Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2052: Rust sword

On the ring, Ling Xian stood against her hand, with no momentum, just like a mortal.

"Do you want to challenge me?" The man in white said lightly, Jianhua rushed, and the cold was pressing.

Ling Xian looked calm and said lightly, "I'm very interested in Quenching Stone."

The words fell, and everyone stunned, then smiled.

Ninety-nine percent of them came from the quenched sword stone, but most people dare not speak up.

The reason is fear of shame.

Only by winning a hundred games in a row, can you obtain the quenched sword stone. This is not a simple matter. Even if you are a sword-maker, you may not be able to do it.

Therefore, everyone laughed, and most people felt that Ling Xian would be ashamed.

"I'm also interested in Hardened Sword Stone."

The man in white looked indifferent. The three-footed Qingfeng pointed to Lingxian. Although he was imposing, he was chilling.

"Come on, no one can stop my ten-game winning streak."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled, then looked at the old man behind the man in white, and said, "Can you lend me a sword?"

"Of course you can, but you have to pay fifty thousand spirits first. This is the rule of snooze." The old man laughed.

He created Yantai to earn spiritual stones, not selfless dedication. If he did not ask for spiritual stones, he would have gone bankrupt.

"Here you are." Ling Xian smiled slightly and threw out fifty thousand spirit stones.

In exchange for this price for Qizhen hardened sword stone, is undoubtedly very cost-effective, of course, provided that he can win a hundred games in a row.

"I only have the most common iron sword here, just make it up."

When the old man took over the spirit stone, he threw out one of the most common iron swords with rust on it.

This made everyone shook their heads and laughed. Although the sword in white was not a good sword, it was infinitely stronger than the iron sword.

It is no exaggeration to say that with just a touch, the iron sword will break. How can this be done?


Ling Xian chuckled, still calm and light, calm and easy.

This is indeed the most common iron sword, but it also depends on the user. In ordinary people's hands, this sword is like waste iron. It may not be in his hands.

"Costing calmly."

The man in white glanced at Ling Xian and said, "Come on, remember, don't come to shame again."

As the words fell, his body moved instantly and a sword pierced.

There is no momentum and no light, but this sword is so fast that it cannot cover the ears.

However, in Ling Xian's eyes, this sword is like a turtle speed.

He just waved casually and blocked the man in white.

This surprised everyone slightly, and even more surprised when they saw that Lingxian's iron sword had not broken.

"You can block me with a sword, you are not bad, but can you block a second sword?"

The white man's eyes flickered coldly, the blue peaks broke, and they were fast and delicate.

However, it was still blocked by Lingxian, and the iron sword in his hand remained unbroken.

"Under what circumstances, it was not surprising that I could block the two moves of this person. I didn't have any skill and didn't dare to come up, but why did his iron sword not break?

"Don't talk about chipping, there isn't even a crack, it's weird."

"Does it say that this sword is hidden in the sky, it seems to be the most common iron sword, but it is actually a sword?"

"Impossible. Li Treasurer is a connoisseur. If it is really a sword, he can't look away."

Everyone was talking and quite surprised.

The man in white is the same, and at the same time, he is a bit angry.

The sword on his hand was countless times stronger than Ling Xian's iron sword. He should have broken it with one stroke, but the two swords failed to break it, which made him feel shameless.

At the moment, the man sneered, "I don't believe it, you can block my third sword!"

When the words landed, the fast sword cut through the sky, faster and fiercer than the previous two swords, faintly reaching the speed of sound.

However, in Ling Xian's eyes, it still seems very slow.

Therefore, he blocked again, the iron sword was intact and there was no crack.

This made everyone stunned, especially the man in white, even more stunned.

He looked at the intact iron sword and looked at his three-footed Qingfeng, Jun's face gradually turned red.

Three strokes, three strokes failed to break the iron sword, which is undoubtedly a shame.

"Damn, I don't believe it, you can survive the fourth sword!"

The white man was soaring, he lifted his sword and then chopped down.

However, it turned out to be no different.

Ling Xian's expression remained calm, and the iron sword was still intact.

"I don't believe it, you can block my fifth ..." The man ran away, and Ling Xian was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Similar words, you've said it three times. Do you want to insult yourself?"

Ling Xian's expression was calm, and the iron sword stabbed out slowly, which had nothing to do with speed, and had nothing to do with subtlety.

But in a split second, the white man's sword was broken.

At the same time, he also stabbed an inch into the man's shoulders, a little blood, and a red and white shirt.

This shocked everyone at the scene, and their eyes were about to stare out.

A sword defeats a man with nine consecutive victories. It is incredible that the man's sword was broken with a rusty iron sword.

"It's deceiving. His sword is rusty. How could he break a good sword?"

"I thought it was incredible that his iron sword kept running. I didn't expect that there was even more incredible."

"One sword defeated the man with nine consecutive victories and shattered the sword with an iron sword. How did he do it?"

Everyone talked and was puzzled. Only a few people guessed.

"Tell me how you did it."

The man stared at Ling Xian with anger, unwillingness, and bitterness.

"It's just a mess." Ling Xian smiled slightly, not wanting to say, but couldn't say.

If he said that, it would be difficult to have a challenger, and he would not be able to win a hundred games in a row.

"It's nothing, you don't want to say it, and I don't force it."

The man was bitter and his eyes were dim.

After being terminated for nine consecutive victories, how could they not be hit?

"I don't know how high I am, and I humiliate myself."

The man smiled bitterly, then turned to step down, but did not leave.

He wanted an answer and wanted to see if Lingxian could win a hundred games in a row.

"Does anyone want to challenge me?" Ling Xian chuckled, looking down the ring.

"I want to see if you can block my epee with a rusty sword."

A big man in black opened his mouth. When he stepped onto the stage, the black iron epee smashed on the ring, making the whole ring shake a few times.

It can be seen that this sword has multiple weights.

"This sword is good, better than a man's sword, and heavy like a mountain, his iron sword must not be able to stop it."

"If it can be blocked, it would be incredible. It would be counterintuitive."

"Rest assured, maybe he can defeat this person, but his iron sword will definitely be broken."

The eloquent discussions were all expressing anticipation.

"My sword, you can't break it."

Ling Xian looked calm, embroidered sword Yao pointed at the big man in black, how funny it looked.

"Want to block me with this broken sword, crazy people dream!"

The big man in black sneered and the epee broke, not only surpassing the speed of sound, but also heavy and scary, like a mountain falling.

In this regard, Ling Xian still looks as usual, unmoved.

He met with a rusty sword, shook the ring, and shook everyone's heart.

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