Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2005: Strayed into the palace

In the sky, a round of eternal sun hangs, the golden light falls, and the earth shines.

This is the real sun, and it is by no means magic.

Therefore, Lingxian laughed, although he didn't know where he was teleported.

"It's finally safe."

Looking at that round of eternal sun, Ling Xian smiled at the corner, and for the first time felt that it was such a wonderful thing to see the sun.

After that, he smiled and looked around.

I saw here is a garden, full of flowers, fighting against each other.

This made Ling Xian smile a little bit bitterly, and did not expect the **** array to send himself to the back garden of someone else's house.

"Fortunately, it was not teleported to the lake where the woman was bathing, otherwise it was more difficult to explain."

Ling Xian secretly rejoices, appearing in other people's home, it is already difficult to explain, if you see a woman bathing again, it is really impossible to jump into the Yellow River.

"I don't know where Yeyi was teleported to ..."

Thinking of the fallen fairy's daughter, Ling Xian's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but soon she spread out.

Yeyi is not inferior to his peerless Tianjiao, even if he is unfamiliar in life, he will not be in trouble.

"Who are you?"

A icy utterance suddenly sounded, like the opening of a heavenly son, with great majesty.

Ling Xian looked around and saw Yimei ** people walking out of the garden, just like a ripe peach, with all kinds of styles and intriguing.

However, her temperament is not charming and charming, but like a queen, noble and cold.

This made Ling Xian look awkward and embarrassed.

Because of this, the female barefoot and bare arms, the three thousand green silk is still hanging with water drops, apparently just out of the bath.

"Under Lingxian, passing by here by accident, there is no offense."

Ling Xian smiled helplessly. He was still fortunate that he hadn't been teleported to the bathing place of the woman. Right now, I saw a woman who had just taken a bath.

"Passing by accident? Inadvertently offended?"

The woman was noble and cold, and said, "Are you stupid or treat me as a fool?"

"I ..." Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, speechless.

Who can pass by someone's back garden? This excuse is too clumsy.

"Also, I won't explain, but please believe that I really have no intention of offending."

Ling Xian sighed, knowing that no matter how she explained it, it was difficult to win the trust of others.

"Either carelessly or intentionally, those who break into the palace will be executed by Ling Chi."

The woman glanced at Ling Xian a little, though she had no phoenix to add her body, but she was dignified and self-explanatory.

"The palace ..."

Ling Xian froze and smiled bitterly: "It's not necessary. I just strayed into this place. Isn't it bad to haven't seen me?"

"Where is your palace?"

The woman's eyes became cold, and she said, "Come where you want to come, just leave if you want to go?"

"What do you say then?" Ling Xian sighed helplessly.

"The palace already said, Ling Chi was executed." The woman said indifferently.

"Sorry, I can't give you this life."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and turned away.

He did not make sense of this, but the woman was a bit too much, not to mention that he did not see the woman bathing, and even if she did, Ling Chi would not be executed.

"Can you go?"

The woman's eyes flickered with cold electricity, and the air of the imperial path poured out, turning the four-pronged golden dragon, and slaughtered forward.

"Good magical power, but unfortunately, you are too weak."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, neither dodging nor shooting.

The woman is only a monk in the sixth realm. Even if he stood still and let him fight for a day, he could not shake him a bit.

Therefore, just after encountering Ling Xian, Jin Long was dissipated by the force that he spontaneously poured out.

This makes the woman hold back, it is difficult to hide the shock.

She could see very clearly that the power of Jinlong was scattered, but it sprang up automatically, not Lingxian's shot.

But just the power that spontaneously shook Jinlong, and you can imagine how big the gap between her and Lingxian!

"Who the **** are you?" The woman raised her eyebrows, shocked, but not afraid.

"It doesn't matter who you are, it's important that you don't think about putting me to death."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Otherwise, the dead person is most likely you."

"Interesting, for a long time no one dared to speak to this palace." The woman's eyes were stunned, and Hanmang burst out.

"Similarly, no one dared to talk to me like this for a long time."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, too lazy to talk more with this girl.

"You can't walk."

The woman's face was cold and she said, "Where is the Royal Forest Army?"

The words fell, a footstep sounded, and then a group of soldiers in armor appeared at the back garden gate, in front of Ling Xian.

Headed by a man with fortitude and grandeur, he was a late monk in the seventh realm.

The guards behind him are all in the mid-sixth state.

"She doesn't have a brain. You better not listen to her."

Ling Xian smiled a little, and the woman was so trembling that she was so angry that she put the generals in a dull state.

That was the queen who ruled the harem, the mother of the world!

Who would dare to say that she didn't have a brain and ate the heart of a bear?

"What are you waiting for? Don't hurry to take me down!"

The woman's lungs exploded, and in her cognition, Ling Xian was peeking at the inferior embryo she was bathing in, and now she said she had no brain, which naturally made her angry.


The man's expression was clear, and his spear swept across the mountain.

Unfortunately, Lingxian is a **** mountain he can't shake.

With a simple wave, the man hit the guards like a kite with a broken line.

Suddenly, everyone was dizzy and horrified.

Women are no exception.

You know, men are not ordinary people, but the deputy commander of Yu Linjun, who is regarded as the most important figure.

However, Lingxian only suppressed the man with a wave, and such strength was really frightening.

"Speaking of her lack of mind, why don't you listen?"

Ling Xian smiled, and said, "Okay, let it go."

Hearing that the man looked bitter and had the intention to make way, but he did not dare.

"I'm not convinced when summoning to the Grand Commander. No one can suppress him!"

The woman's expression was cold, and she could not wait to unload Lingxian.

"When am I furnishing? Obediently stand still and make you call someone?"

Ling Xian laughed, appearing behind the woman like a ghost, with her long right hand, and then she put it on the woman's neck.

Suddenly, the woman's body stiffened, her anger was mixed, and she was upset.

The men and others were also frightened and shot with intention, but they did not dare to step forward.

"Don't move, I'm not a fragrant person, don't believe it, you can try."

Smelling the fragrance of the woman after bathing gently, Ling Xian smiled slightly, making the woman more and more embarrassed, her body shivering.

"After letting go of the mother!"

A young voice suddenly sounded, talking to a five- or six-year-old child.

He was dressed in a dragon robe, fair and fair. Although his face was a little scared, he was unswerving, trying hard to look at Ling Xian.


The pretty face of the woman changed, and she said, "Take him away!"

"Don't go!"

The child looked up at Ling Xian, and the fear gradually receded, and said, "After letting go of my mother!"


Looking at the children carved in pink and jade, Ling Xian's eyes were condensed and he said, "Extreme royal body ... no, no, it has its own charm, but it has no root."

Hearing that, if a woman was struck by lightning, Jiao's body suddenly became stiff.


I have a cold and have a bad headache.

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