Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2207: Follow the lead

The rising sun is warm and bright.

Among the bamboo forests, a man in white stood still with his eyes closed, flowing dust, and staying still.

It is Lingxian.

Six months have passed since the day when the man in Tsing Yi first met.

In the past six months, Ling Xian has practiced internal skills and learned stealing with this person, and her progress has been a thousand miles.

Let's talk about internal power first. He was not even a top-notch master six months ago, and even those who practice internal power can suppress him.

Today, he has reached the level of the third-rate master, which is undoubtedly quite amazing. Even Tsing Yi men are quite shaken.

Besides, stealing is even more incredible.

In just half a year, he passed through the two martial arts skills passed down by the Tsing Yi man, and has reached the point of being in full swing, only slightly inferior to the Tsing Yi man.

There is no way, although Ling Xian has become a mortal, and the three powers of mana, physical body, and soul have all disappeared, but his understanding is still there.

With his amazing understanding that even the supreme supernatural power can penetrate in a short time, it can be said that it is easy to cultivate two kinds of martial arts to the point of perfection. Give him another half year and definitely surpass Tsing Yi men!

"Following the wind ..."

Muttering to himself, Ling Xian pedaled mysterious steps and shuttled through the bamboo forest.

After a few dozen breaths, he stopped and added 272 bamboo leaves to his hand.

This bamboo forest is not large. There are only 272 bamboos in total, which means that in just a few dozen breaths, Ling Xian touched all the bamboos.

If he changed to his heyday, this matter would be nothing, even if it was the foundation period.

But at this moment he is only a third-rate master, which is equivalent to entering the refining gas first, so it seems a little amazing.

The reason Ling Ling can do it is entirely because of herds.

When he first met the man in Tsing Yi, he had performed it once, because Ling Xian had become a mortal, so he didn't notice it.

When he practiced this method, he determined that it was a footwork performed by stealing the world, or the mysterious method of stealing people from the world, which was born out of chasing after the wind.

It can be inferred that the man in Tsing Yi is somewhat related to Pirates of the Immortal.

"Avoid your hand ..."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, suction appeared, and only a few moments, she sucked several bamboo leaves into her hand.

If there is an immortal who is here, he will shake his head and laugh, because this is the most basic thing to take out of the air, and the monks can use it during the gas refining period.

However, in a world where there is no aura, the top masters are equivalent to building the world, and it seems a little incredible.

"This method has not been seen by pirates, but it is certain that Pi Xian and Lianyung must be connected."

Ling Xian frowned slightly, Lianyung was the name of a man in Tsing Yi. In this world, he can be described as a famous man.

He is one of the few great masters in the world, and has reached its peak in both strength and theft.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he thinks, there is nothing that cannot be stolen, even if it is a royal palace gathered by experts, he can come and go freely.

"In half a year, you have practiced chasing after the wind and doing so in empty hands. Your understanding is really incredible."

Lianyun floated in front of Ling Xian, Tsing Yi fluttered, unrestrained and unrestrained.

"It's an award." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and was grateful to Lianyung.

After all, this person gave him a chance to pass the test. If this is not a fantasy, it is the capital to settle down.

"Excuse me, if I have your understanding, I must have broken the void and become a legendary cultivator."

Lian Yun sighed. He originally thought that Ling Xian would have to spend at least ten years to practice herds of wind-fighting and air-handing.

I never dreamed that Ling Xian only took half a year, and he also practiced to the third-level master level.

"Is the broken void ..."

Ling Xian smiled. For half a year, he had a rough understanding of the world.

The most powerful person in the world is called the guru, and today there are five people, and Lianyung is one of them.

Above the Grand Master is the legendary broken void.

According to legend, as long as it can break the void, you can enter an unknown world and have the opportunity to live forever.

However, no one can break the void, so most people in the world do not believe it.

But Lingxian determined that this was not a legend but a fact.

The broken void is equivalent to breaking the barriers between heaven and earth. You can go to a world where there is aura. Naturally, you have a chance to live forever.

"I'm hopeless, I hope you can do it." Lian Yun glanced deeply at Ling Xian.

"You are only one step away from the broken void. It may not be impossible."

Ling Xian smiled lightly. If Lian Yun knew, he was a cultivator, and the expression on his face would not be very exciting.

"I borrow your good words."

Lian Yun smiled, and said, "You have reached the third-class master's realm, and the pursuit of the wind and the empty hand have been cultivated to the point where they are pure and innocent, and they can stand alone."

"You mean, I can leave?"

Ling Xianxing's eyes were slightly bright. Leaving meant that he could accumulate million wealth and pass the test of stealing immortals.

"You have to complete a test first, so that I can rest assured that you are alone in the rivers and lakes." Lian Yun smiled gently, "Lin Yannan, you know."

"Leader of the martial arts, I have heard of it." Ling Xian nodded. Lin Yannan was one of the five masters, and he was recognized as the strongest.

"Not long ago, he got a baby. I don't know what it is, but only in the back room of his study."

Lian Yun wrote lightly: "If you can steal it, it will prove that you can run alone and not lose my face."

"Are you kidding me? Let me go to the Wulin League's study to steal something. What is the difference between this and death?"

Ling Xian frowned, but Lin Yannan was the first person in Wulin today, and even if he was as strong as Lianyung, he was not his opponent.

He is a third-rate expert, and it is impossible to steal the treasures in the back room under Lin Yannan's eyelids.

"Do you think I will hurt you?"

"Although you and I do n’t have the names of masters and apprentices, they do have the truth of masters and apprentices, and I have always treated you as a puppet."

Lian Yun smiled mildly and said, "Lin Yannan has something to go out, and the most powerful person in the house is the second-rate master."

"Are you not in Fu ..."

Ling Xian raised her eyebrows and said, "This is okay, just a second-rate master ..."

"Anyway, you also got my true story. If even a second-rate expert can find you, then you still have the idea of ​​leaving, stay with me and practice well."

Lian Yun converged with a smile, and said, "Otherwise, leaving is a loss of my face, and I will even die outside."

"I see." Ling Xian nodded slightly, believing it should be.

He is stealing things, not playing against second-rate experts. Just be careful, the problem is not big.

"Relax, I won't hurt you."

Lian Yun smiled and said, "I have no wife, children, or young children. Just one of your loved ones, and expecting you to give me my retirement."

"If there is one day, I will end it for you."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "When will you act?"

"Let's do it tonight, lest night long dreams." Lian Yun said.

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