Hanging high for half a month, sprinkle Qinghui.

Ling Xian swept across the sky, silent, and galloping.

His direction is exactly the dungeons of the timeless.

The dungeon is full of organs. It is impossible to rescue people based on Ye Yi's ability. Therefore, he can only come.

After a while, Lingxian arrived at the peak of the ten thousand feet, and then swaggered his hands, endless bursts appeared.

He didn't know to open the judgment, but he could only use brute force to break it. Therefore, he laid out a matrix method to isolate the voice, so as not to alarm the people who had no time.

"I hope this trip will be smooth."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, regretfully, swallowing the mountains and rivers.

Suddenly, the peak of Wanzhang cracked, the gravel fell, and the waves were shaking.

Fortunately, there is no guard here, and Ling Xian has laid out a matrix method to isolate the voice. Otherwise, such a big movement will surely shock everyone in the timeless case.


Nine iron chains flew out, turned into a mysterious array, and circled and danced around Lingxian.

Suddenly, the force of imprisonment came, even if it was as strong as Lingxian, it was like a trap, it was difficult to move.

There is no way, the nine iron chains themselves are good treasures. After forming the formation, the power is soaring.

However, Ling Xian did not panic.

He is a grand master, and he uses magic to break Wanbao, and the iron cables are extraordinary and can not constitute a threat.

At the moment, Ling Xian swipes her hands, and while the lines appear, a mysterious power comes.

Suddenly, the mysterious array shattered, and the nine iron cables also cracked and lost their power.

"It's your misfortune to meet me." Ling Xian smiled slightly, not because he was arrogant, but indeed.

Changing to another person, even if it is as good as Ye Yi, cannot break into the dungeon and rescue people.

However, Ling Xian is a wizard who is proficient in many fields. For him, as long as it is related to the three aspects of the spell array, he can't help him.

At the moment, his body flickered and landed on the bottom of the mountain.

Suddenly, the runes manifested, and the formation was pervasive, turning into 108 mysterious amulet arrays, killing Lingxian strong.


Divine power shakes the world and kills the sky. This 108 amulets complement each other and have both offense and defense.

However, it does not threaten Lingxian.

He is the Grand Master of Run Dao and the Grand Master of Dao Road, how could he be injured by Fu Run?

At the moment, Lingxian waved his sleeves, the rune array became apparent, and broke through.

After a while, the centres of 108 runes were broken, and Lingxian could no longer be blocked.

If you let the people who have no time to know, the two plights that take pride in being defeated so easily by Ling Xian, I don't know what they will think.

"People in captivity ..."

Looking at the hundreds of prison cages, Ling Xianxing's eyes narrowed, looking at every prisoner.

At the same time, these people also looked at Ling Xian, flashing hope.

Just because Lingxian broke the battle line, rather than let the rune retreat by law, it meant that he came to save people.

At the moment, everyone started talking and asked Lingxian to take them away.

"I can take you away, but you have to listen to me."

Ling Xian glanced at the crowd lightly. The reason why she wanted to save irrelevant people was because there were five or six monks in the Eighth Realm, which could cause a little trouble for the timeless sect.

"As long as you can save me out, I can give you this life!"

"You let me go east, I will never go west!"

"As long as you can leave this place, you can let me do anything!"

Everyone expressed their attitudes and looked forward to Ling Xian's eyes full of hope.

"As long as you flee and flee after you go out, it will help me."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, and then took a big step closer to the prison cage.

Suddenly, his mana could not run freely, and the power of the soul was like a seal, unable to use it.

"It is indeed made of twenty-four **** irons, and it is truly extraordinary."

Ling Xian sighed. Although his physical strength was not sealed, the prison cage was too strong to be broken at all.

"Is there no way for Daoyou?"

Seeing Ling Xian sigh, an old man covered with blood sighed, his eyes dim.

"I should have thought about it. Who can open the cage except the key?"

"Yeah, even the strongest in the eighth state cannot break the cage."

"I thought I saw hope, but didn't expect it, but despair."

Everyone sighed, bitter.

"No way, I won't come."

Ling Xian smiled lightly. With his strength, it was really impossible to break the cage, but from the beginning, he did not intend to break it with brute force.

The twenty-four **** irons can be merged because they are born together. If a godlike material is added, the cage will be broken.

This is not difficult for Lingxian.

He is a master of genius, and finds out the relative abilities, which is naturally a piece of cake.

"Taoyou, do you really have a way?" The old man asked with a trembling voice, hard to conceal his expectation.

"Be quiet, don't disturb me." Ling Xian said lightly, then calmly, analyzing what the twenty-four **** irons in the cage were.

As time passed, everyone dared not speak out, even the atmosphere.

After half an hour, Ling Xian opened her eyes and smiled.

He has analyzed what the twenty-four sacred irons in the cage are, and he also knows which magic materials can make the cage unbreakable.

It happened that he had it in his storage bag.

At present, Lingxian took out a red and blue **** stone, and then melted it into a powder.

There is only one stone in this stone, but there are more than a hundred prison cages. If it is not used, it will not save everyone.

Fortunately, the cage can be destroyed in just one click.

"If you let the people who have no time to know that I break the cage in this way, I don't know how I will feel."

Ling Xian smiled and sprinkled the Shenshi powder on the prison cage.

Suddenly, the powder blended with the cage, and then an incredible scene happened.

I saw the prison cage cracked, although it was small, but it did crack.

This shocked everyone and stunned.

They knew how sturdy the cage was, even if they joined forces, don't shake the slightest bit.

However, Ling Xian just throws a handful of powder, and it breaks the cage. How incredible is this?

"I won't be dazzled, the cage is cracked!"

"It's incredible. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself!"

"It's just a little powder, and it actually cracked all the cages, it was incredible!"

Everyone exclaimed, shocked.

In particular, after seeing the cracks in the cage grow bigger, he was shocked to the point that it could not be added.

At the same time, ecstatic.

The crack of the cage meant that they could escape from this place, naturally ecstatic.

At present, they bowed towards Ling Xian as a token of gratitude.

"If you really want to thank me, let me attract the firepower of the timeless sect." Ling Xian said lightly, without concealing her purpose.

The crowd did not feel wrong.

Lingxian and them are not related to each other. If there is no purpose, how can they be saved?

Therefore, these people have spoken in succession, saying that they will do their best.


Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction, and then took out Ye Yi to him, the secret treasure that can detect the blood of fallen fairy.

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