Pampered by Millions

Chapter 1: coquettish in cage

    The early cherry blossoms in early April show the pink of Yunxingxiawei under the dome, the girls' school uniform skirts are drawn in soft arcs in the air, the morning reading bell has passed, the teacher on duty He lowered his head to write the lesson plan, and the huge classroom was silent until a knock on the door broke the long silence.


    According to the voice, a boy of 16 or 17 years old came in. The teacher's displeased eyes immediately turned into indescribable love after seeing him, and he let him go in and sit after a few words. Down.

      The classmates formed a sharp contrast, tutted lightly towards the lamp, pulled out the chair and sat down in the middle of the classroom.

    Today's male gods are also super indifferent.

    The sight of the lamp once again turned to the person who was doing the math. The other person was white and black, and his pupils were like a pool of deep water. The fingers protruding from the cuffs of the school uniform were slender and powerful, accompanied by the movement of writing , Under the skin on the back of the hand, the distinctive dark-colored blood vessels that are unique to boys are raised.

    Although I knew that Chu Chiyu was a great beauty, no matter how many times I watched it, Chao Deng still liked his appearance.

    It really makes me very happy to have such a person as a target.


      He smiled at the classmates in the front row of the latter, and bent his eyes towards the lamp.

    "You know."

    "Understanding, understanding, harassing Chu Xueba again, the class is sitting."


    One sentence not only shows the extraordinary status of Chao Deng in the class, but also shows that his obsession with Chu Chiyu has reached a terrible level that everyone knows.

    "Can you talk about this question? I've been thinking about it for a long time and can't understand the physical situation."

    Chu Chiyu didn't say good or bad, Chao Deng habitually pushed the teaching assistant in front of him cheeky, and the question he asked was a five-pointed star, Chu Chiyu raised his eyes , After a few minutes, he said, "You don't need to do this question."

    His voice is very nice, and in the deep it brings out the clear meaning that is unique to young people. He looks at the lamp while getting his senses back, inexplicably: "Why not?"

    "Waste time."


    I will **** you.

      Rejecting on the grounds of life still cannot hide the fact that he is as cold as a robot.

    "Any questions?"

    Yes, how long are you going to have fun with me?

    It's a pity I can't tell the truth.

    The boy opposite Chu Chiyu raised a big smile: "There are three things we said today."


    "Have fun."

    Come on, you must be pure at this time.

    Feeling the jealous gazes of some people, Chu Chiyu frowned and didn't answer.

    Zhao Deng kept smiling, tsk tsk tsk in her heart, took the assistant back to his seat.

    As soon as he sat down, everyone around him rushed over:

    “Which question of Chao Deng can’t be done?”

    "If you don't know what to ask me, I will tell you carefully."

      The head murmured to himself in a low voice: "I want... I really want..."

    [Love is worth five stars. ]

    [Hate is worth two stars. ]

    Zhao Deng looked at the girl who was smiling again with complicated eyes. Her eyes were gentle and soft.

    If you can't get it, just destroy it.

    Break it into pieces and put it in a box beautiful enough to match you, even if it's just a corpse, you belong to me.

      , he was very excited.

    So cool and exciting.

    Not long ago, Chao Deng suffered an accident. When he was on the verge of death and his consciousness was chaotic, a strange voice told him that he could get a second life.

    In exchange, Chao Deng must go to various worlds to collect personality fragments, those powerful fragments have evolved into humanoids, have their own thinking and unreasonable learning ability, the method of collecting fragments is also unusual , The system said that he wanted the fragments to have five stars for their love and hatred, so that the emotional ups and downs of the personality reached their peak.

    The original owner of the personality fragments is a male, so the system chose Chao Deng, a **** guy, and because the original owner's nature is self-indifference, Chao Deng has been endowed by the system with abnormal characteristics of attracting others, try to increase it as much as possible Fragment's initial favorability for him.

    [You are very beautiful. ]

    [Awesome. ]

    [You are a jerk. ]


    [You'll attract anyone madly in love with you until you're possessed, imprisoned, dismembered, refrigerated to satisfy them. ]


    [You will not die, you will be infinitely resurrected. ]

    Different from others, after the system is transformed, in order to prevent him from having a psychological shadow on various unexpected events and thus unable to complete the task, when he is maliciously hurt by others, he will not feel pain, but will only experience vague Delight.

    The stronger the malice, the stronger the pleasure. Ordinary people hurt him positively and negatively, and he basically has no feeling.

    Ten times! ten! times!

    Being beaten up is heaven.

    So if there is something wrong with Chaodeng, he imagines that Chu Chiyu will touch him with strong malice in his heart. For this goal, he yearns for the five-star hatred more than the five-star of love.

    [System system, how many stars does the male **** have for Chao Deng Deng? ]

    The way the system calculates the emotions of the characters is extremely rough. According to the stars, the more stars, the deeper the emotions. There are two emotions: love and hate. Chu Chiyu's feelings for him—

    [Half love, no hatred. ]

    It is still very little.

    He is like a piece of code, precise, ruthless, and flawless.

    Zhao Deng's goal is to conquer this code, the only system that occupies the auxiliary position can only calculate the favorability degree roughly, and it is super cold, if you can't open your mouth and never make a sound, thinking about it makes life worse than death .

    [I chased him that long? ]

    [He doesn't know. ]

    [Do I play cute to him every day? ]

    [Useless. ]

    [Da, I quit. ]

    [Then die. ]


    Please, brother Chu Chiyu, come and spoil me, love me and dismember me.

