Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1575: Sought after

The icy mountains of Izumo, Lingxian, like invincible war immortal, have an imposing style and immortal power for nine days.

This was in stark contrast to the **** and embarrassing Tuoba wind, which caused everyone in the scene to be sluggish, and then took a breath.

"Failed! Tuoba Liufeng was defeated!"

"It was unbelievable to defeat Wu Hun in the time of offering time to speed up the strongest blow!"

"It's too abnormal. Ling Xian even cracked the time to speed up Wuhun. How did he do it?"

Everyone exclaimed, setting off a huge wave in their hearts.

Even the Emperor God candidate and the old monster in the seventh realm were full of shock.

Ask yourself, if you change them, even if you can block the punch, you have to be injured. If it comes several times, it is definitely not an opponent of Tuoba Liufeng.

After all, time acceleration is too abnormal, not only is it incredibly fast, but its strength has also soared several times!

However, it was defeated by Ling Xian, how incredible is this? How can we not let everyone feel shocked?

In particular, Tuoba Liufeng was caught in an unprecedented shock. He couldn't figure out why he didn't reach Lingxian.

It is said that his punch was so incredible that he couldn't even use his breath for a while, so he could hit Ling Xian. But in the end, he was defeated. How does this make him proud?

At the moment, Tuoba Liufeng roared, almost mad.

"Impossible! You can't break the time to speed up, let alone defeat me!"

Hearing that, Ling Xian glanced at the person slightly and said nothing.

The people also remained silent, but only looked at Tuoba Liufeng's gaze, showing some compassion.

The facts are before us, and even if it is hard to accept, it cannot be changed.

"Damn, I don't need pity for Tuoba Liufeng, let alone defeat!"

The sympathetic eyes of everyone stabbed Tuoba Liufeng, and he roared in the sky, and then carried the power of Wuhun.

The next instant, he disappeared in place, even the old monster in the seventh realm, with the power of the martial spirit, it was difficult to capture him.

It's too fast. The wind and electricity are not enough to describe it. It can only be said to be the speed of light, which is too fast to imagine.

This time, Tuoba Liufeng not only used time to accelerate, but also spurred the fallen evil tiger.


The void was completely shattered, and the fallen evil tiger swallowed the mountains and rivers, especially under the blessing of the imperial martial spirit, its power was several times stronger.

However, Ling Xian could not be moved.

He cast the light of the beginning, let this person retreat to the point of time before dying, and then with the invincible fist stamp, he blasted the fallen evil tiger.


Blood stained the sky, Tuoba Liufeng whizzed down, his eyes completely dim.

Everyone was shocked.

It may be described by fluke once, and twice, it is really powerful!

At this moment, everyone just felt that Ling Xian was shining brightly, and even that round of eternal great day could not compare with him.

At the same time, there was a bit of awe in his eyes. Even the candidate of the Emperor Emperor and the old monster in the seventh realm were full of dignity.

A demon who suppresses the Tuoba Liufeng, even if it is the top force in the immortal continent, dare not belittle it. Because in the future, he is likely to become one of the masters of this world, even the only master!

"Don't try again. If you lose, you will lose. Is the dignified emperor candidate afraid to admit defeat?"

Ling Xian glanced briefly at Tuoba's current, without ridicule and ridicule, some just disappointed.

If you ca n’t even admit your failure, then this person will end here, and throughout her life, it will be difficult to achieve higher achievements.

"Failed, I lost ..."

Tuoba Liufeng's eyes were lost and his soul lost. Obviously, the confidence that was struck by Ling Xian was absent, and even his faith collapsed.

He didn't urge Wuhun any more, because he fully understood that even if he urged one hundred times, he wouldn't want to shake Lingxian.

Therefore, his willpower is depressed.

This made everyone sigh endlessly. I did not expect that the scenery will be so embarrassing at this moment.

"You won, I'm not unjustly defeated."

Tuoba Liufeng laughed with a sorrow and looked at Lingxian like the Supreme Emperor, only to feel that his light was so dazzling and so taken for granted.

Because he is the winner, he should have the supreme glory!

"Every failure is a valuable experience. This is not shameful, nor is it a reason you can be depressed."

Ling Xian's expression was calm and she said, "If you are immersed in it, it is difficult to extricate yourself, then you, claiming to be the candidate of the Emperor of God, are not qualified to ask the peak."

After hearing the words, Tuoba Liufeng was silent.

After that, he got up hard and walked slowly towards the rear without saying anything.

He staggered, as if an old man with a dead candle, every step was extremely difficult.

The lonely back of Xiao Xiao made everyone sigh and be impressed.

"Through this battle, Tuoba Liufeng is considered a waste. If you can't get out, you won't be able to get in."

"Yeah, Ling Xian dealt him too much. If I changed it, I would also be depressed."

"Tuoba Liufeng's arrogance and arrogance have not been defeated so far since his debut. It is reasonable to have such a response. I can only hope that he will come out soon."

Everyone sighed softly, and then stopped paying attention.

Because Tuoba Liufeng is the loser, and the loser is the foil and the dullness.

Only the winner is the object sought after by the world.

For example, Ling Xian at this moment, he suppressed the Tuoba Liufeng, completely satisfies the name of his God Emperor candidate, and proved his amazing potential like the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, he is the only luminous body in the world, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

Although no one was cheering, his eyes were full of awe. Even the candidates of the emperor such as the Seventh Demon are full of dignity.

At the same time, the word Ling Xian was deeply imprinted on my heart.

It is foreseeable that when the news comes out, his name will surely make a splash in the world and become the focus of attention.

"Ling Xiaoyou, the old man is the chief elder of Tibetan Fengzong. I wonder if you would like to be my Zong Keqing?"

An old man suddenly opened his mouth to hold everyone together, and then the world fry.

A sentence echoed, and the speakers were all powers in power, and the words spoken also invited Ling Xian to be a guest secretary.

There is no way, Lingxian is too evil, if nothing unexpected, the future will certainly become one of the masters of this world. It is even possible to ascend the throne and be invincible!

Such a promising Tianjiao, which forces do not want to make good? Don't want to tie him to his family?

"Everybody's kindness, I got it, but I'm used to being idle and don't want to join Zongmen." Ling Xian declined with a smile.

Although joining Zongmen is good, it also means rules. He doesn't want to be bound by rules.

"Haha, that just happened to join my Sanshou Alliance,"

"The Mercenary Alliance is also welcome."

Suddenly two laughter came, and then two radiant figures appeared, suppressing everyone's voice and suppressing everyone's light.

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