At the Xiaojia Mansion, everyone in the room was stunned, and they did not expect that the descendants of the five surnames, the seven ancestors and the nine hidden worlds, were all lost to Ling Xian.

And without exception, all within 100 strokes.

This can be said to be a fiasco, and it also means that Lingxian is well deserved the strongest of the young generation!

"After the Yangtze River, the waves are pushing forward." The owner of the Xiao family sighed. I did not expect that the youngest generation would be judged in such a dramatic way.

I also did not expect that the strongest was not the heir to the five surnames, seven ancestors, and nine ancestors, but Lingxian, who had never been born.

"It's a stunning person. Within ten years, he will definitely set foot in the realm of great masters." The sword **** admired and gave Lingxian a very high evaluation.

"Indeed," the overlord faintly said, "Do you want to take him as an apprentice?"

"It's rare to see such amazing people. I can't miss it."

The sword **** smiled slightly, then turned his eyes to Lingxian, and said, "Would you like to enter my door and learn swords with me?"

The words fell, everyone present turned their eyes to Ling Xian, envy and jealousy.

The sword **** is the first person in Wulin today, and there are no apprentices and no children. If anyone can become his apprentice, he can absolutely tell the truth!

"Sorry, I already have a teacher." Ling Xian declined, even if the sword **** is the invincible fairy king, he would not worship him as a teacher.

"There is a division ..." The sword **** froze for a moment.

Everyone in the audience was as dead as a chicken. No one expected that Ling Xian rejected the sword god, and the rejection was straightforward, without hesitation.

"Also, I don't force it." The sword **** sighed softly, hard to hide the disappointment.

He managed to find a satisfactory successor, but was rejected. How could he not be disappointed?

"I'm not mistaken, he actually rejected the sword god!"

"That is the first person in Wulin today. If he can enter his door, he will be the worst master!"

"Rejected, did this person have water in his head?"

Everyone talked, making Ling Xian cry and laugh.

It won't be long before he will be able to create the second pattern of fortune-telling. At that time, he will be the master.

And when he finishes the third pattern, he can compare to the sword god, or even surpass it. Is it necessary to worship him as a teacher?

"Small guy, I suddenly see how pleasant you are." The overlord smiled and said, "Not everyone has the courage to reject the sword god, you are fine."

"The overlord has won a prize." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and then took a big step toward the gate of Xiao House.

He is out of the limelight today, even the sword gods and overlords are covered by his light.

In this case, it is impossible for him to steal the treasure map. Naturally, he should leave and make another plan.

"Wait a minute."

The sword **** smiled mildly and said, "If you have any doubts about your practice, come to sword **** mountain to find me."

After hearing that, everyone became more envious of Ling Xian.

In the case of Ling Xian's explicit refusal, the sword gods promised so much promise. It is conceivable how much he valued Ling Xian.

"I will." Ling Xian arched her hand toward Yao Shen, left Xiao House, and returned to the inn.

After that, he thought about how to get the treasure map.

After thinking about it, improving your strength is the most reliable way.

Whether it is for robbing or stealing, you need strong strength as a guarantee. If he has the strength of the sword god, he can come straight to the door.

At present, Ling Xian is calm and calm, practicing the second picture of chemical and physical cultivation.

If it can be repaired, his internal strength will reach the level of the Grand Master. At that time, even if he is robbed, he may have success.

"Without accident, half a month later, I will be able to make a second pattern and become a master."

Feeling the continuous increase of internal force, Ling Xian murmured to himself, a glimmer of expectation flashed in the star eyes.

For another person, it is impossible to practice in the guru's realm within half a month, but he can do it with merits.

The alchemy of heaven is the supreme power of heaven. As long as the second pattern can be repaired, the master's realm can be achieved.

This time depends on the understanding of the practitioner.

Although Ling Xian's strength has been sealed, her understanding cannot be sealed, and his understanding is praised even by the true fairy!

"The Xiao family didn't have a grand master to sit in. It would be much easier for me to become a grand master." Ling Xian smiled and practiced calmly.

As time passed, his internal force gradually increased and gradually increased.

After half a month, Lingxian's internal force has made a qualitative leap. If it was a stream before, it is the vast sea at this moment.

This is the gap between the top masters and the great masters, just like the difference between clouds and mud, which cannot be compared.

"Finally broke through." Ling Xian smiled slightly, rejoicing.

One is because he has the ability to get the treasure map, and the other is that he is one step closer to the broken void, or the ninth realm.

"If it is passed out, it will sensationally martial arts."

Ling Xian smiled, it was so amazing, it took only half a month to break through to the Grand Master's realm, it was simply incredible!

"It's only one step away from the broken void, and when I make a third pattern, I can break the void."

"But before that, I have to master the power of creation."

Ling Xianxing's eyes narrowed, although Luo Xin explained that after the broken void, the martial arts in this world would be forgotten.

However, he believes that the Heavenly Gong of Creation does not belong to this world.

One is that this is the Supreme Practice of the practice world, and the other is that the mysterious symbol comes from the practice world.

"Whether it will be forgotten or not, we must do our best to make up for the Tiangong." Ling Xian muttered to himself, making Tiangong too rare to be missed.

Right now, he rose up and walked towards Xiao Fu.

At this moment, the moon is sparse, and it is already late at night.

Ling Xian easily sneaked into Xiao's house without alarming the guard.

With his current strength, even a half-step master may not be able to detect it.

"The Lord of the Xiao family must know the treasure map. Ask him directly."

Ling Xian's eyes were so deep that he couldn't be so direct before changing, after all, the Xiao Family Master was a half-step master.

But at this moment, there is no need to detour. With his strength, it is easy to suppress the Lord of the Xiao family.

Therefore, Ling Xian came to the house of the Xiao family and saw that the lights were bright inside. There were two figures sitting and talking.

"How's it going?"

"It has been found out that the treasure key is on a woman named Lin Yingmei."

"Ha ha, okay, it's finally a brow, how is this woman's strength?"

"Just a second-rate expert, not worth mentioning."

Listening to the conversation between the Lord of the Xiao family and another person, Ling Xianxing narrowed his eyes, thanking himself for coming here first.

Otherwise, Lin Yingmei will surely die, and the treasure key will fall into the hands of the Xiao family.

"Haha, you take someone right away, kill this woman and bring back the keys." The Xiao Family Lord laughed.

"No need to go." Ling Xian smiled slightly and pushed in.

"Who is it?" The master of the Xiao family was startled, and so was that person.

They are all top-notch existence of first-class masters, but no one is found outside the door, how can they not be surprised?

And when they saw who was coming, they were even more shocked.

"It's you…"

The owner of the Xiao family took a deep look at Ling Xian, not to mention that only half a month has passed, and even in the past few decades, he will not forget Ling Xian.

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