Now you tell me, who has no face?"

After hearing that, everyone was silent.

This is an obvious thing. Who else can there be besides Fan Gang?

"Lingxian, you look for death!"

Fan Gang was furious to the extreme, and the weather was so powerful that it shook Tianyu.

However, it did not scare Ling Xian.

He is now a monk at the summit of Rong Dao, let alone arrogant. Even if Fan Gang is doing his best, he is not afraid.

At the moment, Ling Xian continued to sprinkle salt on Fan Gang's wounds: "The purpose of you asking everyone to gather here is to make me look shameless. There is no shame."

"Well, what a vicious mind, but now, I should thank you."

"If you hadn't called so many people, my slap would not have been so hard at this moment."

Ling Xian faintly spoke, and made it clear that she was going to humiliate Fan Gang.

It is said that according to his nature, he would not do this, but Fan Gang has gone too far and has completely angered him.

"Ah, I want you to die!"

Fan Gang was completely mad, his right fist broke out with the thunderous potential, and instantly shattered the vacuum.

He uses pure physical power, and we can see how strong his physical body is.

But in front of Ling Xian, it is not enough.

In the face of Fan Gang's overbearing punch, he also waved his right hand, set off the wind, and blasted out strongly.


The two powerful forces collided, the void burst instantly, and the aftermath of terror spread, causing everyone to regress.

Fan Gang also went backwards, her hair was messy, and her mouth was bleeding.

Ling Xian, however, stood proudly and was safe and sound.

The falling star stone was still in his hands.

This proves two facts. One is that Ling Xian can really lift the falling stone with one hand, because he only withdrew one hand, and the other is that he defeated Fan Gang.

Both facts are incredible and irrefutable.

"Pervert, he could really lift the falling stone with one hand, and defeated Elder Fan Gang."

"There is nothing wrong with the reputation, but this is too abnormal."

"Serve, I'm completely convinced."

Everyone was impressed. In addition to shock, they were heartfelt and sincere.


Fan was so angry that he rushed again like a tiger, but he didn't use physical force.

Although he did not want to admit it, the fact is that he is not Lingxian's opponent physically.

Therefore, Fan Gangyu's magical tactics and the power of the fusion of the peak of the Tao were surging, and he wanted to break Ling Xian into tens of thousands of corpses.

"court death!"

Ling Xian's eyes were cold and electric, and chaos filled the air, condensing into a world-wide magic halberd. However, before he did, Fan Gang was blasted out.

The man who shot was Brahli.

His expression was somber to the extreme, and he whispered, "Don't you dare to move it again, don't blame me for not feeling brotherhood!"

"Brother, I ..."

Fan's lungs exploded, and before he finished speaking, Fan Li was interrupted.

"Don't call me brother, I don't have your dumb brother like you!"

Brahmi shouted, "From now on, you shut up and dare to say one more thing, and I will deal with it according to family law."

Hearing that Fan Gang had just shivered and was afraid to say any more. However, looking at the resentment in Ling Xian's eyes, it became more intense.

"Well, she is not sensible, and please forgive Ling Daoyou." Van Li sighed, with regret and helplessness.

"Understand, who made him a rice bucket? Stupid, normal."

Ling Xian glanced at Fan Gang a little, then turned her eyes to Fan Li, and said, "I don't care about anything else. I just want to know that the words of the San Patriarch are not counted."

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