Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2014: Dead body

Extreme ocean floor, in front of Crystal Palace.

Ling Xian's eyebrows frowned, but there was no alternative.

This barrier is very strong, even if he cited the power of Xia into the body and urged the battle to fight the immortal bone, it could not be broken.

"I can't break it. The two dragons must not be able to break it. Then, how did they get the blood of the gods?"

"Did you get it outside or inside the Crystal Palace ..."

"If it's the latter, there must be other ways to get in."

Ling Xian's brow froze tightly, and she explored the Crystal Palace with her soul.

As a result, nothing was found.

"It looks like you can't get in."

Ling Xian sighed gently, seeing Baoshan, but she could only come back empty-handed, but it was not very good.

Just as he was distressed, he suddenly thought of the split sky light.

This treasure is special. There is natural restraint on the barrier, even if it is a barrier that the local government has changed.

Of course, it must be motivated by the sage.

"It's me. I have a split sky light in my hand. Why look for other entrances?"

Ling Xian smiled slightly, then took out the split-day **** light, and banged on the barrier.

Suddenly, the barrier trembled like a water wave. Although it did not dissipate, it has been proved that the split sky light has the ability to break it.

At the moment, Lingxian tried his best to catalyze the split-sky light, like a round of unforgettable sun, releasing an extremely bright light.

Suddenly the barrier dissipated and no longer existed.

"It is worthy of the sacred ancestor's must-have, and it really has a strong ability to restrain the barrier."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, the barrier is strong, he has been taught, even if he reached the peak of the eighth state, it may not be able to break.

However, the split sky light has bridged the gap between the three small realms. It is conceivable how strong it can restrain the barrier.

"After finishing the matter, I seriously enlightened and strove for the early arrival of the Grand Master of the Taoist Path." Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed a look of expectation, and then she returned the storage bag to the Crystal Palace.

As soon as I entered, I felt immense pressure, such as 100,000 mountains, and moved Ling Xian.

It is too heavy, even if it is as strong as him, it is difficult and difficult to breathe.

"It's no wonder that even the strongest in the eighth state has the risk of falling. Not to mention that unknown terror exists, just talking about this pressure is a major hurdle."

Ling Xian shook her head helplessly, and her steps became a problem. How to find the blood of the gods?

Just then, a greater crisis emerged.

Bright lights emerged, forming a light prison, imprisoning Ling Xian.

This strange light is not a pattern or a rune. The moment he emerges, his body is weak and his mana is lost.

Most terribly, his consciousness gradually dispersed and he was on the verge of fainting.

At the critical moment, Ling Xian bit his tongue, and the pain came, which made him awake a bit.

"Amazing ..."

Ling Xian's eyebrows frowned, and she urged Honghuang Tiangong with all her strength to break open the prison.

Unfortunately, his mana has been sealed, as is the physical power.

"How to break ..."

Ling Xian's brow froze, clueless.

He didn't even know what the power of the light jail was, naturally he didn't know how to crack it.

"It's not a rune, it's not a spell, how do you crack it ..."

Ling Xian was light-headed and drowsy.

Light Prison is too weird, not only imprison the physical mana, but even the soul will be sealed.

Once the seal is complete, he will fall into a fainting state, and by then, there is really no hope.

"Can't sleep, never sleep."

Lingxian gritted her teeth, forbearing tiredness.

He racked his brains and wondered what he should do to break the light prison.

A moment later, Ling Xian had collapsed to the ground, and her consciousness was on the verge of dispersal.

Just as he was about to faint, he suddenly thought that the ancient blood of Tianzun had not been sealed.

"All powers have been sealed, with the exception of Celestial Blood ..."

Lingxian's spirit was refreshed and she was working her blood against the sky.

Strictly speaking, the ancient blood of Tianzun has no power, at most it can only release spiritual coercion and deter the enemy.

But at this moment, Ling Xian has no other choice but to pray that Tianzun ancient blood is useful.


The ancient blood is boiling, like the revival of Heavenly Supreme, the invincible Xeon, the king comes to all ages!

As soon as this prestige came out, the light cell suddenly showed signs of dissolution. Although it did not completely dissipate, it proved that this method was feasible.

"it works!"

Ling Xianxing's eyes burst into bright light, madly running Tianzun ancient blood, and constantly dissolving the light cell.

After a short time, the light cell disappeared, mana returned, and consciousness was restored.


Ling Xian exhaled a long sigh of relief, fortunately.

If he didn't have the ancient blood of Tianzun, he would fall into eternal sleep even if he did not die today.

"What is the power of Light Prison, and why is Tianzun Ancient Blood useful?"

Ling Xian's eyebrows frowned, and after a moment of groaning, there was a guess.

Light prison is mostly the power of blood, otherwise, Tianzun ancient blood cannot be useful.

"This place is the palace of that god, that is to say, this is the power of the Supreme Royal Blood."

Ling Xian's eyebrows stretched out, more and more fortunate.

The supreme royal body ruled the same rank. From the fact that he had no resistance, he was sealed with physical power to see how aggressive the blood was.

Looking at the two worlds of ancient times, I am afraid that only Tianzun ancient blood can suppress it!

"It is indeed the blood of Pangu Tianzun, even the blood of the Supreme Royal Body can suppress it."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, then took a difficult step and walked deep into the Crystal Palace.

As he continued to walk, the horror became more and more intense. After half an hour, he went to the end of the Crystal Palace and saw a scene that made him shake.

I saw a human being sitting in front of me, with a shawl and thin bones, just like a dead body.

However, he was the source of the horror, like a god, releasing the most powerful breath that suppressed the heavens.

That kind of power, he only felt in the sacred ancestor, that is to say, even if this person is not an enlightened person, he is also a god!

"Looks like this is the body of the **** ..."

Ling Xianxing's eyes narrowed and did not change color.

Although this body is still awesome, it has no vitality. The reason why it can be retained to this day is because of the relationship between the gods during his lifetime.

Just like the real body of the immortal he once encountered, it is not rotten and not bad, but it can endure thousands of calamities.

"The body is still there, and the source of the deities may exist ..."

Ling Xianxing's eyes heated up, but the source of the gods is supreme treasure. As long as they are refined, they will become gods!

This temptation, let alone put it in today that cannot be enlightened, even if it is placed more than 30,000 years ago, very few people can refuse it!

At present, Ling Xian was struggling to get close to the dead body, looking for the source of the gods.

But at this moment, the scene that made him chill all over appeared.

I saw the dead body suddenly looked up, revealing a pair of red eyes, bright and energetic.

This caused Ling Xian to be struck by lightning, her body suddenly stiff.

The dead body is obviously dead, how could it move? How could eyes be god?

It's too weird, even if you are used to the incredible Lingxian, it's chilling, like falling ice cave.

Even more weird, he moved his eyes uncontrollably, staring at the red eyes.

Suddenly, negative emotions such as anger, tyranny, jealousy struck, making Lingxian just want to kill the war and kill everyone!

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