Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1724: Qin Bing

In the air, seven rays of light gallop around the mountain, and you chase after me and give up.

Obviously, it is racing.

This caused Ling Xian to be interested. He opened his eyes and found that there were seven strangely shaped flying tools, similar to the gods boat of Yongxian. But it's smaller and faster.

"Similar to the Golden Warframe ..."

Ling Xian narrowed her eyes and became more interested.

Although until now, he did not understand the principle and structure of these incredible things, but he was sure that if he understood them by himself, it would be a huge opportunity.

Not to mention, just talking about the golden battle armor, if it can achieve mass production, it will be a great thing for Yongxian and the entire universe.

Especially under the circumstance of the demon tigers outside the territory, even if the golden battle armor is not a decisive existence, it is also a key treasure.

Therefore, Lingxian changed his goal, from getting a gold armor, to learning to make a gold armor.

Only in this way can he truly master the golden battle armor, thereby improving the overall combat power of Yongxianxing.

"You dare cheat!"

A cold drink sounded, the leading spacecraft was teetering, and the woman above was also unstable.

"Hey, a hundred million bonus, who doesn't care?"

The second-ranked man sneered, mysterious power flowing out of his hands, making the woman's spaceship shake more severely, and even cracks had appeared.

This changed the pretty face of the woman. Yushou stroked, trying to stabilize the spacecraft. Unfortunately, her spacecraft has been passive, and with her ability, she cannot stabilize it at all.

"Don't struggle, first, I want to make a decision." The man was proud and a little bit fiery.

Not only because of the bonus, but also because of the woman ahead.

No matter from which point of view, this woman is impeccable, with a hot body, exquisite facial features, and even better temperament.

Therefore, the man moved his evil thoughts and said, "I have heard of the great beauty of the Qin family for a long time, and today it really deserves its name. If you are willing to stay with me overnight, I can't destroy your spaceship."

"If I refuse?" The woman's eyes were cold.

"Then I can only say sorry." The man teased and said, "Your ship will be completely destroyed, and you will have no bones."

"I am so big, and no one has ever dared to threaten me." The woman's face was frosty, jade hands waved, and cold air poured out, temporarily freezing the spacecraft.

Although this way, she will miss the champion, but at least, she can save her life.

"A little skill, unfortunately, I can't keep you alive!" The man showed his intentions, steered the spaceship under his feet, and slammed hard at the woman.


The ice shattered, the woman's face turned pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corners of her mouth.

She didn't think of running away, but her spaceship had been imprisoned and she couldn't leave.

"It's a pity that there is a stunning beauty." The man looked regretful, then turned cold.

The next moment, he slammed forward fiercely, and immediately smashed the woman's spaceship into pieces, almost disintegrating.

The woman was also coughed up, and her internal organs were severely damaged.

She stared coldly at the man and said, "You didn't do it for a 100 million bonus, who did you send?"

"Ms. Qin is really smart, but unfortunately, I can't tell you." The man laughed and said, "After you die, ask Lord Yan."

The words fell, and he bumped forward again. If he hit, there would be only one result of the ship's destruction.

As a result, the woman changed color and could not help showing a bit of despair.

And just as she was desperate, she suddenly saw a figure in white clothes, standing in front of herself.

After that, the man waved a hand lightly, looking soft and slow, without half force.

The result, however, was to shatter the oncoming spaceship.

The man on board was also shocked with blood and his face was filled with horror.

Women also felt incredible.

You know, any spaceship is made of precious materials, even if it is silver armor, it may not be able to destroy it.

However, this man shattered the spacecraft with his bare hands, which was a subversion of the two's perception and made them feel incredible.

"So terrible flesh ..."

The man took a sigh of cold air, and calmly pretended to calm down: "Respecting driving, this is something between me and her, and please don't interfere."

"But I've already shot it and can't stay out of it."

Ling Xian glanced at the man lightly. The reason why he took the shot was not because of the beauty of the girl, but because of her identity as Miss Qin.

Although he did not know what level of family the Qin family was, and he did not know how high the woman was in the family, but how could she have a little energy, which would provide him with a lot of convenience.

After all, Lingxian is not a Cang Yunxing person and desperately needs an identity camouflage.

Otherwise, he doesn't say it is to complete the goal, whether he can leave alive is unknown.

"Listening to Zunjia means to control it to the end ..." The man's expression went down.

"It's not necessarily the end, but at this moment, you can't kill her."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Leave it, don't force me to do it."

It was said that men were unwilling to show their eyes, but more were helpless.

With one palm breaking the spaceship, can such a strong one be able to compete?

Right now, he hurried away for fear of Lingxian's remorse.

Seeing the man leaving, the woman was relieved, and then came forward and said, "My name is Qin Bing, thank you for your help and rescue."

"You don't have to thank me. I have a shot, and I have a purpose." Ling Xian waved.

"Zun Jia wants me to help you do what?" Qin Bingxiu frowned, watching Ling Xian in white fluttering, faintly guessing.


Ling Xian looked calm and said, "I want an identity that matches Cang Yunxing."


Qin Bingxiu opened his eyes and said, "It's not difficult. You can rest assured."

"Very good." Ling Xian nodded slightly, raised her hand to gather a French seal, and nodded in Qin Bing's heart.

After that, Fayin burned to her heart, forming a restraint.

"Respecting you ..." Qin Bingqiao's face changed greatly. She didn't know what the French seal was, but she was sure that her life had been decided by the people in front of her.

"A little trick to prevent you from betraying me."

"Want to come, you also guessed my identity. If you say it out, I will be troublesome."

"So, you'd better be a little better, otherwise, I only need to move my heart and you will die."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "If you cooperate with me, you will be free if I leave Cangyu Xing."

Hearing that Qin Bingmu showed resentment and was bitter.

Even if there is no prohibition, Ling Xian's strength to break up the spacecraft with one palm, she has no room for resistance.

"Rest assured, I won't force you to do anything, you just need to get me a secure identity."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, and suddenly remembered something, saying, "Yes, you still have to help me integrate into this world."

"I see, you go home with me first."

Qin Bing sighed slightly, started the nearly collapsed spacecraft, and fluttered towards the east.

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