Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2039: Big crisis

In the ancestral land, Xiao Zi is as immortal as emperor.

Perceiving the familiar atmosphere, she opened her eyes and saw a smile when she saw Ling Xian.

Ling Xian also laughed.

He looked at Xiaozi who was absolutely charming, feeling the breath that was not inferior to himself, and said, "If you don't see it for many years, you will become more and more powerful and powerful."

"You are no worse than me."

Xiao Zi smiled brightly, and her ancestral flowers were overshadowed.

"It won't be long before your cultivation is far better than me."

Ling Xian has a gentle expression, Xiao Zi is already a demigod, and her practice is destined to go a thousand miles until she becomes a god.

Judging by the speed of practice alone, even a true immortal parent-child cannot match her.

"Not necessarily, you are no worse than me."

Xiao Zi shook her head lightly. She grew up beside Jimo Ruxue since she was a child. She heard the emperor praise Lingxing more than once.

Therefore, in her heart, Ling Xian is the best person in the world, even if she becomes a demigod, it is not comparable.

"you are too humble."

Thinking of the ancestors who suppressed the five elements, Ling Xian sighed softly and said, "You are the biggest trump card in the universe."

Hearing that, Xiao Zi smiled and hesitated, "Lingxian, the Five Elements Sealed the Magic Array ..."

"What's wrong with the Five Elements Seal?"

Ling Xian's frown frowned on the safety of the universe. If something goes wrong, the universe will no longer exist.

"Can't say clearly, it just feels that this formation is about to persist."

Xiao Zi sighed and changed Ling Xian's complexion, then went straight to the cemetery without saying a word.

After seeing the five tombstones, his expression calmed down.

Just because Xiao Zi feels right, the Five Elements sealed the magic array, it really is about to persist, or in other words, it is about to turn into the Five Elements.

Once it becomes completely, it will not be far from the birth of the sage.

"Lingxian, is my feeling real?"

Seeing Ling Xian's solemn look, Xiao Zi Qiao's face changed, and the complexion of the old man in white also changed.

There is no way to be immovable. Once the ancestors cannot be suppressed in this array, the entire universe will cease to exist.

"It's true. Although you don't want to admit it, the Five Elements sealed the magic circle. It really is going to be untenable."

"If I'm not wrong, it will take five years for the five elements to seal the magic."

"At that time, the sacred ancestor will gradually recover his strength, and within two years, he will be born."

Ling Xian sighed long and frowned.

Twenty years sounds like a long time, but for practitioners who have been living for hundreds of years, it is very short, and it can even be described as imminent.

"Twenty years?"

Xiao Zi took a cool breath, as did the old man in white.

Twenty years is too short, let alone slamming the ancestors, even if you practice to the peak of the eighth state, it is quite difficult.

"Pay attention to my words, I'm talking about a maximum of 20 years." Ling Xian smiled bitterly, which meant that it might be less than 20 years.

This made Xiao Zi and the old man silent, and a bit of bitterness appeared in his eyes.

"There is no way but to do my best."

Ling Xian muttered to himself, intending to stabilize the five elements to seal the magic array.

Although the matter was difficult and life-threatening, it was the only way at present, and he could only try it hard.

"You have a way?" Xiao Zimei's eyes lightened slightly.

"That's right."

Ling Xian sighed gently, took out a piece of spirit paper, and then used a finger to refer to the pen, using qi as ink, and wrote hundreds of materials.

He handed the list of materials to the old man in white, and Shen said, "Senior, you and I are all aware of the importance of this matter, so please be sure to get all these materials together."

"Are you going to solidify the Five Elements?"

The old man glanced at the list and guessed Lingxian's intention.

"This is the only way."

Ling Xian sighed and saw the old man hesitant, saying, "To be honest, I only have 30% confidence, but even if there isn't one in Chengdu, I have to try it."

"I see, I will do my best."

The old man spoke in a deep voice and looked at the list carefully. The more he looked, the more he was shocked. At the end, he had turned to a bitter smile.

"These materials are too difficult to find. There are several types that I have never seen before."

"I also know that this is difficult to do, but I also can't help it. To stabilize the Five Elements Sealing Magic Array, these materials are necessary, and there is no shortage of them."

Ling Xian sighed, the Five Elements Seal Magic Array was on the verge of collapse, and the seal was an invincible enlightened person. To stabilize it, it was necessary to use the materials on the list.

"Well, I can only say that I can do my best. It depends on the providence." The old man in white sighed and turned away.

"Lingxian, are you really only 30% sure?" Xiao Zi hesitated.

"That's more."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly. The rank of the Five Elements Sealing Demon Array was too high, and it was not inferior to the seal of the Heavenly Emperor's Heart. Even if it was Feng Qingming, the first person in the Vanguard Formation, it might not be possible with only the remaining soul Hold it steady.

"I can only do my best."

With a sigh, Ling Xian stopped talking and waited for the old man in white while simulating in his mind.

Half a month later, the old man in white returned with good news and bad news.

The good news is that the materials are all ready, and the bad news is that there are several types of low quality, which are considered defective.

This means that even if it is stable, the effect will be slightly weakened.

"Sorry, I have tried my best, not only have I turned the whole Western Region, but also asked all my friends." The old man in white was ashamed.

"Not to blame you, it is quite difficult to find all the materials."

Ling Xian shook his head. He knew how hard these materials were. Although there were several defective products, he couldn't take care of them at this moment.

At the moment, his expression turned solemn, and he said, "Help me to protect the Fa, and never let anyone disturb me."

"Rest assured, I have blocked the ancestral land, and no one can enter." The old man in white said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Ling Xian took a deep breath and waved her hand to isolate Xiao Zi from the old man.

After that, he smelted the magic with real fire and stabilized the five elements to seal the magic array.

He was focused and cautious, and he didn't dare to care for the slightest.

No way, this rank is too high, if a little careless, it will fail.

Actually, Lingxian thought about asking Zhenxian to take a shot, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

If it was Feng Qingming during the heyday, it would not be a problem to be stable, but at this moment, he is only a residual soul, and he can exert his accomplishments, similar to Ling Xian.

Therefore, he did not go to Feng Qingming.

"The universe is safe. It belongs to me. In any case, I must stabilize this array!"

Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed resolutely, raised his hands to line up, and cooperated with many magical materials to repair the damaged area of ​​the Five Elements Seal.

As a result, they encountered obstacles.

A magnificent force emerged, blocking the lines and magic, and preventing Lingxian from stabilizing.

"The Power of the Enlightened ..."

When Ling Xian's expression was condensed, he felt the might of the ancestor. Although the power in front of him was countless times inferior, the essence was the same.

In other words, the people of this seal are truly invincible enlightened!

This made Ling Xian more and more firm in his conviction. In any case, he must stabilize this array and seal the ancestor for another twenty years!

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