Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1669: explore

For the group of survivors in the blood-skinned men, Lingxian is a blatant existence.

Because he obviously had the ability to escape, he chose to regret the Son of Mingluo in order to save their lives.

Right now, some people are insulting Ling Xian, even if they are from the family of the God Emperor, they dare to work hard!

However, before everyone had time to get angry, they were stopped by Ling Xian.

Now Qingyun Yan needs peace, and for this peace, personal honor and shame are nothing.

At present, Ling Xian motioned his eyes to the man in the blood-coat not to act lightly, and smiled: "Then replace the Daoist with yours."

Hearing that Qin Chen was so proud of his eyes that he didn't know what he said today, but he let the future family of Qin Huang fall into remorse.

"Qin Che, if you dare to say one more word, get me back."

Qin Wuya spoke silently, sounding like a lesson, but his tone was not cold.

There is no way, the Qin Huang family is a group of eyes above the top, of course, can not be killed with a single stick. But there are too few children of the family who can treat outsiders with an equal attitude.

Even the children of the relatives of the God Emperor's family, in front of outsiders, also carried immeasurable pride. No way, who made their ancestors an invincible god?

"Three uncles rest assured, I can lazy talk to a lower class." Qin Che sneered, so that the men in blood clothing clenched their fists.

If it wasn't for Lingxian, they would have rushed to this person and desperately.

"That's it." Qin Wuya frowned and shifted his eyes to Ling Xian, saying, "Qing Yunzhen was taken over by my Qin Huang family, you have no opinion."

"No, Qing Yunzheng will give it to you." Ling Xian shook her head, too lazy to talk nonsense with these nostrils.

He turned his eyes to the man in blood, and said, "Let's go, let's heal the wound."

After speaking, he took a step and walked into the forest.

Seeing this, survivors such as blood-skinned men kept up.

As soon as he entered the dense forest, the man took Ling Xian to a hidden cave and asked, "Yes, my name is Fengxing, and I don't know what your name is yet."


Ling Xian said her real name, and then took the next medicine to treat her injuries.

He was not badly injured. Not only did his bones break more than half, but also his internal organs were severely damaged. This is him. He changed to another and died long ago.

"This name ... it sounds familiar." Feng Xing frowned slightly, pondering for a moment, surprised: "defeating the Lingxian of Tuoba Liufeng?"

"It's me." Ling Xian admitted frankly that there was nothing to hide.

"No wonder you can stop the man's five moves ..." Popularity is stunned, but still difficult to hide.

It's only been more than ten years since that battle, but Ling Xian has broken through to the seventh realm, which is quite an incredible thing. Everyone has to be shaken.

"It's an award. Fortunately, my vitality is okay, otherwise, I'm dead." Ling Xian waved her hand without frustration, and some were just firm.

The reason why he was beaten so badly by the Son of Ming Luo was entirely because he lowered his two small realms. And he believes that one day, sooner or later, he can catch up with Ming Luo Shengzi and knock it out!

"Okay? Definitely perverted, okay." Feng Xing looked at Ling Xian like a monster and was hit hard.

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled and said nothing.

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't bother you to heal you, but I have to tell you something. It's too late, I'm afraid it's too late."

"What's the matter?" Ling Xian looked a little more seriously.

"I have been guarding Qingyunzhen for three years, and found a relic in the ground."

"This matter, a few Mingdao monks who guarded Qingyunjing with me also knew that we originally planned to end the war and go on an adventure."

"I didn't expect that after World War I, I was the only one left."

A sigh of popularity sighed a little sadness.

"The deceased has gone, please mourn." Ling Xian sighed.

"Stop this, let's talk about the ruins." Feng Xing depressed sadness, and said, "I wonder if you are interested?"

"Are there any practitioners who are not interested in the ruins?" Ling Xian smiled lightly. In the face of the huge temptation of the ruins, it is difficult for any soul to refuse.

"Go with me then, late, I'm afraid it's not ours anymore." Popular sneer.

Hearing that Ling Xianzhi Zhixing refers to the Qin Huang family, and nodded in agreement.

One is that the Qin Huang family is too proud, and the other is that the leader is too strong, and there may be underground ruins. Once discovered, he couldn't even share the soup.

Therefore, Ling Xian groaned and said, "Wait for three days, and after three days, we will enter the ruins."

"You can recover from injury in three days?" Feng Xing was surprised, he thought he would wait ten days and a half months.

"My body is okay, and my resilience is a little stronger than ordinary people."

Ling Xian smiled, making the popularity quite speechless.

What does it mean? What is stronger? It's obviously too strong. Okay!

With popular strength, it is natural to see how many Ling Xian injuries, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is not bad to recover in half a month.

"Well, you can heal yourself too. There are many treasures in the ruins, but also many crises."

"If you enter with injuries, you will most likely fall."

Ling Xian warned, then closed her eyes and focused on healing.

Seeing this, the popular exit from the cave, also went to heal.

Three days later, Ling Xian opened her eyes, and she was shining and shining.

His trauma has fully recovered, and his internal injuries have recovered. This does not affect his combat effectiveness.

"It's time to leave for the ruins." Ling Xian smiled slightly and came to the cave where prevailing.

Immediately, Feng Xing opened his eyes and looked at Ling Xian, who was full of life, suddenly speechless.

Although he believed three days ago, when the facts appeared, there was still a shock.

"Your resilience is too perverted. Compared with you, it is really hit hard." Fengxing smiled bitterly.

"Don't you recover too?" Ling Xian smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "OK, it's time to start."

Hearing the words, with a look of popularity, Shen said, "Come with me."

As he said, he turned into a breeze, invisible and colorless, and flew towards the distance.

Seeing this, Ling Xian also showed up and followed.

After a short time, the popular landed in front of a hanging Qianzhang waterfall, and then waved the big sleeves, the waterfall followed.

Immediately afterwards, a cave emerged in front of them.

"This is the entrance to the ruins?" Ling Xian asked.

"Yes, the defensive formation is engraved in it. According to my analysis, if you break the formation, you can enter the ruins."

"And it's not difficult to break the battlefield with my accomplishments."

Feng Xing smiled proudly and recovered a little confidence.

"Okay, take away the treasures as soon as possible, so as to avoid night long dreams." Ling Xian nodded and flashed into the cave.

After that, I saw three maps.

These three maps are intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Only when they are broken together can we break this array.

"It's ok."

Ling Xian gave a very fair evaluation, and then took a two-step step back to signal the popularity.

Since Feng Xing has the confidence to break the battle, he doesn't need to show the limelight.

"Look at me, I'm the master of the path, it's easy to break through this path." A popular smile, raised his hands to the sky and fell onto the three maps.

After a while, the three maps shattered, making the popularity even more proud.

But the next moment, the pride was stiffened on the face.

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