"From the moment you are the tenth legendary mercenary in Xuanwu continent!"

The man's expression was sober, his words were even more powerful.

This left everyone in awe, and afterwards, they were shocked.

You know, there are only nine legendary mercenaries in the Xuanwu continent, which is not enough to describe. At the moment, Ling Xian has become the tenth legendary mercenary. How can everyone not be shocked?

Ling Xian was also a bit surprised, saying: "This is not right, I only completed one task."

"You did just complete a task, but what you did was a legendary task and a legend."

"According to the regulations of the mercenary union, anyone who completes a legendary task will be upgraded to a legendary mercenary."

"And your strength can afford this reputation."

The man smiled, with respect and emotion.

He is still a veteran in the mercenary union, but he has never seen it. Someone can be promoted to a legendary mercenary with a task, or he has never heard of it.

This fact is too shocking. Even the other nine legendary mercenaries have risen a little bit. What is it like Lingxian, who just did one task and got this great honor!

"It's incredible, it's nothing like Kulai!"

"If you don't say anything, at least it's unprecedented. It's abnormal."

"Compared to him, I have no room for complacency."

While everyone expressed shock, it was inevitable to show a little jealousy.

Legendary mercenaries, this is not only the honor of Tianda, but also the top position of the Xuanwu continent. How can they not be jealous?

Unfortunately, no one is jealous.

Ling Xian was able to win this honor because of her own strength, of course, there is also a trace of luck. But without strength, you can't seize the opportunity.

"That's the case, then I'm disrespectful." Ling Xian smiled lightly, without refusing, she couldn't refuse.

Whether he admits it or not, he is the tenth legendary mercenary. Since then, he has become the target of all mercenaries.

"Haha, congratulations, Daoyou!" The man laughed heartily.

The crowd followed the congratulations, more than half of them were hypocritical, and some were sincere.

Because they witnessed the completion of the task of the magic prescription, and the birth of a legendary mercenary.

This makes them feel honored and naturally congratulate them sincerely.

"You're welcome." Ling Xian waved his hand, not paying attention to his imagination, and rewarded for the task he cared about.

Right now, he chuckled: "Please ask the chairman to send a message to the person who posted the task."

"I have sent a message, and he also said that he will arrive in three days."

The man's mouth smiled and said, "During this time, I invite Dao friends to live here."

"Okay, the trouble will grow." Ling Xian groaned.

"Please." The man stretched his right hand and walked towards the back door of the hall.

Seeing this, Ling Xian stepped up to keep up.

Soon, the two disappeared into the sight of everyone.

This makes the woman feel lost but helpless.

She didn't think about seizing the opportunity, but when the man announced that Ling Xian became the tenth legendary mercenary, she dismissed the idea.

The gap is too big to be unrealistic.

Therefore, the woman gave up, and she chose to bury Ling Xian deeply in her heart, occasionally remembering and smiling warmly.


The morning sun rose, and the land shined.

In the mercenary union guest room, Lingxian devoured the world's aura, nourished her body, and strengthened it.

However, he practiced for three full days without any improvement.

This is normal. In his realm, after three years of hard work, it is not bad to be able to improve a little. For three days, how could it be better?

"Fortunately, the Tengxian Weixia sent a bunch of the origin of the world. Otherwise, I don't know how many years I have to cultivate to break through to the late stage of the seventh realm."

Ling Xian was sighed, but she did not plan to take World Origin immediately.

This thing is too overbearing, even if it is only one ten thousandth, it cannot be refined. If it is forcibly swallowed, it will only end up in a dead body.

Therefore, he must first improve the physical power before he can refine the origin of the world.

As for physical power, Lingxian also has a method of ascension, that is, the immortal from the underground palace.

But he was a little bit reluctant.

Immortal effect is great, it is best used at critical moments, such as breaking through to the eighth level. That way, the effect of this Dan will be maximized, and even an immortal air may be born.

If you take it at this moment, it is undoubtedly a violent thing.

"Keep it first, it's really impossible, swallowing immortal Dan." Ling Xian groaned and decided to find another way.

After that, he no longer thought about the matter, but the person who issued the magic prescription task.

It's been five days, and this person hasn't moved at all. If it wasn't for the man's vows, he would think he was being tricked.

"Not punctual and not trustworthy." Ling Xian frowned, somewhat unhappy.

As he talked to himself, his expression suddenly changed.

Because of this, he noticed a powerful force approaching at a rapid speed.

"Are you here ... not weak?"

Ling Xian murmured to herself, waving the door of the room to open, waiting for this person.

After a few breaths, a fat boy appeared at the door.

He looked like he was only seven or eight years old, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes, with an ancient atmosphere.

"Know the number of courtesies and know to open the door to meet."

The boy's eyes were deep and he stood with his hands on his shoulders, but he had a certain degree of mastery. But he looks so chubby and looks so funny.

"It said that it would be within three days, but today is the fifth day."

Ling Xian said faintly, sitting in a chair without ever getting up.

"It's only two days late, it's nothing." The boy looked indifferent, and said, "Listening to your tone, it seems to be very dissatisfied with me."

"Indeed, my plan is not trustworthy." Ling Xian admitted frankly, not afraid to offend this person.

Although he holds the prescription, he is the monk of Ming Dao.

"Interesting, don't you want to save your life?" The boy frowned.

"I think you don't want seven magic pills."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "We are equal relationships, and we each hold our own in a transactional way, so don't try to overpower me."

"The transaction is also active and passive, I think, I occupy the active side." The boy glanced at Ling Xian lightly.

"Wrong, it's my initiative."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "You have waited for five hundred years, and you can't wait to come."

"Yes, but I think you should be more anxious than me."

The boy was brilliant and chuckled, "After all, you're dead."

Hearing that Ling Xian was not surprised.

This man is not bad, and obviously understands the medical path. It is reasonable to see the curse of Tianyuan in his body.

"You're right, I'm dead on the line, but why don't you?"

"I don't know what you did, but I can see that you have no vitality and urgently need seven magic drugs."

"So, your urgency is no less than mine."

"Even so, why bother giving me power? Isn't it a good deal to be kind?"

Ling Xian smiled at the corners of her mouth, and the boy was gloomy.

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