In mid-air, the dark and heavy tripod floated up and down, the majestic power of the world, the Xeon unmatched.

It is made of dark immortal gold, with intricate patterns engraved on it, like a magnificent mountain, suppressing the heavens, and cannot be shaken.

This made the crowd at the scene **** and bloody, and the weaker, even the blood of the corners of their mouths, retreated to the edge of the hall.

It's too powerful, just like the face of a real fairy, and it makes people want to worship.

"Immortal made of dark immortal gold ..."

Ling Xianxing's eyes narrowed, a little bit hot, and a little bit sorry.

Fiery heat is therefore an immortal device. The true **** power is unfortunate. It is a pity that because of its incompleteness, it can exert at most 50% of its power.

"Is this a fairy tale? It's terrible, I can't bear the slightest breath!"

"In my lifetime, if I could make a fairy, I would die without regrets."

"Don't dream about it. In this age of inability to enlighten, even if you use Taoism to achieve the ultimate goal, don't try to make a fairy."

Several master teachers sighed with regret.

Immortals are not refined enough to be refined. They must have the power of true immortals to be refined.

The same is true of the Supreme Soldier. It must have the power of the Supreme Origin. If not, with the amazing achievements of Lingxian, the Supreme Soldier can already be made.

"Although not the first time I saw it, I still felt shocked."

Ning Fengyu sighed and said, "The person who makes this tripod is definitely the peak master."

Hearing that, Ling Xian nodded slightly in agreement.

Zhen Shiding's magical work is almost perfect, and it can't be practiced by other masters.

"Please listen to my method first," Shen Shen, the master of the Temple of the Craftsman, began to yell.

At first, everyone's eyes lit up, because this method was considered feasible, but in the end, they frowned.

Ling Xian is no exception.

Not because the law is wrong, but because there is nothing wrong with it.

It may sound contradictory, but the facts lie ahead and prove that this law does not work. In this case, the only thing to do is to correct it.

Just because I can't see what's wrong, naturally everyone frowns.

"In my opinion, this is the most reliable way, but it has proven to be unworkable."

An old man in black sighed and said, "To be honest, I can't see it, I can't see a little bit."

The words fell, and five grand masters echoed, saying they couldn't see it.

This dimmed the eyes of the Lord of the Craftsman's Hall a bit, and turned his eyes to those who had never spoken, saying, "Did you find anything?"

"No, faintly feel wrong, but can't stand it." An old man in white shook his head and said, "I can't see it, I hope they can."

After that, he turned his eyes to Ling Xian and Ning Feng.

The Lord of the Temple of the Craftsman also looked at the two people, with a hint of hope.

"I can't see it."

Ning Fengyu spread his hands and said, "Your method is so perfect. In my opinion, it can definitely repair Zhen Shiding."

"But it turns out that this method doesn't work." The sigh of the Lord of the Artisan's Temple sighed, and it was difficult to hide the disappointment.

"Then there is no other way, look at him." Ning Fengyu shifted his eyes to Lingxian.

The same is true of the other great masters.

After discussion, they have seen Ling Xian's ability, even the master of the temple of the artisans, dare not belittle them.

"As Ning Lao said, your method is so perfect. I can't find a flaw in it."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled bitterly. He had done his best, but couldn't find the reason for the failure.

"Can't you find it ..."

The Lord of the Artisan Temple sighed long and said, "Let ’s go to the fairy wares, do n’t let everyone's interest be ruined by this."


Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "I don't think it's necessary to be attached to this method, just change it."

"Easy to talk about? This method was derived from the integration of the experience of the great masters of the past. It can be said that it is the brainchild of dozens of great masters."

The Lord of the Artisan Temple sighed helplessly: "Except this method, I don't know how to repair Zhen Shiding."

"Why repair?"

"Everyone knows that there is a spirit in the fairy, that is, the fairy is divided into two parts."

"One is itself, and the other is a bred spirit."

"The spirit knows the immortal itself well, and it can be controlled on its behalf or repaired."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "So I don't think it's necessary to focus on repairing the town's own tripod. As long as we can restore the spirit of this tripod, this tripod has the possibility of recovery."

"You are right. Many great masters have worked hard in this direction, but without exception, they have failed."

"The spirit of the immortal is too difficult to recover. Compared to the repair of the spirit, it is easier to repair the immortal itself." The Lord of the Craftsman Temple sighed.

Everyone also sighed softly and did not think that the spirit of the fairy could be revived.

This is really too difficult, the human means will not work at all!

"I have a way."

Ling Xian's smile continued. He proposed repairing the spirit of the immortal because he secretly passed through the forging mountain river ditch and obtained three methods.

Two kinds won't work, the last one is to revive the spirit of the fairy.

"What?" The Lord of the Master Craftsman's Hall was stunned, and everyone was stunned, wondering if they heard it wrong.

If it is the spirit of the Supreme Soldier, it can be revived by human means, but the spirit of the fairy wares can only be used by the fairy house!

"I said, I have a way." Ling Xian uttered a word and threw a voice.

Forging mountains and rivers is the supreme true immortal, and the first person to use ancient artifacts. It is no exaggeration to say that most of the world's semi-immortals came from other people.

Therefore, Ling Xian believed his way.

"Is this true ?!"

The Lord of the Craftsman's Hall stared closely at Ling Xian, and everyone looked intently, with expectations and doubts.

Not to belittle Ling Xian, but to repair the spirit of the immortal is too difficult, for the unenlightened, it is hard to describe it as difficult.

"It's not good for me to tell a lie, but it will cause you to feel bad."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, and saw the eagerness of everyone, saying: "The method is very simple, you only need to cultivate with the power of the Tao."

After a pause, he added: "Of course, one person is definitely not good, at least five people are required."

It was said that everyone was holding back, not because it was too difficult, but relatively simple.

In order to revive the spirit of Zhen Shiding, the Temple of the Craftsman had collected hundreds of rare elixir, but in the end, it was useless.

However, at the moment, Ling Xian said that it can be nurtured with the power of the instrumental roots, naturally letting everyone hold it.

"I know this method sounds a bit ridiculous, but it does work."

"No matter how magical the spirit of the immortal is, after all, it is part of the magic weapon, and the power of the instrumental root is undoubtedly the best nourishment of the magic weapon."

"You will know when you try."

Ling Xian chuckled. The reason he asked for help is because the fairy is too important to the universe. If foreign invasion in the future, the fairy is definitely a great force!

Therefore, after consulting with several true immortals, he decided to revive Zhending's spirit.

"it is good!"

Seeing Lingxian calmly and calmly, the spirit of the Lord of the Craftsman's Hall revived, and he turned his attention to several great masters, saying, "Did you all help me?"

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