Pampered by Millions

Chapter 100: Peach crack 3



      He threw it on the lamp table accurately.


    He bowed his head to the lamp and took the pen. Chu Chiyu's words were different from his. Every stroke was elegant and beautiful, which made people feel inferior. I saw him at the same table and asked the eldest young master for the answer. He urged Chao Deng to write quickly. When he copied the last big question, the strange characters in the next row of the answer caught Chao Deng's attention.

    [--...-....-...-/-.-.--.---...../-..---... ---.-./-..----.--...../--...-..-..--.-/-..----...- -.-./--..---.--..-.-/-.-..-...--..../-...------.-- ..-/--------....--../--...-..-.../-..---.---..- .-/-.-...-.--.-.../-..---....-.--./---.-.-.-..--.. /---------....--../--...-....-...-/--..---......../ -.-.-.--..---../--.-.--..-...-./-..----.--.....


    …what is this?

    Chu Chiyu fell asleep while doing the question?

    He didn't understand after reading it for a long time, and the tablemate was urging him again, so he gave the exercise book to the other party. In the third year of high school, in addition to giving lectures, it is also an exam. The trajectory of the electric charge on the blackboard is like a book from heaven to the current Chao Deng. After listening to it for a while, he sits and dozed off as in the past, separated by a corridor, his eyes like paint. The young man wrote notes quietly, and after a long time, his eyes moved from the blackboard to the sleeping lantern, and then silently retracted his gaze.

    "Lantern," Fuyue ran over from the front row after class: "Young Master Chu's birthday tonight, are you going?"

    He was stunned for a while, and the same scene as he remembered made the corners of Zhao Deng's lips curl slightly: "Go."

    Seeing Chu Chiyu's absence, Fuyue approached the lamp and said, "What are you giving him?"

    "I haven't thought about it yet, I feel like he doesn't lack anything."

     "That's great," Fu Yue smiled at him: "Since you didn't expect to give yourself, I'll give you to him."

    "Ok, it's up to you."

    He noticed that Fuyue's face was a little red, she seemed to want to say something, and in the end she just jokingly made a noise for a while and returned to her seat. After school, they went to the largest KTV bar in the city. As in memory, Chu Chiyu's friends in the capital came here to celebrate his birthday. Because of the long period of time, he couldn't remember many details. It was almost the second half. Lantern went to the bathroom, and when he came out, he met the oncoming teenager.

    "Yuyu," Chao Deng said first, he smiled and took a few steps forward: "Happy birthday, it seems that I haven't told you alone."

    If he understands correctly, this is the spiritual world built by Chu Chiyu. The handsome young man in front of him is not the eldest young master who can easily guess his mind. Like Yuechangge, now Chu Chiyu should have watched him leave his world, but the other party did not choose to come straight to the point and ask the guilt.

    The rushing water from the faucet made a sound in the room, the young man did not respond to Chaodeng's words, Chu Chiyu didn't say it, he naturally wouldn't ask for trouble, he touched his nose at Chaodeng: "Then I go first."

    He just took a step, and then there was a sudden pulling force. He was pushed against the door of the bathroom, and the dark light unique to KTV descended from above their heads. The young man in front of him With dark eyes as deep as midnight, Chu Chiyu approached Chaodeng, fixed his chin with one hand, and entangled his lips and teeth with the latter without a doubt.

      At the neck, when Chao Deng was unprepared, the boy's eyes darkened, and the five fingers that were originally parked naturally pinched Chao Deng's neck.


    The beating blood vessels were blocked by resistance, but Chiyu didn't mean to stop kissing him, the tip of his tongue was still wanton searching in his mouth, the other party's hand tightened and tighter, breathing became more and more difficult for Chao Deng , that is really like a kiss that a vampire can give, a black phantom so charming and close to death, just when he almost thought that Chu Chiyu would really kill him, the young man suddenly let go of his strength.

      In the silent bathroom, the boy's expressionless face finally had sporadic emotions.

    "Towards the light."

    Chu Chiyu called his name.

    "...cough, cough." He was forced out of physiological tears by the lack of oxygen and choked breath, and his embarrassed appearance fell into the depths of the boy's black pupils, and whispered to him towards the lamp : "Honor..."

    "You don't seem surprised, see me again."


    "I want to kill you."

    He heard the other party mutter in a low voice, the black hair concealed the expression of the young man, seeing Chao Deng biting his lips and looking at him nervously, Chu Chiyu suddenly smiled lightly.

    "You really haven't changed..." The boy's fingers stroked the pinch marks on his neck, carefully placing it as if he was touching a unique treasure, but he didn't seem to be stern at all: "It's been so many years. , why are you still like a child, doing something wrong will only act like a spoiled child?"


    Why the **** don't I know I'm acting like a baby.

    "After you passed by, I tried a lot of people," the boy said lightly: "There are boys and girls."

