The general outline of the tomb robbing is a lifelong study of ghost seekers, and it is definitely the highest book.

It contains feng shui, grave robbing, gambling and other skills, which can be described as all-encompassing and profound.

Therefore, Lingxian is trapped in it, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

It's so subtle, every skill is like a sea of ​​depths, reaching the peak, making him deeply obsessed with it.

As time passed, he became more and more impressed by the richness of the Scriptures, and he was more and more amazed by the ghost hunters.

The tomb robbery outline contains too many skills, and it is quite incredible to have a peak. However, the ghost seeker reached its peak, which proves how extraordinary he is.

Even through the ages, it is definitely one of the most amazing people!

Therefore, Lingxian sincerely admired and carefully practiced the general outline of grave robberies.

If it had to be divided into several parts, it could be divided into four articles.

Grave Robbery, Feng Shui, Face to Face, and Final Kistler.

Relatively speaking, Kistler articles are the simplest and the most interesting part of Lingxian.

The temptation of Kistler is too great. Even the treasures of the sky may be hidden, naturally he is very interested.

It is foreseeable that after he has integrated the Kistler articles, most of the Kistlers can't hide his eyes.

At that time, as long as he thinks, the treasures will be endless!

Therefore, Ling Xian was immersed in heart and mind, and was the first to learn about Qi Shi.

Time passes, bit by bit.

Three months later, Ling Xian opened her eyes, shining with joy.

Just because he has mastered the Kistler articles, of course, it is not a thorough understanding, it can only be regarded as a court entry.

However, this is also worth rejoicing.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Lingxian can already be regarded as a master of the strange stone world, and a veritable master!

It took him only three months to reach this step. If it was passed out, I don't know how many people would hide.

"The inheritance of ghost-seekers is truly amazing."

Thinking of the several mysteries recorded in Kistler, Lingxian's mouth raised, his joy overflowed in words.

Afterwards, he got up and planned to go forward to the cabin hall.

Together with Kistler, he has already entered the room, in other words, he has mastered theoretical knowledge. Next, it's time to practice.

"Hopefully, meet some gems ..."

Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed a little expectation, then left the room, the front hall.

A moment later, he appeared in the lively hall, and immediately caught everyone's attention.

"It's Ling Ling!"

"He hasn't appeared in three months. He should be here to gamble on stones today."

"I don't know if he can continue his glory when confronting Wen Longyuan this time!"

Everyone set their eyes on Ling Xian, with jealousy and respect.

For these people, Ling Xian has become an indelible mark, even thousands of years later, it is hard to forget.

No way, his actions are too amazing. From a peculiar stone that everyone thinks is a waste stone, the treasure of the mark of the sky is opened. Such a feat, can it not impress everyone?

Therefore, when Ling Xian appeared, these people set their sights on him.

In this regard, Ling Xian directly ignored.

He walked straight to the first stall in the Strange Stone Zone, and looked it up carefully.

This made the stall owner happy, but also a bit worried.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for customers to come, but if the customer opens a treasure that is much larger than the purchase price, the stall owner will undoubtedly regret it.

And Ling Xian, just happens to have the ability to make the stall owner regret it.

Therefore, the stall owner had a complex look and mixed feelings.

"This wonderful stone is good, that's it."

Ling Xian carefully observed for a long time, and finally chose a palm-sized golden strange stone.

This surprised the stall owner. It wasn't that this stone was bad, but that he hadn't seen Ling Xian use his touch test.

At the moment, he hesitated: "Doesn't the son need to use mystery?"

"No need." Ling Xian smiled slightly. The reason why he didn't use the touch test was because he had mastered the experience of seeking ghosts.

He believes that the experience of Supreme Immortal will never let himself down.

"Well, Twelve Thousand Spirit Stones, it's your son." The stall owner said.

Hearing that Ling Xian ordered 120,000 spirit stones and completed the transaction.

This made everyone look forward to the hope, and wanted to see if he did not use mystery, can he continue to glory or be cast in the shadow.

"It is recorded in Kistler that there is a kind of Kistler called Seven Stars."

"This kind of strange stone has seven small points on the surface. As long as they are connected in a line, there must be treasures hidden."

"In most cases, the treasures are magic drugs, of course, there are exceptions."

Looking at the seven small dots in a row of golden strange stones, Ling Xian smiled secretly, and the staring eyes flashed with anticipation.

Then, with his right hand, he shook the shell of Kistler.

Suddenly, dazzling golden light appeared, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.

At the same time, the rich aroma diffused, making everyone feel refreshed and intoxicated.

"So strong light, so strong fragrance, it must not be anything!"

"If I read correctly, it should be the legendary evergreen fruit!"

"What ?! It is an evergreen fruit that can extend life for thousands of years. This is an extremely rare elixir!"

The crowd was exclaimed, and when they were shocked, their hearts were fiery.

Evergreen fruit is a rare elixir that can increase the thousand years of life and is of great value. Especially for those who are close to Shouyuan, they are willing to exchange everything!

After all, it is the thousand years of Shouyuan, and even if you look at all the gods that can increase Shouyuan, you can be considered a leader.

"Good starter."

Looking at the Evergreen Fruit in his hand, Lingxian's mouth was raised, revealing a smile of joy.

Not only because of the astonishing value of evergreen fruit, but also because of his determination that the experience of ghost seekers is extremely extraordinary.

This means that even if he does not use secret techniques such as the touch hand, he can still get water like a fish!

"It's a powerful kistler. He didn't use that magical technique this time!"

"Only by experience, we can conclude that this stone is extraordinary, which is too abnormal."

"I understand what an expert is. Compared with him, I just live on a dog."

Everyone spoke, in addition to shock, admiration.

Today's Kistler World is basically based on mystery, and few people can judge by experience. After all, Kistler is mysterious and unpredictable. Mystery may not be accurate, let alone experience.

Those who can judge by experience, without exception, are real masters!

Therefore, everyone was shocked and finally determined that Ling Xian really has the ability!

"Linggong, can you sell this evergreen fruit to me?" An old man said, hard to look forward to.

"It depends on whether the price you offer can move me."

Ling Xian smiled lightly. If Tianyuan's curse had not been resolved, he would not be able to sell the evergreen fruit anyway. But nowadays, the curse of Tianyuan has been resolved, and adding Shouyuan's things to him is undoubtedly a chicken rib. Rather than keep it, change something useful to yourself.

"I have 50 million spirit stones. What's your intention?" The old man looked forward with hope.

"Too little."

Ling Xian shook her head gently and said, "Moreover, I don't accept spirit stones, I only accept things as things."

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