Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2252: New people send old people

"I've had so many regrets in my life, so I can't die."

Ling Xian smiled lightly. He has not yet resurrected Lin Qingyi and has not yet reached the summit. How can he die here?

Maybe this is desperate, but he will never give up until the last moment.

"In vain, in a few days, you will understand." The white-haired old man sighed and stopped speaking.

The crowd no longer said more, all closed their eyes and looked back on their lives.

Time passed by bit by bit. Two days later, the three turned into a mist of blood, and there was no time to scream.

This made everyone sigh, there is a kind of sadness of rabbits and dead foxes.

The same is true of Lingxian.

Although he embarked on the road of endless law, based on the magnificence of mana alone, he could be compared with the Tao **** body, but sooner or later, his mana would be exhausted.

At that time, he covered the two men.

"Two more dead, alas, is there really no way out?"

"The emperor's tomb doesn't survive, there is no vitality. I have no other result than death."

"I regret it, regret coming here."

Everyone sighed, it was difficult to hide regrets and difficult to hide despair.

The only person who did not despair was probably Lingxian.

His mana is comparable to Taoism, and even if all the people in the field are added together, it is unlikely that he will last longer than him.

Although he will die sooner or later, he has enough time to find a way to live, which is undoubtedly the biggest advantage!

Therefore, Ling Xian is still optimistic, looking for vitality.

Three days later, seven people exploded, all spirits were destroyed, and no bones remained.

On the same day, three people entered the place, and after learning about the situation, they were somewhat desperate.

How terrible is it to be unable to leave, to smash the mountains, and to wait for death?

"Is there really no vitality ..." Ling Xian muttered to herself, unable to do anything.

However, his faith remained unchanged, and his condition remained the same as it was five days ago.

This surprised everyone at the scene. He didn't expect him to hold on for five days and turned out to be like a person who was fine.

You know, when they lasted for five days, they all breathed heavily, but Ling Xian's face wasn't blushing and panting, which is undoubtedly quite amazing.

As time passed, surprise turned to shock.

One day, two days, three days ... Ten days have passed, Ling Xian still looks as usual, without any breath.

At this time, the people who entered the place before him were basically dead, leaving only the white-haired old man alone.

He was the longest-standing person here, although he was not dead, he was pale, and his mana was almost exhausted.

"I didn't expect that you could persist for fifteen days." The white-haired old man shook his head and smiled hard, and it was hard to conceal the glance towards Ling Xian.

The rest are even more so.

Although they are newcomers after Lingxian, these days have passed and it is clear what it means to stick to the fifteen days.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mana that can persist for fifteen days is definitely several times the same level!

"You are the one who persists for the longest time." Ling Xian smiled lightly, as usual, calmly.

For others, it is difficult to persist for fifteen days, but to him, it is nothing.

Compared with the rest of the mana, those lost are just a drop in the ocean, and a hairy cow.

"I persisted for seventeen days and it was a record, but what does this record mean?"

The old white-haired man smiled sadly, and said, "My mana is almost exhausted. At most, I can hold on for another day. At this time tomorrow, you will see a mist of blood."

Hearing that, Ling Xian was silent.

He wanted to save the white-haired old man, but he really couldn't help it.

For half a month, he has explored the place no less than a hundred times, leaving no flowers or grass.

However, no flaws have been found, and the entire small world is so solid that no weakness can be found at all.

"If you persist for two more days, you will break my record." The elderly white-haired smiled strongly and said, "Work hard, I hope you can find your way."

"I hope too." Ling Xian sighed softly and stopped speaking.

At this time the next day, the white-haired old man turned into a mist of blood. Before he died, his eyes were on Ling Xian, with hope and shock.

Because, Ling Xian's face is not red and gasp, no different from 16 days ago.

This means that he will definitely break the old man's record, naturally shocking the white-haired old man.

"All dead ..."

Watching the old man turn into a mist of blood, Ling Xian sighed. I didn't expect that after 16 days, I would become the oldest person here.

At the same time, he also strengthened his conviction.

As he said, too much regret, he must not die!

"The emperor's tomb has existed for tens of thousands of years, and maybe there were no flaws at that time, but I don't believe that the small world after tens of thousands of years will still have no weaknesses." Ling Xian's eyes were firm, and the light of his heart never disappeared.

A month later, he still didn't find the weak point and his status didn't change.

This shocked everyone here. Although they were all newcomers, when they came in, they were told by the old people how long Ling Xian persisted.

Therefore, no one expected that he could persist for forty-six days!

"It's scary, is he still human?"

"I persisted for six days, and my mana has reached the bottom. How could he persist for forty-six days?"

"Unbelievable, is it possible that he is the legendary Tao deity?"

Everyone talked, except to be shocked, to admire it.

In this regard, Ling Xianhuan remains unknown.

Almost every day, someone talked about him and issued a similar marvel. He was already numb, and he was indifferent to the lives and deaths of everyone.

Forty-six days, he watched the old men die, watched the newcomers come in, and it was difficult to be indifferent.

"If anyone is most likely to leave this place alive, it is undoubtedly him."

"Hopefully, he can find a way out before I die."

A pale youth stared at Ling Xian, full of hope.

The same goes for the rest.

This made Ling Xian sigh gently. For forty-six days, too many people put their hopes on him, but no one did.

It's not that he didn't do his best, but that the small world was so natural that he couldn't find the weak point at all.

"A thousand times, even if it's a stone, I've explored it."

"Is there really no weakness?"

Ling Xian sighed, his mana had been lost by half, that is, he could persist for up to fifty days.

If he can't find the weak point in fifty days and break this small world, he will turn into blood mist.

"There is no perfect world, there must be weak points, but I haven't found them."

Ling Xian murmured to himself, Yuan Ying villain opened his eyes, and the storm storm swept across the mountain.

A few days later, he sent away a group of old people and welcomed a group of new people.

Just like the newcomers before, they were shocked after they understood the situation and how long Ling Xian persisted.

After that, they fell into an infinite loop.

Lingxian stood still, sending away a group of old people and welcoming a group of new people.

Forty days later, he was still at a loss and could not find the weakness of the small world.

At this time, his mana was less than 10%, and he could last up to ten days at most.

After another seven days, Ling Xian still did not find a weak point, but he unexpectedly broke through to the late stage of transcendent realm.

Suddenly, his mana changed qualitatively, as did his soul.

Even more gratifying is that the eighth change in the world finally came out.

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