Pampered by Millions

Chapter 3: coquettish in cage

    After the mid-term exam, the seats will be ranked according to their grades, and those with high scores will be given priority. Chu Chiyu is the same as the back and sits firmly at the top of the grade. Personally, when he picks a seat, the overall situation in the classroom has been decided. He chose the third seat in the second row by the window, separated from Chu Chiyu by a classmate and a corridor, and waited for Chu Chiyu's classmate to be absent. , called the lamp by his name.

    As expected, Master Chu turned his head.

    "Can you switch places with him?"

      smiling look.


    "If it's troublesome, don't need it," he seemed to be understanding, and then seeing that Chu Chiyu really didn't respond, he muttered, "You really don't want to change?"

    "Next class."

    "Really!" Chao Deng looked at him excitedly, completely unconcealed with his happiness: "I won't disturb your study after you come here, and I will never talk to you in class."


    "Chu Chi is famous."


    The light spring breeze is mixed with fragrant flowers, and the soft clouds on the roof seem to be within reach. The world is romantic and powerful.

    There is still a week before the school festival. Sister Fuyue is busy preparing the costumes. The big beauty is a perfectionist, as can be seen from her hair that has never been raised, Fuyue contacted the clothing rental The store was originally rented out for filming, and the price was naturally higher than ordinary costumes. However, the family conditions of the students in No. 7 Middle School were good, and everyone was happy to have a better performance.

    The background of "Assassination of Lodasi" is the Persian Middle Ages. It took Fuyue a lot of time to find clothes that fit the times in a pile of Chinese ancient clothes. Unaccustomedly, he tugged at the sleeves of the dress he had found, and all the hard work vanished in an instant.

    It's so **** worth it.

      Flower crowns, pale fingers inlaid with precious stones, all revealing beauty and evil.

    Seeing Chu Chiyu walking over in a knight costume, Fuyue only felt that she had no regrets in her life.

    Rehearse with costumes once, Chu Chi has a good memory, and he can memorize all the lines. What is against the sky is that he seems to memorize the lines of Chao Deng by the way. Whenever Chao Deng forgets the words or If it is wrong, Chu Chiyu will correct it lightly, Ban Hua seems to be super happy about it, and his eyes are bright from beginning to end.

    "Are you online tonight?"

    Chao Deng and Chu Chiyu changed out of costumes and returned them to Fuyue. Halfway through, the former seemed to ask the latter casually.


    "If you are online, there is." As early as four days ago, Chu Chiyu exchanged chat numbers with him on the night he changed positions: "I have something to tell you."

    "Can't say it now?"

    "I have a phobia of face-to-face communication," the other party looked at the lamp with a funny look, and said, "So, will you be here tonight?"

    You will be there.

    Because you already have two stars.

    No one can resist the charm of the lantern, hee hee hee.

      In the real Vanity Fair, those who can live here are usually not the upstarts who have risen up in recent years, but the old dignitaries who have a solid background for many days at home. He lay down and rested around ten o'clock in his homework. Today, in order to wait for someone's news, he was bored and sat until eleven o'clock.

    What would it be?

    He was only in his early seventeenth year. No matter how mature and calm he was, he was just a teenager growing up in an ivory tower. Chao Deng was the kind of person he had never met before. He was still curious.

    [Are you there? 】

    Chu Chiyu press Enter.

    [In. 】

    【Done your homework? 】

    [Just finished. 】

    He lied, Chu Chiyu didn't want the other party to know that he sat idle for an hour.

    【Lend me to copy tomorrow~】

     Just as he was about to reply, another message was immediately sent there.

    [I like you. 】

      Thick and empty feelings.

    He hesitated for a moment, then typed: [Sorry. 】

    The other side looked at the two words towards the lamp, was slightly disappointed but threw the phone away without any surprise.

    [No one can resist the charm of a lantern? ]

    [Yes, for example, I feel that you are watching my every move at any time to satisfy my ulterior desire. ]

    [Heh. ]

    This sound from the system is really full of ridicule, making Chao Deng a little embarrassed.

    [He already likes me,] The speaker pretends to be a lover: [I just don't understand it yet, but in fact, the better way is to keep hinting for a while and wait for him to take the initiative confession. ]

    [But you don't. ]

    [That is the best way, not the fastest,] He smiled and said: [Efficiency comes first, I always have to prove that you are right. ]

    [It's not good for each other to drag on for too long. ]

      Then overturned.

    [Compliance. ]

      The guy from the school also arrived, and he smiled and greeted Chu Chiyu: "Morning."


    Chu Chiyu looked at him noncommittally.

    "That, homework?" After receiving the exercise book handed over by the other party, he sat down towards the lamp and touched the pen: "Thanks."

      Hook lips.


    In the afternoon physical education class, a group of people asked Chu Chiyu to play ball as usual. The boys fished out basketballs from the last row of the classroom and walked down in groups. The teacher asked him to go to the office, and he had to let the others go first.

    After entering, he found that there was only one English teacher in the office where at least two or three teachers were supposed to sit. That was a male teacher surnamed Gu, young and handsome, very popular among students and colleagues of the opposite **** , but in his early twenties, he was able to teach at No. 7 Middle School, and he was still in Class A where Chu Chiyu was in this class. Naturally, there were many nepotisms. Seeing him come in, the English teacher had a grim look on his face.

    "The light is coming," Teacher Gu greeted him: "Come here."

    He took a few steps forward, and suddenly saw a big OK stretch on the man's hand, something flashed in his mind, and he turned towards the lamp calmly: "Is there something wrong with Mr. Gu?"

