Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2010: Buy a life

On the Supreme Sea, the British military general fell down powerfully, with a magnificent momentum, and was full of anger.

This made the old man's scalp tingle, and his forehead showed cold sweat.

This is also true for women in yellow clothes, and so on. They just feel that they are being caught by an archaic fierce beast, and they are all cold, like falling into an ice cave.

The only person who didn't move was Ling Xian.

The man in front of him is indeed like a fierce beast. He is savage and heavy, but it is only the beginning of the eighth state, which does not constitute a threat.

Therefore, Ling Xianyun is light-hearted and calm.

"General ..."

The old man forced a smile that was uglier than crying, and said, "Please raise your expensive hand and let me go."

"If I let you go, where would I place my Dawei Guofa?"

The Yingwu man smiled and said, "However, if you make a contribution to the Wei Dynasty, I can raise your hand."

"Do something?"

The old man froze, but soon he understood.

Ling Xian also understood.

The meaning of Yingwu men is to benefit, if it is in place, it will be released.

At present, the old man took out a storage bag and said with a grin: "Be careful, please don't let the army disapprove."

Hearing that Yingwu man's smile was a little bit rich, but when he swept the storage bag with a spirit, the smile suddenly turned cold.

He threw the storage bag onto the boat, and said, "This little bit of stone, how about you send a flower boy?"

"The general is furious. I rushed this time and didn't bring much spirit stones. Can you allow me to make up next time?" The old man laughed.

"Next time?"

The Yingwu man laughed, without concealing his irony: "No more nonsense, ten million spirits per person, if you can get it, I will let you go."

After a pause, he joked: "If you can't get it out, bury yourself in the Supreme Sea."

Upon hearing this, the old man changed color, and the woman in yellow was also moved.

Ten million spirit stones is not a small number. Although they can get it, it is not worthwhile to just change the pass.

"Too much, why should I give you ten million spirit stones?"

The woman in yellow was angry, and Ling Xian frowned slightly.

He didn't lack those 10 million spirit stones, even if it was 100 million, he didn't take it seriously.

But the Yingwu man made it clear that he was robbing while he was in the fire, and that he was using private law, which made him somewhat unhappy.


The Yingwu man smiled and said, "This is where I decide."

"I won't go."

The woman in yellow glared at the man and said, "Let's go!"

"Hahaha, are you joking?"

The Yingwu man laughed and said, "Are you ignorant of the world, or are you too stupid?"

"What do you mean?" The woman in yellow glared.

"You sneak into the Supreme Sea, and you shall be cut by law."

The Yingwu man was jeering and said, "So, this ten million spirit stone bought your life. If you don't give it, leave it."


The woman in yellow was furious, but she was helpless.

Yingwu men are not only the strongest in the eighth state, but also the generals who guard the place. It is not easy to clean them up.

"General, there are too many ten million spirit stones. Can you have a little less?"

The old man begged, he knew that in any case, he could not be the opponent of the heroic man.

"There is no shortage of spirit stones."

The Yingwu man said lightly, and said, "I advise you to be more familiar, otherwise, don't blame me for killing you here."

"General, I really can't get ten million spirit stones."

The old man was crying with a face. He had 10 million spirit stones, but he couldn't take them without them.

"If you can't get it out, leave your life."

The Yingwu man glanced at the old man and said, "By then, the treasures on you will be mine."


The lungs of the woman in the yellow clothes exploded, but she dared not anger.

The same is true of the others.

No way, even if the Yingwu man didn't take the shot, the army behind him was enough to bombard them a hundred times. How dare to resist?

"I like the way you dare not speak."

The Yingwu man was entertaining and said, "This is the benefit of having strength and power."

"General, I beg you, let us go." The old man was crying.

"Not negotiable."

The Yingwu man glanced at the old man and said, "Either take out ten million spirit stones, or leave your life and choose."

After hearing the words, the old man sighed and knew that there was no room for improvement.

At the moment, he turned his eyes to the woman in yellow and said, "There is no other way, let's do it together and see if we can get 80 million spirit stones."

"How did you tell us before you came?"

The woman in yellow was angry, and said, "You said that you could send us safely to the Supreme Sea Center. Now that something happened, you have to take responsibility!"

"Yes, you can take it, why should we come out?" The blue youth sneered.

"I did not expect that the army guarding here today would be the Great Wei Dynasty." The old man wanted to cry without tears.

"I don't care, you have to take our share." The blue youth chuckled.

"But I can't even get my own."

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "Several don't make it difficult for me, let's think about a solution together."

"I'm out of luck." The woman in yellow sighed and couldn't bear to embarrass the old man.

However, the blue youth did not spare.

He stared coldly at the old man and said, "We have already spoken before boarding the boat. What happened, you are responsible, why do you want to break the contract?"


The old man sighed and had misery.

"Okay, don't make it difficult for him."

Ling Xian said faintly, knowing that her fault was not in the old man, she could only blame the four dynasties for being too domineering, and the heroic men were too greedy.

"It's not difficult for him. Will you help us out?" The blue-eyed young man sneered and looked at Lingxian. "No need to come out."

Ling Xian's expression was calm. If it was really a rule, he wouldn't mind a little bit of spirit stone, for him, it was nothing.

However, the Yingwu man made it clear that he was taking advantage of the fire to rob and use private law, on what basis did he comply?

"Not out?"

The blue-eyed youth sank and said, "Boy, if you want to die, don't bring me."

"Shut up." Ling Xian glanced briefly at the person.

"What do you count, and why order me?" The blue youth was furious.

"Noisy? Shut me up!"

The heroic man drank violently, and the young man in blue wobbled, and he dared not say any more.

"Boy, I didn't understand what you said just now, and say it again." The Yingwu man looked at Ling Xian.

"Which sentence?" Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"No need to say this." Yingwu man's eyes were cold.

"You all heard it, why should I repeat it?" Ling Xian shook her head and smiled.

"I want to see if you have the courage to say it again."

The chill swelled in the eyes of the heroic man, saying: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. The consequences of saying it again are serious.

"What a serious law?"

Ling Xian laughed and said, "You scare them, you can't scare me."

"It seems that you are so determined to do it right with me."

The Yingwu man's complexion fell, so that the woman in yellow changed her face, and hurriedly used her eyes to signal Lingxian.

In this regard, Ling Xian turned a blind eye.

He looked at the British military general in front of him and smiled lightly: "Give way, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

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