    The sun is falling, the clear and sweet late spring echoes the scuffles and noises of the teenagers, Chu Chi is famous for dribbling the ball well on the court, walking in the clouds and water, with a wave of his long arm, the basketball jumps steadily The round frame, the time has come, everyone stopped, the board showed that Chu Chiyu and his party won the last game with a 75:32 score difference, the whole stadium was full of applause, and the girls looked at the center of the field with admiration teenager.

    He is playing a small forward who needs agility and energy, but this is the most fancy and beautiful position in the audience. His vision inadvertently crosses the field, and a deep meaning flashes in Chu Chiyu's eyes. .

    "Ha, Chao Deng is accepting confession again."

    The boy who played the guard leaned over and handed it to Chu Chiyu mineral water. Following his line of sight, he saw a smiling face rejecting the girl's headlight not far from the court.

    "The scourge," the boy smacked his lips: "Don't laugh like that when you reject people, this kind of rejection will only make her deeper and deeper."

    "Why do you say that?" Chu Chiyu's jet-black pupils said quietly, "Are you gay?"

    "Pfft—" The guard spat out a mouthful of water: "Don't make such a joke, Master Chu."

    He finally relieved his breath, seeing that Chu Chiyu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and couldn't help but continue: "But if you look at the lamp, you can really think about it, I don't know why, seeing his At first sight, I really wanted to hide him."


    "Chu Chiyu, do you need water?"

    "Would you like to take a shower?"

    "Can Chiyu take pictures together-"

    He bowed his head slightly, and walked past the crowd, ignoring anyone. The spring breeze that permeated the subtle chill came towards him, and the scent of cherry blossoms mixed into it. The girls watched him walk away in disappointment, and then they felt like This kind of handsome boy, with a powerful family and abnormally good grades, is quite normal to be indifferent.

    Since the establishment of the Seventh Middle School, the faculty of this class is the best. The above specially instructed to take care of this character who came from the imperial city. , The princelings among the princelings, not to mention the common people, not many high-ranking officials and nobles can afford it, looked at the lamp and looked at him, raised a smile: "Hey, the ball is very good."


    Even the lukewarm reply made the eyes of the person on the opposite side light up, and the smile could not be stopped. Think about it: "Are you going to the locker? Together?"

    Now that school is over, I still go to school. Of course, I can only go to the locker to get something. Unsurprisingly, the male **** did not respond.



    It's nothing if you don't talk, you'll be fine.

    "You play so well, have you been practicing for a long time?"


    "What about learning? Just learning?"

    Seeing that he didn't respond, Chao Deng was very accustomed to not getting discouraged. He turned around to face Chu Chiyu, his lips curved in a faint arc and said: "It's amazing, Gou Fugui Don't forget."

    Act, no, go, go, go.

    In my imagination, I should be a heartthrob who can live by pretending to be cute, but now I have to hit the Oscar statuette.

    Fortunately, the locker is not far from the stadium, just a few steps away, otherwise no matter how tenacious it is, it will always be very sad to face the walking ice, no matter how handsome and beautiful it looks. , Chao Deng and Chu Chiyu's storage compartment are close, parallel to the left and right, separated by a space in the middle, raise his hand to open the metal lattice door, and with a small sound, the love letter leaked out can almost knock him out. submerged.


    It was a human head.

    Head towards the lamp.



    He originally had an unusual appearance, which was why the system found him. After being endowed with the trait of madly attracting others, the face of Chao Deng failed to develop in a righteous and sane direction, instead it became more and more The ghosts are gorgeous, and when the expressions on their faces change, they are tight, and even if they don't have those characteristics, they may not be able to live a normal life.


    "You go first," he suppressed his voice: "Sorry for letting you see this."

    Chu Chiyu closed his cabinet without saying a word.


    "This one."


    The letter that Chu Chiyu handed over was no different from ordinary love letters in appearance, but there was a dry, dark red drop in the lower right corner. It was intentional, or it may have been accidental, the other party smeared blood on the head and did not treat the wound."

    "You mean, someone actually painted this with their own blood?"

    "Think about whether you've been messing with anyone lately."

    The guy being questioned burst into a confident smile and said, "I'm provoking people every day."

    Chu Chiyu was choked, raised his eyes to signal him to open the letter, tore the edge of the letter sharply at the lamp, and took out a letterhead with black characters on a white background. Identity was discovered.

      . 】


    Your father, SB.

    This kind of curious love between humans and rubber heads will not be blessed.

    He stood up holding the head, the dark red part of it had formed blood scabs, and joked at the lamp: "If I throw this in the trash, will people pass by and think I'm dead?"


    Chu Chiyu returned to his cold and indifferent appearance, and threw the head into the trash can with a smile at the lamp: "Then let whoever treat me dead."

    He seemed to be indifferent to this strong love, but his eyes were very clear, as if he had given all his attention to himself in his eyes.

    The hand towards the lamp bumped against the sharp corner of the locker when picking up the letter, and now it is completely invisible, but Chu Chiyu can't forget the red marks on his hands.

    It really looks like white porcelain, with a red seal.

    The author has something to say:

    Because you follow the Su Shuang route, there will be people who are fascinated, a world of pseudo-np, blackened and imprisoned (??…

    *Part of the setting is from Junji Ito's comic "Tomie", don't read this comic _(:з"∠)_

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