    "It's something, it's a big thing," the man's face became more and more strange, he stared at him, his hands hurriedly rummaged in the drawer, and took out a dagger with a holster: Lamp, why didn't you accept my gift? You threw it in the trash that day, and it took me a long time to find it, which is really sad."

    [Love is worth three and a half stars]

    [five stars for hatred]

    That head.

    His hand was injured, Chu Chiyu said that it was real, coagulated blood on the head and neck.

    "Because I'm not as good looking."

    He smiled casually, and while the other party was fascinated and morbidly staring at him, he turned his head and ran to the door.

    Day, it's so **** perverted.

    How come I didn't see that this kind of monster was teaching me.

    "Yeah...ha..." The man who was left behind stared at his back obsessively, the dagger holster that blocked the dagger slammed on the ground, he opened his legs and chased at the fastest pace: "No You look so good...hahahahaha!...then give me your head...kill you! To the lamp, to the lamp, go to die, obediently die...!"

    Wow, this idiot is not slow.


    He took a step and then accelerated to the direction of the gymnasium. It had just rained and the ground was still wet. Roaring from exhaustion, the large gymnasium was in front of him.

    Some people have noticed the anomaly on their side and they are catching up, Chao Deng hopes that the English teacher will not be blocked so quickly, so he hastened his pace, and the people behind also tried their best to be angry. Wanting to catch him, he slammed open the door of the gymnasium towards the lamp. On the first floor basketball training ground, the tall boy was just about to take the pass from his teammate—

    "Chu Chi Fame!"

    He turned his head and saw the anxious and frightened face of the man who rushed in.

    "Save me!"

      A neat trace was drawn in the air, and it accurately avoided the headlight and hit the ferocious man.

    "Young Master Chu has three points."

      The gesture took him into his arms.

    "Towards the light—!!"

      , Immediately, some boys surrounded him, joking, even if there was no brotherhood, Chu Chiyu's identity was there, if someone was injured in front of everyone's eyes, there would never be a good outcome for him to sit idly by.

    Before the group of passionate students could make a move, the bodyguard who was chasing all the way behind him grabbed the man's dagger and threw him to the ground. The man let out a roar close to a beast, his blood red eyes Without blinking, he stared at the Chaodeng in Chu Chiyu's arms.

    "What's the matter with him?"

    "You like me too much," Come on, you must stabilize the confident and indifferent expression on your face, Mr. Chu can eat this set: "There are many such people, let alone their appearance, I can't even remember the name."

    They are nothing to Lao Tzu, only you are special, are you happy?

    Zhao Dengchuli's face turned pale with fear, but her eyes were very focused: "Anyway, I only like you."

    The person hugging him was stunned, Chu Chiyu's eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation, and he finally remembered something and let go: "You..."

    [The favorability rating is two and a half stars. ]

    [No one can resist—]

    [Shut up. ]

    [Wow, Brother Tong is getting harder and harder to get along with. ]

    "Thank you," After waiting for a few seconds to confirm that the system ignored him, Chao Deng said to Chu Chiyu: "If you don't help, there may be trouble, do you want to show me your favor?"

    The boy who has always been deserted is helpless.

    "Stop making trouble."

    "Okay~" Chao Deng smiled: "It's up to you."

    The school festival is approaching, the spring rain that has been lingering for many days finally has a meaning to stop. Chu Chiyu maintained the relationship before his confession, obviously nothing the eldest young master wanted to do happened.


    Chaodeng rushed back to his seat happily, and immediately called Chu Chiyu who was solving the problem in the next second. Chaodeng didn't know that his friend who used to play well with him, no matter how anxious he was. Interrupting when solving problems, after all, no one wants to try to be left to the side until the master has finished writing. When facing the light, he can't maintain the ability to think in the eyes and tone that this person expects. Simply stop writing.

    "What's wrong?"

    "Fuyue said that there is a bonus of 3,000 yuan for the first performance in this class. If we get it, let's play."


    "Are you doing the test again?" Zhao Deng looked at his desk: "By the way, where do you want to take the test?"

    "Not yet, maybe D or L."

    "Tsk," Chao Deng rarely showed a thoughtful look on his face: "It's so difficult, but it's all right with your words."

    "How about you?"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "D is large or l," he couldn't care about Chu's surprise. Although he was laughing, he said slowly and firmly: "Even if it is very difficult, I don't want to be forgotten. You can only go to your future."

    I will take you to the future, take risks, rejoice in enmity, and become who you really should be.

    So come and like me.

    The night fell, and the dim stardust fell in the eyes of passers-by. A huge stage was set up in the wide high-roofed auditorium early, and the scarlet velvet curtain swayed down. The long-awaited school festival finally arrived. After the famous host finished reading the opening remarks, the hostess announced the first program:

    "This is the best era and the worst era. The machete can point to justice, and blood and poetry can also create hearty courage. A drama, taking the ancient Persian country as the battlefield and implementing the heroic road of the loyal soul, "Assassination of Lodasi"!"

    Damn, burn.

    The lantern was eagerly waiting for the curtain to rise, Yu Guang glanced at the front row of Chu Chiyu's pale face, and the narration of Sister Fuyue was as clear as running water.

    "In the legends of later generations and the fairy tales, the ruler of the largest country in ancient Persia was a young emperor who was as beautiful as a girl but bloodthirsty."

    "The brave hero set foot on the journey to change the country, and spent seven days and nights fighting with the emperor. In the end, the assassination succeeded. His kindness prevented him from killing the killer. As punishment—"

    "He imprisoned the king forever on a tower that did not see the sun."

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