Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1778: Open world

In mid-air, the turbid air is entangled, reenacting the heavens and the earth, and reproducing the famine!

It seems that the whole world is chaotic, and everyone changes its color.

One is to feel the power of this method, and the other is to recognize it.

"This is ... the ancient method of legend!"

"Acting in the sky map, the master of the city actually inherited this method!"

"Don't you say that this method has been lost? My gosh, it's too powerful, and it's just the momentum that makes me scared."

"This man is dead. As soon as the sky map is released, he is destined to be assimilated by chaos and turned into nothingness!"

Everyone exclaimed, in addition to being shocked, they were determined.

To be certain that Lingxian will die.

The sky map is the legendary supreme Dafa, especially the reenactment of the sky and the earth is even more powerful!

As long as you can't open the world, it is destined to become nothing, and the real spirits will be destroyed!

"Strong trick ..."

Ling Xian's expression calmed down, and even he felt the pressure.

"Haha, as soon as the picture of Yantian appears, who is fighting?"

The Lord of the Town Magic City laughed wildly, and resumed the extraordinary life on weekdays.

The three masters of five surnames also laughed, smiling very easily.

"It's won, let your magical powers come to the world, and don't even think about breaking up the sky map!"

"In the first battle, you can't be the opponent of the city owner!"

"Haha, regret it. Committing to World War I is the biggest mistake of your life!"

The three masters of five surnames smiled brightly, and the haze swept away.

"Really ..." Lingxian looked indifferent, despite the pressure, but no fear at all.

It's nothing more than re-enacting the heavens and the earth.

"They're right, you are not my opponent in the first battle." The main town of the town's magic city is as high as a god, overlooking the Badan.

"The same level of war, suppress you." Ling Xianmou cold electricity.

"Haha, your end is destined to be suppressed by me!"

The Lord of the Town Magic City laughed wildly in the sky, and the turbidity fell down into heaven and earth, covering Lingxian.

Suddenly, extreme horrible gravity emerged, more than a hundred times stronger than the natural pressure of the universe!

Therefore, even Ling Ling could not help coughing up blood.

It is too strong. In addition to the extreme horrible gravity, there is a force that is unclear and unclear. It is like returning to a chaotic period where the world is not divided. Everything will be refined!

However, Ling Xian is still fearless.

His eyes flickered with cold electricity, and his black hair danced wildly.

If he was before, like a dusty sword, then at this moment, he is a peerless fairy sword that faded from the ordinary and broke the seal!

Those lights, as dazzling as the eternal sun, were completely illuminated even by the vast chaos!

"No matter how strong the chaos is, it will eventually be blown away. Today, I follow the example of Pan Zun and open up the world!"

With a loud shout, Jiuzhong Tianyu was shaken, Lingxian completely ran away, and all he learned in his life, hit all at this instant.


The imperial fist danced wildly, and the roaring sky shattered, showing a shadow of immortality, standing proud and invincible!


God means shining the world, cutting heaven and earth, breaking ancient and modern times, and the peerless divine power shakes Xinghe!


The fairy shadow condenses, as if walking out of a long river of time, starting with a mighty hand and falling into the sky!

At the same time, Qi Tianqi became manifest, falling on the hands of three Lingxian, and launched a stormy attack on the vast chaos!

Boom boom!

Facing the weird and powerful chaos, Ling Xian has no other way but to regret it positively and break it with force!

He was completely mad, doing all he could to learn, trembling in the sky and shaking.

This left everyone in a stagnation, looking at the lingering Lingxian, only to feel that his liver and gallbladder were cracked and his heart was shaking.

It's too fierce, it's just a humanoid beast.

Under Lingxian's crazy offensive, a crack appeared suddenly in the vast chaos, as if the endless black curtain was torn open, showing a little light.

The next moment is the infinite light, such as the rising sun, completely crushing the darkness!

This means that Lingxian broke through the chaos, or in other words, opened up a world!

Although it is not truly groundbreaking, it is still a shocking feat to be able to blast the sky map with the same power!

Therefore, everyone looked dull and their eyes were about to stare out.

It is so incredible that it broke the legendary Supreme God, which is simply against the sky!

"Cheat, how could he be so strong, how could he be so strong!"

"It's unbelievable that even the sky map can't be blocked. This is too abnormal."

"Monster, I really doubt if his body is a real dragon!"

Looking at Lingxian who was born like the king of immortals, everyone was horrified, especially the nine giants, even more terrified.

At this moment, their sarcasm disappeared, their ease disappeared, and some were just despair.

There is no way to despair. Acting on the map is the strongest means of the town's magic city master. Blasting the Lingxian of this method is equivalent to defeating the town's magic city master!

"I said, you are not my opponent in the first battle!"

Ling Xian stands proudly in the air, like the immortal immortal, if the gods of the world, glorious ancient and modern world.

Especially in the case of his smashing sky map, in the eyes of everyone, he is even more brilliant and brilliant!

"Fail to accept."

Ling Xianmu's eyes fell into cold electricity, and the two avatars belonged to the body.

Then, he pointed out, such as Qingtian Shenyue, blasted out the town magic city master.


The town's magic city lord sprayed blood, his eyes dim.

The same is true of the three masters of five surnames.

At this moment, they finally realized how strong Ling Xian was, and how ridiculous they were.

"I lost…"

The Lord of the Town Devil smirked, arrogantly shattered, and replaced with bitterness and despair.

He proposed a fair fight with Lingxian, because he didn't want to die, and because he was unwilling.

Right now, he was reconciled, and finally realized that even if he was at the same level, he was not Ling Xian's opponent!

"I always thought that this man had no armor and nothing, and now it seems that my idea is ridiculous."

"Yeah, he is a real strong man, even without that armor, he is still strong!"

"Even the Lord of the City was defeated. In the first battle, who else is his opponent?"

Everyone was sighing. Looking at Ling Xian's eyes was like looking at a true god, with respect and fear.

"Admit defeat. Let yourself decide."

Ling Xian looked indifferent and fell in front of the town's magic city master.

The golden battle armor is still suspended in mid-air.

"Self-discipline ..." The master of the town's magic city showed fear, as did the masters of the three sutras.

But more, it is powerless.

Ling Xian is too powerful, even if they don't want to die anymore, they are not qualified to break the contract!

"Today's battle, our faces have been lost. Even if we are alive, we are still stealthily."

The Lord of the Town Magic City smirked, and turned his eyes to the Lord of the Three Sects and Five Surnames, saying, "Dear everyone, let me take a step."

After speaking, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and he wanted to break his heart.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The old man in black appeared lightningly in front of the town demon master, imprisoned him with one hand, and patted him with one hand.

The monstrous mighty majesty is coming, if this palm is hit, Ling Ling is not put on the state of the golden battle armor, it will undoubtedly die!

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