Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1878: Make a cut

I heard the mushroom say, the guardian coughed twice, a little awkward.

He really did not want Ling Xian to pass the assessment. After all, the rules of the Poseidon were there, and he had to let Ling Xian retreat.

"Anyway, if you want to, you have to pay."

Ling Xian smiled and waved his hands, but his physical body has always been the ultimate in the same realm. It is easy to lift the falling star stone.

Therefore, in his eyes, this is not even an assessment at all, but rather a cut-off, and rushed for him to be baptized.


The mushroom frowned, before being finished, it was interrupted by Lingxian.

"Don't you believe in my strength?"

Ling Xian's mouth smiled, and the clouds were light and light.

"Of course I believe, but he is obviously making things difficult." The mushroom was displeased.

"Anyway, this way, he will willingly let me be baptized." Ling Xian smiled lightly.


The old man took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "If you can lift this star-falling stone, I will be willing to let you be baptized."

"it is good."

Ling Xian chuckled and walked towards the special star falling stone.

The cloudiness and breeze made the old man frown, and said, "I want to see if you are pretentious, or you really have the ability."

"Of course the latter."

Ling Xian chuckled, but he once raised a special star falling stone, which was difficult in the eyes of others, and it was nothing in his eyes.

"Hum, speak with the facts." The old man hummed coldly, not thinking Lingxian could do it.

Mushrooms are also a bit worried.

Although she knows that Lingxian is excellent and powerful, but after all, it is a special star falling stone, and only the physical extreme person can shake it.

Even in ancient times, there are very few physical extremes, let alone now.

"I'll let you see the facts." Ling Xian smiled, no longer paying attention to the old man.

His right hand was gently placed on top of a half-human-tall special star stone, exactly as it was on a bump.

After that, he went all out to raise the mushroom and the old man's astonished gaze and lifted it up!

Attention, it is mentioned, not raised!

Compared to lifting, lifting is undoubtedly more strenuous, but Ling Xian lifts the weight lightly, not to mention struggling, not even breathing.

This stunned the mushroom and the old man, and his jaw was about to hit the ground.

Lifting a special falling star stone is quite an incredible thing, but Ling Xian uses the way of mentioning, and his face is not red and gasp, which is simply against the sky!

Therefore, the two set off a huge wave in their hearts, staring blankly at Lingxian, who couldn't speak a word.

"I'm passing the assessment."

Ling Xian laughed softly, calmly and lightly.

As if, instead of the legendary special star stone in his hand, he had a breeze.

I go to your uncle!

Do you want to be so perverted?

The old man's eyes were about to stare out, staring blankly at Ling Xian, not sure what to say.

The same goes for mushrooms.

She knows that Lingxian is strong, but she never dreamed that she was so perverted!

That's a special star falling stone. It's hard to lift, how can it be lifted? How could you not flush your face and breathe?

If this is passed on, the entire Big Dipper will shake!

"Pass or fail, you have something to say." Ling Xian said lightly, and let go of her hand.


Falling star stones are like falling stars, cracking the earth and shaking.

The old man came back to God, and could not help but smile.

The fact was right in front of him. Ling Xian passed the assessment perfectly by the way he mentioned, and gave him a loud slap.

"you win."

The old man exhaled a long suffocation, as if he wanted to spit out the shock in his chest.

Unfortunately, he can't forget it anyway.

Ling Xian's anti-heavy move is destined to be imprinted in his heart, and it will be difficult for the eternal world to wear away.

"You already knew that you could lift a special star falling stone?" The old man took a deep look at Ling Xian, thinking of his lightness and calmness, calm and comfortable.

"I once raised it." Ling Xian raised his mouth and said something that made the old man almost vomit blood.

"So, testing me with a special star-falling stone is like walking through the field and keeping me through."

Hearing this, the old man was stunned, and then shook with anger, almost spurting old blood.

It is too ironic. He thought it was a difficult test, but in Ling Xian's eyes, he made a comedy. This is simply a big irony!


The old man was angry, but he could not initiate it.

He put forward the test of Lingxian with a falling star. Who can blame?

"Okay you Lingxian, let me worry for nothing." Mushroom smiled like a flower, relaxed.

At the same time, he was also impressed.

For the special falling star stone, she couldn't even lift it, let alone by mentioning it. And Lingxian not only raised it, but also relaxed and disgusting, how could she not let her admire it?

"Well, I'm stupid enough."

The old man sighed long and felt like a joke.

As Ling Xian said, this is indeed not an assessment, but a cut scene to ensure that he passes.

"The first test, you passed."

The old man turned serious, saying, "But there is a second one."

"Come on." Ling Xian smiled.

"Your strength, I've seen it, not to mention this era of physical decline, even in ancient times, you are also a leader."

"However, it doesn't work well, it also requires control."

"Second level, the test is your control."

The old man waved his sleeves, and a piece of palm-sized white paper emerged.

This is not a magic weapon, nor is it a fetish, but a piece of white paper used by mortals. It has almost no weight, and when the wind blows, it flies through the sky.

"What does the guardian mean?" Ling Xian frowned, faintly feeling bad.

"One punch broke it."

The old man's expression was sober, Shen said: "Be careful, only use your fist, and only use your physical power."

Hearing that Ling Xian first stunned, then laughed.

He never dreamed that the second test was also what he was good at.

"You are making things difficult!"

The mushroom is in a hurry. If it is a finger or mana, he can easily smash the blank paper. But with the power of the flesh, with your fists, you can't do it.

You know, the white paper is dancing in the wind. Without a force, the fist cannot break it!

Therefore, the mushroom glared at the old man and said, "How can it be possible to smash white paper with a fist?"

"How impossible?"

The old man asked rhetorically, "When the control reaches a certain level, it can be done even with fists."

I heard that the mushroom was short of breath and wanted to refute.

However, it was stopped by Ling Xian.

He smiled slightly and said, "The Guardian is right, it can be done."

"But it's too difficult. How can it be done?"

The mushroom turned to the old man and exclaimed, "You just want to let Lingxian pass!"

"I don't deny this."

The old man said lightly: "But the assessment was set by the original Poseidon, and I did not tamper with it."

On hearing that, the mushroom was silent, and I didn't know what to say.

"If you want to be baptized, you have to pass the second pass."

The old man looked at Ling Xian seriously, and Shen said, "If you don't know it, then you will stop thinking about it."

"It's so hard to come back once, how can you give up easily? You have to try it."

Ling Xian's mouth raised, gentle and brilliant.

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