Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1593: Seven medicines

After leaving the vast snow-capped mountains, Ling Xian went straight to the nearest mercenary union.

Coincidentally, the mercenary union closest to this place happened to be the union he registered before. The person in charge was also the pretty woman.

"meet again."

Ling Xian greeted with a smile, letting the woman look a little surprised, and then she was surprised.

Although she receives hundreds or thousands of people every day, and basically forgets afterwards, her impression of Ling Xian is deeply rooted. No way, his temperament is so outstanding that at first sight, he will never forget it.

Therefore, the woman remembered him fresh and smiled, "Yeah, you meet again. Are you here to take the task?"

"Yes, I want to take on a task that no one has completed for 500 years." Ling Xian smiled slightly and passed the Baiyu token.

"Don't I tell you everything, black iron mercenaries can't take on legendary tasks." The woman shook her head and smiled.

"You look at the token first, and then talk." Ling Xian smiled, her lips light and light.


The woman was suspicious. After receiving the Baiyu token, after seeing the moon sign above, she suddenly fell into a dull state.

This is ... the deputy commander of the Moonlight Mercenary Regiment?

The woman was shocked. She repeatedly searched the token, and after confirming that it was correct, a huge wave was set in her heart. Looking at Lingxian's eyes, it was like looking at a monster.

She remembered very clearly that Ling Xian had just completed registration three months ago and became a lowest-ranking black iron mercenary. However, at the moment, he has changed and became the deputy head of the Moonlight Mercenary Regiment. This change is too amazing. It is simply incredible!

"How, the token is not fake." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"No, it's not ..." The woman stammered, and was shocked to say that she was unhappy.

Although she has a low status, the mercenary union has a special method that can accurately determine the identity card of any mercenary. Especially for a behemoth like the Moonlight Mercenary Regiment, its identity card, even if it is forged, cannot escape the mercy of the mercenary union.

In other words, this token is real, Ling Xian has really become the deputy head of the legendary mercenary regiment.

This is too incredible for a woman, and she is in a state of absent-mindedness.

"It's not a fake." Ling Xian smiled, and her eyes were full of expectation.

He wanted to see what the seven elixirs were. No one had collected them for five hundred years.

"How the **** did you do that, but it was the Moonlight Mercenary Corps. It was incredible." The woman exhaled a long spit, and in addition to shock in her eyes, still shocked.

A few months ago, it was just a humble black iron-level mercenary, but now it has become the top man on the basalt continent. Is there anything more incredible than this?

"It's nothing, just a little help to the Moonlight Mercenary Corps." Ling Xian waved her hand, saying that the light and gentle.

In this regard, the woman is naturally unbelieving. How a small favor can get the token of the deputy head must be a gracious gift.

However, she didn't ask much, just looked at Ling Xian with that kind of worship.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Ling Xian shows a little meaning at this moment, she will go to warm him in the evening.

"Now, can I take that task?" Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Of course, the deputy head of the Moonlight Mercenary Regiment is naturally qualified to take on that task." The woman blinked and sent Qiu Bo secretly.

In this regard, Ling Xian turned a blind eye and motioned her eyes to hurry.

Seeing this, the woman was clearly disappointed, and said, "Wait for me, I'll get the task scroll."

Then, she left her seat and turned away.

After a while, the woman turned back and had an inky scroll in her hand.

Immediately, she handed the scroll to Ling Xian, and at the moment of contact, she gently stroked her fingertips in his palm, which was self-evident.

This made Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, did not expect herself, but also has the qualifications for women to take the initiative to cherish their arms.

However, he didn't bother and laughed: "Farewell."

When the words fell, he turned and walked away, and the angry woman stomped her feet.

"It's a pity that such a good man cannot be met in this life."


After leaving the mercenary union, Ling Xian came out of the city and found a hidden cave.

"Let me see exactly which seven magic drugs can stump Xuanwu continent for 500 years."

Ling Xianxing's eyes flickered with curiosity, and she opened the black scroll and saw the detailed descriptions of the seven magic drugs.

After that, he was sluggish.

Because of the seven magic drugs, he only knows the first two and the last five, and has never even heard of it.

One is Hua Long Lei Teng, which is in his storage bag, and the other is the co-burial flower of the demon, which he once owned.

The two have one thing in common, which is rare, especially the flowers buried by gods and demons, which may not appear once in several generations!

It can be seen that the other five magic drugs must also be extremely rare!

Although he had anticipated this, Ling Xian still felt bitter when he saw seven kinds of magic drugs.

If you don't say anything else, just saying that gods and gods bury flowers together is tantamount to impossible.

This flower is extremely rare. In terms of rareness alone, the foot plant is comparable to the immortal elixir, and there may not be a single plant in several generations. What's more terrible is that he once owned, that is to say, it is very difficult to reappear in this life.

"If the ranking of the seven magic drugs is ranked according to their rareness, it would be terrible."

Looking at the seven names on the scroll, Ling Xian smiled bitterly, because the gods and the burial of flowers were only ranked second.

In other words, these are the last five divine medicines, which are even rarer than the flowers buried by gods and demons!

"No wonder no one has completed the Xuanwu continent for five hundred years, which is too difficult."

Ling Xian shook her head with a bitter smile and finally realized why Shen Yue and Zhong Lingyue persuaded themselves not to hope anymore.

It doesn't matter whether the prescription works or not, it's just as difficult to find these seven magical medicines as possible. Hope is slim!

However, Lingxian didn't want to give up.

It is not his character to give up lightly, even if the hope is slim, he must persist in the end!

"I've got Hualong Lei Teng. This is also a blessing in misfortune." Ling Xian sighed gently, her eyes gradually turned firm.

He kept the names of the seven divine medicines in his heart, and then, using the token of the deputy head, sent a message to Zhong Lingyue and asked her to help.

There is no way, if he only looks for one, it will not be possible to complete it even if the land is old and desolate. He didn't know anyone on the Xuanwu continent, so he had to turn to Zhong Lingyue for help.

"Hopefully, there will be news."

Ling Xian murmured to herself without any hope.

These kinds of magic drugs are too rare, especially the last five, he has never even heard of them.

Fortunately, the shape and characteristics of the five magic drugs are recorded on the scroll. Otherwise, there is no hope.

Afterwards, Ling Xian stood up and left for the mercenary union.

For things like finding things, it's best to post a reward and let people from all over the world come to look for it. Only then can it be found.

Therefore, Lingxian intends to release a reward task to gather the power of Xuanwu continent.

A day later, six rewarding missions were hung in the mission hall, and the high rewards made all mercenaries be impressed.

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