Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2286: Don't run away

In the universe, the passage of space dissipated, Ling Xian and Elder Wu fell. They were all bruised and covered with blood.

Elder Wu in particular was torn apart and almost disintegrated.

At the time of the crisis, Ling Xian sent the inferior Jing Shi Dan to Elder Wu's mouth, and then used the mana to hold the elder Wu's collapsed body.

Ten minutes later, Elder Wu's anti-phagic power was reduced by 30%. Although he was still seriously injured and dying, it would not be destroyed.

"Huh, fortunately I caught up ..." Ling Xian exhaled a long sigh of relief and let go of her heart.

As long as Elder Wu is alive, there is hope.

"Actually it drove out 30% of the curse ..." Elder Wu was shocked, and his face was filled with incredible.

The reason why he did not want to use the time and space stone is because he understands the terrible power of backwash, and even if he gets rid of the old man in black, he will die because of backwash.

However, Ling Xian used only one elixir, and it was extremely inferior elixir, which expelled 30% of the counterattack, which naturally shocked him.

"If I'm not sure, how can I take risks?"

Ling Xian smiled a little, Jing Shidan could dispel the power of heavenly counterattack. Naturally, the power of time and space stone's counterattack was natural. Even the inferior and incomplete Jing Shidan could dispel the power of counterattack.

"It's too dangerous, almost, I will disintegrate." Elder Wu felt a little bit nervous.

"The process is really thrilling, but the results are good, and we can already say that we are out of danger."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, and it turned out that he could refine Jing Shidan before Elder Wu was dying.

In other words, Elder Wu will not die due to the power of counter-bite, and can always urge the time-space stone.

From a certain perspective, this is indeed out of danger.

"You look down on him, it won't be long before he comes." Elder Wu smiled bitterly, still hopeless.

"Before he arrives, you can definitely build a space channel, and before you fall, I can definitely refine Jingshidan."

"So, how could he behead us?"

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Trust me, he can't pose a threat."

After hearing that, Elder Wu pondered for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

After 30% less anti-phagocytic force, he can build a space channel again, and when the anti-phagocytic force in his body reaches 10%, Ling Xian can expel several anti-phagocytic forces.

This means that he will never die, and it also means that the old man in black always slows him down.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll build the space channel." Elder Wu laughed loudly, the time stone flowing gold and silver, condensing the space channel.

At the same time, Lingxian also started to refine alchemy.

After dozens of breaths, the old man in black came, and this time, he learned to be smart.

The moment he stepped out of the void, he blocked the place with a secret method.

Unfortunately, it is still a step too late.

Ling Xian and Elder Wu have entered the space channel, even the Supreme, they cannot be destroyed.

"Haha, I can imagine that he looked like thunder." Elder Wu laughed broadly.

"I also imagined it." Ling Xian smiled at the corners of her mouth and played a series of decrees to speed up the formation of Jing Shidan.

This time, his speed was a lot faster, and before he got out of the space channel, Jing Shidan had been refined.

More importantly, the quality has been improved by 10%.

"Serve it, I will continue to make it." Ling Xian chuckled, fighting against the clock and trying her best.

"Haha, okay." Elder Wu smiled heartily. After refining and purifying Shidan, the power of counterattack was reduced by 40%.

This gave him a lot of confidence and felt that the road ahead was no longer dark but full of light.

At the moment, he uses the power of time stone to build a rock-like space passage.

I have to say that the time stone is truly supreme. Without it, Elder Wu, who was seriously injured, would never be able to build a space channel, let alone immobile.

After that, in the cold and lonely universe, a unique chase battle was staged.

Whenever the old man in black thought with confidence that he could kill Ling Xian and Elder Wu, he was hit hard.

No matter how desperate he was, he was one step too late, only to watch Ling Xian and Elder Wu leave.

This angered the old man in black and puzzled him.

He knew that the stimulating space-time stone would encounter backwash, and in the state of Elder Wu's serious injury, he could urge up to two times.

However, Elder Wu has urged it eight times from the beginning to the present. This is undoubtedly an astonishing number. Even the Supreme, it is impossible.

"I don't believe it, he can continue to urge it!" The old man in black relented and continued to pursue.

It turned out to be no different.

He still can only watch, as if Elder Wu is a tireless iron man, without limits!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The old man in black was so angry that he continued to hunt down unbelief.

However, in return, it was hit again and again.

In the end, he was about to vomit blood and was desperate.

However, when he was desperate, he suddenly found that Ling Xian and Elder Wu did not leave.

This made the old man in black overjoyed and almost wept.

There is no way, it is too uncomfortable to be able to grasp the taste of Ling Xian and Elder Wu every time it is only a little bit worse.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is simply a queasy wish to die!

Therefore, after seeing Ling Xian and Elder Wu not disappear, the old man in black has a sense of happiness in falling out of the pie in the sky, and a sense of unrealism in his dream.

"Not used to it?"

Looking at the ecstasy of the eyes, there was also a bit of an old man in black, Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, knowing that the person was used to seeing him.

Elder Wu also laughed, relaxed, and teased.

"Why don't you run away? There is no way to urge Time Stone."

After confirming that this was not an illusion, the old man in black laughed and disappeared, and replaced it with satire.

This made Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. The reason why he didn't leave was because it was no longer necessary to go, but not because Elder Wu had reached the limit.

With Jing Shi Dan in, even if you urge it dozens of times, it's no problem.

"Smile, wait for me to break your bones, I'll see if you can laugh!" The old man in black looked at him with cold eyes.

"Naturally laugh, because you don't have the ability to interrupt my bones." Ling Xian's smile continued.

"Haha, funny."

"Although you have a good foundation, after all, it is only an eighth level monk. I can kill you with just one finger."

The old man in black laughed loudly, without concealing his irony.

"You can, but your opponent is not me."

Ling Xian was at ease, as if the old man in black was not a ninth-level powerhouse, but a young monk during the gas-refining period.

"If you expect him to block me, you are too stupid."

The old man in black smiled sarcastically and said, "He can't even stop me at this moment."

"Don't you want to know, why didn't I escape?"

"Now I tell you, not because Elder Wu has reached his limit, but because there is no need to escape."

Ling Xian smiled, pointed at the bright moon below, and said something that made the old man in black smile stiff.

"You don't know where the Chaos Academy is."

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