    Whether it's a MB in a nightclub, a beautiful supermodel, a boy as beautiful and cunning as a young woman, a star, a student, a lady introduced to him by others... just the first step, he There was no way to go on trying. Various images from the past appeared in his mind, but the memory of that person had not dried up over time, but became clearer and more credible.

    Everything that was thrown at the lamp still lives on him stubbornly, like a curse that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

    "No one can attract me like you did... Have you ever tried that feeling?" Chu Chiyu looked at him: "You have wealth, fame, and power, and you have nothing No matter what, you will not be satisfied."


    "You said we would meet again, I thought many times, if we meet again, I will definitely kill you, I would rather guard a corpse than go back to that situation," The young man stared at his face with a complicated expression: "But I **** didn't expect you to still look like this when you saw me, and you still have the same expression and attitude when you see me... Haven't you grown up yet? Do you know what it means to be afraid? ?"


    Damn, this is childish?

      Deng Anxin, the surrounding scene began to collapse rapidly, Chu Chiyu, who was standing beside Chao Deng, gave him a deep look, his slender figure gradually blurred.

    He opened his eyes again.

    "How are you?"

    When he woke up, he found himself lying on the bed, the light-colored ceiling fell into view, Caesar seemed to have lit a cigarette, and the air smelled faintly of tobacco.


    "I didn't expect two to come in one day," the eyebrows with the same hair color slightly wrinkled, only a small light was turned on in the room, probably to remove the smell of smoke, originally half-on The glass window was completely opened by Caesar, and the night wind poured into the room from the outside, and the man whispered: "The intensity is a bit strong, are you crazy?"

    "Do you still have cigarettes?"

    The other party responded, and his slender fingers conjured up two cigarettes. Seeing that Caesar took it to the lamp, he naturally ignited a flame on his fingertips for the latter, which was almost magical to him It's not surprising that the ability is not surprising, he dipped the cigarette body towards the lamp, and leaned over to light the cigarette **** by the fire.

    "Bad boy," Caesar followed him and lit the fire, "so skilled."

    “…Aren’t you the same.”

    Someone's fingers flicked his forehead like punishment, but the force was very light, Caesar's voice always had a laziness in it, it sounded like a resting lion .

    "Yes, I don't like good boys," he was thinking about the meaning of the other party's words, but Caesar changed the subject: "Are you curious about who I am?"

    Zhao Deng is very sincere: "Curious."

    "I want to protect you," Caesar answered the question he asked before being pulled into the sea of ​​knowledge by Chu Chiyu, but his attitude was very condescending: "So I won't talk about it for the time being."

    "...They seem to know you," after rubbing his eyebrows, he looked up at the lamp and looked at each other: "Before the big beauty disappeared, she said that she was 'that kind of thing', I know his personality well , if it weren't for the fact that he was in front of him, he wouldn't bow his head, and Yuyu too, he grabbed my hand when he saw you," Chao Deng paused: "But I guess he hates me, you—"

    "He didn't," Caesar said suddenly: "He won't hate you, no one will hate you."


    "You didn't notice what he wrote to you," the gray-blue eyes were full of brilliance, and the latter looked at the facing lamp faintly, the lit white smoke lingering around his fingertips, Inexplicably, he suddenly felt that at that moment, Caesar seemed to have the shadow of the black-haired, black-eyed boy: "That... um, on that piece of paper, is the Morse code."

    "You mean workbook?" Remembering the strange characters arranged neatly under the last physics question, he repeated to the lamp, "Morse code?"

    "Morse code is a kind of information code that expresses different meanings through different arrangements. Your... um, that sentence in the exercise book, translated words..."

    The man pondered for a while, then looked at the lamp and raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

    Caesar's skin is very good, this is what he knew when he first saw him on the news on the first floor of the tower, but when he saw the real person at close range, the visual impact was completely impossible Imagine, with a beautiful bridge of nose and thin lips, his eyes are deeper than ordinary people, and the eye sockets are deeply sunken. The slender and slender eyes are less cold due to the clear gray-blue, and they fit him as if they were born. As it should be.

    Such a person...what serious crime has he committed to force the robot to classify him as a super criminal?

    "'I came here because of you, so in the whole world, I like you the most.'" Caesar laughed, smoke wafting around his handsome face, he seemed to be asking the court Deng, if talking to himself: "Probably means invading your sea of ​​consciousness, no matter what, it's quite romantic?"

    There was a heavy rain in the early morning, and until noon, the water droplets that had not dissipated still fell from the window sill, the girl's long black hair like a crow's feather was scattered in the air, and she stretched out towards the lamp He got up from the bed, he didn't remember how long it took Caesar to leave, he remembered that last night the other party was worried that there might be debris, and he kept vigil until he fell asleep. Clothes out of the living quarters.

    The shops of the commercial street are all run by robots, whether it is the handsome shopkeeper, the smiling cafe waitress in maid costume, the bartender and the front desk manager, all who look like humans He took the menu from the red-haired Mechanicus, and when he was about to order, someone sat opposite him.

    "Noisy Noisy...!"


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