Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1740: Great deal

"Core energy is indeed the most important component of Warframe."

"But the armor and the manipulator are not to be taken lightly."

"These three together can make the real Warframe, the most powerful Warframe."

Ling Xian looked at Bai Su seriously, and said, "I mean, do you understand?"

"You want to say that since the core energy path is not accessible, start with the armor and the controller." Bai Su groaned.

"Smart." Ling Xian smiled lightly, and said, "My idea is to make the three of them into one, to achieve the purpose of letting the Battlegear spur magic power."

"You're right, I really ignored the armor and the manipulator."

Bai Su sighed softly, and said, "Just, what do you say about the three?"

"If you want the Warframe to activate magical powers, you must first engrave them."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Although the singular spar cannot be engraved, the armor itself is a tangible thing and can be a carrier."

"The idea is correct, but the Warframe does not have any energy. Even if it is inscribed, it cannot be excited." Bai Su shook her head.

"You forgot the core energy and you forgot the manipulator."

"Suppose, I engraved a spell on the chest of the armor, and as long as the core energy comes to the chest, it will naturally inspire magic."

"At this step, the operator can do it."

Ling Xian smiled and thought that this method was very feasible.

Because in theory, this works perfectly without any hindrance.

Bai Su thinks the same.

Therefore, her beautiful eyes lit up and she said, "You're right, why didn't I think of it?"

"You care too much about core energy."

Ling Xian chuckled and said, "It's important to know that the armor and the manipulator are also components that cannot be ignored."

"Indeed, the Trinity is the real Warframe."

Bai Suming realized, saying: "Just like a person, the armor is a method of energy, energy is mana, and the manipulator is the soul. Only when the three are united can the law of the channel of God be cast.

"My thinking comes from this." Ling Xian nodded slightly.

"Choosing you as my assistant, sure enough."

Bai Su took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "If it's not you, I'm afraid I'm stuck in a misunderstanding and wasting time."

"It's been a prize. Although my thinking is correct, it is not so easy to implement."

"First of all, you have to engrave the magical powers. Too low-level nature is impossible. Great magical powers are not so well etched."

"Second, we must ensure that the operator can control the core energy, otherwise everything is useless."

Ling Xian frowned slightly. As far as he knew, the manipulator could not completely control the armor, especially the core energy.

At most, it is to do some simple operations.

This is why the operator is not valued.

"Controlling core energy is not a problem. Just modify the structure of the Warframe to achieve the goal."

"It's just that it's hard to imprint great magical powers."

"First, great magical power is rare and incomplete, and secondly, few people can engraved great magical power on the armor."

Bai Su raised her eyebrows and sighed, "Cang Yunxing attaches importance to science and technology, not only because the technology is powerful, but also because the aura is thin and the inheritance is incomplete."

"I can help." Ling Xian smiled.

He is a master of Daoism, and it is natural to inscribe magical powers. As for great magical powers, he also has a lot, as long as he can get enough benefits, it is not a big deal to give to Cang Yunxing.

"Do you have a complete magical power?" Bai Su's spirit refreshed.

"Natural." Ling Xian chuckled, and said in her heart what great magical power is. I have several kinds of great magical power.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, and I'll be in charge of modifying the armor." Bai Sumulu was enthusiastic, ready to join the work.

However, it was stopped by Ling Xian.

He smiled lightly: "How precious is the great magical power, and Academician Bai must know very well that you can never let me contribute for nothing."

Hearing that Bai Su was silent.

Great magical powers exist in an invaluable way, and they are not secrets. Let Lingxian contribute in vain is indeed a bit excessive.

Now, she said seriously, "What do you want?"

"Ten gold spar, ten supernatural powers." Ling Xian Shen said.

"No!" Bai Su refused without thinking.

"Then I can only say sorry." Ling Xian smiled slightly, without panic.

He was certain that Bai Su would agree, but it was just a question of how much.

After all, the armor is too important for Cangxing, a thin aura, and Bai Su can never give up.

Sure enough, when he refused, Bai Su's attitude suddenly softened and said: "There are too many ten. You must know that there are only 120 gold armors in the entire Cangyu star."

"One hundred and twenty?" Ling Xian frowned, not feeling less, but feeling more.

The golden battle armor is equivalent to being the eighth state powerhouse, that is, there are more than one hundred eighth state powerhouses in Cangyu Star, which is ten times that of the Xuanwu continent!

Although it does not surpass the top combat power of the eighth realm, but on the backbone, I am afraid that it can be called the best in the universe, and no planet can match it!

"Gold spar is too rare. As far as I know, there are up to four more at the Federal Institute."

Bai Su said, "Even if you add nine family members, it will not exceed thirty, so the conditions you opened, Cangyuxing simply cannot accept."

"So, how about three magical powers?" Ling Xian took a step back.

He could not retreat, Cang Pingxing couldn't afford his conditions. If he did not retreat, he would only be able to take two shots.

"You're robbing while you're on fire!" Bai Su glanced at him and said, "At most one, no more."

"One is fine, but it must be a magical one." Ling Xian groaned.

Magic power can be roughly divided into four categories, attack, defense, speed, and assistance.

These four types of supernatural powers are all involved in Lingxian, that is, he can get four gold-level crystals.

"Well, I can promise you, but the premise is that you engraved the complete magical power on the armor." Bai Su said in a deep voice.

"No problem, you can modify the armor, after that, I will inscribe magical powers." Ling Xian smiled with joy, smiling with joy.

To him, great magical powers are like junk on the floor, nothing at all. The gold-level spar, however, means the eighth powerhouse. This sale is really a bargain.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Bai Su nodded and took it seriously.

Afterwards, she walked to the corner of the golden battle armor and began to modify it.

This matter was not difficult for Bai Su, so she completed the transformation in only half a day.

I saw four more human-like meridians in the transformed armor, two arms and two legs, respectively.

In addition, there are four more buttons, which clearly control a meridian. Which one is pressed, which meridian flows into it.

"It is indeed the youngest academician of the Academy, and it is really amazing." Ling Xian praised.

This may not seem difficult, but in fact, it requires a great understanding of the Warframe, and it is by no means extraordinary.

"Save meaningless touting."

Bai Su's face was expressionless, but deep in her eyes, she was expecting: "Next, it's your turn."

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