Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2180: Exotic breath

At the foot of the mountain, the ball was full of astonishment. I did not expect Ling Xian to be so powerful, and he did not expect his skill to be so good.

"Hurry up when you see it."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, waved her hand, and the golden amulet flew to the ball.

"Take it?"

Seeing that the amulet was cracking slightly, the ball trembled, and pleased him, "Boss, please make me another piece of cormorant, this one is cracked."

"You think it's Chinese cabbage."

Ling Xian could not cry or laugh, but this symbol can be made of three kinds of magical materials. The value of the magical materials alone is amazing.

"But this amulet is cracked ..." The ball wailed, fearing that the amulet would not stop the monk from hitting it all in the middle of the extraordinary realm.

"Relax, at least you can block it again."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. Although the amulet was cracked, the power was still there. Even if he used the power of fighting the fairy bones and holding the Xia, he could block it again.

"Boss, don't fool me." Qiu Mulu doubted.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Ling Xian glanced at the ball.

"The boss dispels the fire, I'll go now, this will go." The ball smiled and left with a golden amulet.

Seeing this, Lingxian waved his sleeves, covering the sky, and covering himself.

Then he hid behind the mountain peak and waited quietly.

Time passed by bit by bit. After half an hour, the ball broke through the sky, showing a slight embarrassment.

However, he was not injured.

Behind it, more than thirty heads of golden void beasts swallowed the mountains and rivers, especially the last one, which was as fierce as the devil.

Its eyes were cold, showing a sense of ridicule at the same time as it showed its intention to kill.

"Stupid, flee to the base camp, your people will be killed by you."

The voice fell, the whole small world shook, and a beast of vanity emerged, with fear and anger.

Not only to these golden void beasts, but also to the ball.

As the golden void beast said, the ball really hurt the clan. After all, their strength is too weak to block the golden void beast.

"Soon you will understand whether you are stupid or me stupid."

The ball laughed and stopped at the center of the forbidden circle.

This array lasted three thousand miles, so when the ball stopped, all the golden void beasts were in the array.

"Who's stupid is clear at a glance."

The golden void beast glanced at the ball slightly and said, "Look, your people are glaring at you."

"so what?"

The ball is indifferent. It believes that Ling Xian can kill all golden void beasts. When that happens, the people will naturally understand.

"I'm a little skeptical, do you want to use this as a name and trust me?"

The golden void beast smiled and said, "For your sake of guiding me, I will give you a chance. I kneel and slap three heads, and I will spare you."

"Dream your spring and autumn dreams!"

The ball showed disdain, saying: "Boss, come out and kill these bastards!"

Hearing that, the golden void beast stunned slightly, and the rest of the void beast also stunned.

Afterwards, they saw a figure near the immortal, walking slowly behind the mountain peak.

"No wonder dare to lead us here. It turned out to be a backer."

The Golden Nether Beast sneered, and said, "Just you sure, he is the unstoppable backer?"

"My boss pushed horizontally without opponents, and one finger was enough to crush you." The ball smiled scornfully.

"Haha, it's so funny."

The golden void beast laughed and said, "Only him? A human race in the middle of the eighth state?"

It is said that the void beast on the side of the ball is sorrowful, and the golden void beast is ridiculous.

The human race is inherently weak, which is a universally recognized thing, and the Void Beast is the natural space controller, no less than the seven royal families!

Besides, Lingxian is just in the mid-level of transcendental realm, a little lower than their leader.

"Good, just me."

Ling Xian said lightly, the Void Beasts were not fake to the royal family, and the human race was inherently weak and not fake.

He is undoubtedly a stunning person.

Eight polar realms come together and surpass three polar realms. Lingxian today has the qualifications to suppress an era!

"You dare to say."

The golden void beast had a smile, although Ling Xian's physical body had reached the late stage of the eighth realm, but only when it was used, it would be revealed.

Therefore, it will think that Lingxian is just the mid-level of transcendence.

"What dare you?"

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the golden void beast, and frowned.

Only because he noticed the exotic atmosphere in this beast, although it is very light, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"I don't know how stupid."

The Golden Void Beast dismissed a smile, and said, "Zhuren people, dare to intervene in the Void Beast family, really impatient."

"Are you really a Void Beast?"

Ling Xianxing's eyes narrowed, thinking that this beast had only been used for fifty years, he practiced to the later stage of transcendental realm, and became even more weird.

The Nether Beast family is difficult to cultivate. Even if it is five thousand years, it may not be able to cultivate to the later period of transcendental realm. However, the golden Nether beast has only used fifty years and is definitely weird.

"Not a Void Beast, or is it a human race?" The Golden Void Beast laughed sarcastically.

"Since you don't want to tell the truth, you can only capture you and torture it slowly." Ling Xian's expression cooled down.

If nothing else, just talk about the exotic breath of the golden void beast, he must find out.

"No words!"

The golden void beast's eyes were cold, and said, "Boy, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

"This sentence, I should tell you."

Ling Xian's expression was cold, and she danced without wind in white clothes.

He turned his gaze towards the ball and said, "Take your tribe, back 300 feet."

"Boss, let me also participate in the game." The ball moved, it was difficult to hide the worry.

"You will only be distracted by your participation in the war and wait aside." Ling Xian smiled slightly. The ball was only in the early stage of the eighth state.

Rather than let them be in danger, it is better for him to block all golden void beasts with his own strength.

"Boss, be careful." The ball stopped talking and left the forbidden circle.

"I want to see, how can you protect them alone?"

The Golden Nether Beast sneered, and said, "Give me!"

The words fell, and the golden void beasts behind it started to kill the void beast on the side of the ball.

However, it was stopped by Ling Xian.

He exerted one gas and three Qings, condensed two incarnations, and blocked more than thirty golden void beasts.

After that, there was a one-sided slaughter.

Ling Xian's strength is too strong, even if the avatar has only 70% of the body, it is not that these golden void beasts can block.

Even the two golden void beasts in the middle of the transcendent realm couldn't stop the tricks.

Boom boom!

The blood was falling, the meat was flying, Lingxian didn't move, but the two incarnations set off a **** wind, and more than thirty headless beasts had no fighting power!

This kept all the Void Beasts present, even the leader of the Golden Void Beast, which caused a huge wave inside.

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