Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 2707: Xianggong

Snow dance lightly, silver frost.

Clean as jade, light as smoke, snowflakes everywhere, flawless and stainless.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains, Ling Xian gently looked at Lin Qingyi and said, "Tsing Yi, let's get married here."

Hearing that, Lin Qingyi blushed crazily and nodded.

It doesn't matter where you marry. What matters is who you marry.

Lin Qingyi's dreams have been met more than once, and marrying with Lingxian Baitang.

"Unfortunately, Daxueshan is white in the eyes, and the marriage should be a festive red." Ye Huashang sighed, while Daxueshan was beautiful, but uncomfortable.

"It's better than Halloween. Besides, who said there is no red?" Ling Xian smiled slightly, and printed with one hand, the world changed suddenly.

White snow turns red candles, mountains and petrochemical lanterns, ice and snow turn into flowers, they are beautiful and beautiful.

This made Lin Qingyi choke, as did Ye Huashang and Ye Xiaozhang.

It's incredible, it's too beautiful, the red candle lanterns hang in the air, thousands of miles of flowers bloom, and it is truly dreamlike.

Lin Qingyi is fascinated and immersed in the dreamy beauty, it is difficult to extricate herself.

Ye Huashang and Ye Xiaozhang were also intoxicated.

"It's just the beginning. Don't be too intoxicated."

Ling Xian chuckled, flung her big sleeves, white clouds turned fairy light, colorful, and dazzling.

Flying fairy light.

The most brilliant light in the world has the reputation of being the country's best.

The gods are shining, the fairies are dancing, the colorful petals are dazzling, gorgeous, and beautiful.

"This ... this should not be the legendary Fei Xian light."

Ye Huashang's face is dull, except for the legendary Fei Xian light, there is no such colorful light in the world.

Ye Xiaozheng also stared, wondering at the colorful light, and also at the magical means of Lingxian.

Only one wave, Bai Xuehua red candle, mountain petrochemical lantern.

Wave again, Bai Yunhua's ascension light is simply incredible!


Ling Xian chuckled, watching Lin Qingyi tenderly, and said, "I was fortunate to see the light of ascension that year, what do you think I was thinking?"

"It should be a marvel, how could the world be so brilliant." Lin Qingyi was fascinated, looking at the colorful lights, reluctant to look away.

Too dreamy, the fairy shadow dances with the **** light, and the petals fly with the fairy shadow, forming an aesthetic picture.

"I was wondering how good it would be if you joined hands with me to admire the flourishing fireworks." Ling Xian smiled softly and said, "Now, my wish has finally been reached."

"Lingxian ..."

Lin Qingyi was emotional, nestled in Ling Xian's arms, laughing with tears, bright and moving.

"Don't cry on the day of great joy."

Ling Xian's gentle manner, the tears of Lin Qingyi passing away, whispered in his ear: "Do you want to look more beautiful?"

"Thinking." Lin Qingyi nodded strongly, and Pear blossomed with rain, couldn't stop it.

"The light of ascension is the most brilliant light in the world. It looks better than you. It is you who put on your wedding dress." Ling Xian smiled slightly, waving her sleeves, and Tsing Yi turned red.

His white clothes also turned into red clothes.

Fengguanxia 帔, 缨 network weeping, Liuyun weaving gold, Zhu Cuiyun 鬓.

That look, really is Bingji hiding jade bones, allure and resurrection.

Ling Xian is crazy.

He has seen too many beauties, enchanting like a palace lock heart, cold like Jimo like snow, domineering like Luo Xinjie, which is not all over the country?

However, it is not as good as Lin Qingyi at the moment.

She was already beautiful, and wearing a phoenix crown at the moment was extremely beautiful and intriguing.

Ye Huashang and Ye Xiaozhang also stunned, they looked at Lin Qingyi, it is difficult to hide the envy.

The red candle lanterns, the rain in the sky, the phoenix phoenix, the love of this life, which is not what you want? How can they not be envious?

"Lingxian, do I look good?" Lin Qingyi smiled all over the city, the red candle lantern was eclipsed, and the Baihuaxian light was dim.

"In my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

Ling Xian smiled softly, and embraced the beautiful woman, saying, "If you have a wife like this, what is your husband to ask for?"

"Marrying you is my greatest happiness in this life." Lin Qingyi is fascinated by Ling Xian. She does not seek fame or fortune, but does not seek longevity, but only wants to grow old with Ling Xian.

Right now, the dream has come true, and she has no regrets in her life.

"It's almost time, we should pay homage." Ling Xian smiled slightly, waved his hands, and filled with high friends, vivid and vivid.

This caused Ye Huashang to be so shocked that he couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Ling Gongzi, how did you do that? This is incredible."

"Have you forgotten my Yi Rongshu?" Ling Xian smiled slightly, changing heaven and earth is the best way to change the appearance of anything.

With his practice today, even the supreme existence of the Supreme Realm cannot be seen through.

"So it is."

Ye Huashang suddenly realized, and sighed, "It's incredible, I can't see it at all."

"Sorry, time is short, I can't give you a grand wedding, I can only use the other day to create an illusion." Ling Xian apologized.

"Isn't that grand enough?"

"The red candle lanterns and the rain in the sky, even if they are false, are enough."

"I will never forget this wedding."

Lin Qingyi looked at Ling Xian with affection, as long as he was not fake, she was satisfied.

Moreover, although the scene is false, it is no different from the real one, and it is extremely beautiful.

"me too."

Ye Huashang sighed, and said, "If someone gave me such a grand wedding, I would die."

After speaking, she realized that she had made a mistake and hurriedly shifted the topic: "It's almost time, come to the church."

"The sky is above, and the earth is the proof. My Lingxian and Lin Qingyi are connected, they will never give up and die."

"In violation of this oath, it's gone."

Lingxian refers to the oath of heaven, and his words are strong and powerful.

"I don't allow you to talk nonsense."

Lin Qingyi stretched out a slim finger, leaning against Ling Xian's lips, and said angrily: "What kind of death is it? Take it back."

"The oath of heaven is done, it's too late."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Mother, it's too late, we should rest."

After hearing that, Lin Qingyi blushed, and her heart was like a deer ramming, so she didn't dare to see Lingxian.

"Don't be afraid, you will be very gentle for your husband." Ling Xian smiled, holding Lin Qingyi's hand and walking towards the depths of Daxue Mountain.

He has opened a good cave house in the depths of the snow mountain, and laid down 108 **** arrays, even if he is supreme, don't even try to pry.

"Mother, call Xiang Xiang to listen."

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful Lin Qingyi, Ling Xianxing's eyes were fiery and eager to move.

"No." Lin Qingyi was ashamed, and the two of them were unspeakable.

"If you don't, you will be punished for your husband." Ling Xian took Lin Qingyi into her arms and kissed her head.

Lip prints, heart prints.

Luo skirt did not know when to land, Qing Yin did not know when it sounded.

Laughter, pain, and gasping finally turned into two words full of affection.

"Sangong ..."


It took me four hours to finish writing, it was terrible.

I don't dare to describe it too much. I'm afraid of being blocked.

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