Pampered by Millions

Chapter 42: Doomsday 8

      The news that the appearance of high-level zombies is approaching human beings has caused people to panic for a while, and all kinds of suspicions have emerged one after another.

     Turning the small glass bottle in his hand towards the lamp, the ice blue ripples in it, and he has tried to apply the inhibitory medicine to the low-level zombies in the middle of the mission For the shallow wounds, those zombies turned into humanoids without exception. He used more than half of the potion during the experiment. If he didn't use it again...

    He hesitated for a moment, put the glass bottle in his pocket and walked downstairs. The silent crew was waiting for the command of the regiment commander. Since three days ago, the Thursk Base announced that the establishment of the security zone on the edge of the North District was completed. , successively invited major forces to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, silence is naturally included. The man sitting on the sofa resting saw him come down, nodded, got up first and walked out the door.

    The Hummer is moving forward in the mud, even though the Western District is currently the world's leading area, scientific research is developed, and the construction of public facilities is more than one grade worse than before the apocalypse, yellow sand and strong wind blowing off-road gun color The outer shell, Wei Jing pulled him into his arms, his strong and slender arms wrapped around Chao Deng's waist, the tall man almost blocked most of the wind and sand for him, he raised his head and looked at the man's bright narrow eyes , in exchange for Wei Qiao's kiss on the top of his hair.

    He was stunned for a while, and after a while, he said embarrassingly: "Boss, why are you calling Qiao?" Before Wei Qiao could answer, Chao Deng laughed: "Do your parents think you are too much? noisy?"

    The man lowered his eyes and said casually: "It was quiet when I was young, so they took this."

    "My father-in-law and mother-in-law took it wrong, it should be called Wei Nao Nao."



    Wei Qiao didn't bother to argue with him, grabbed someone and pressed him on the edge of the car to block his mouth, the shark directly opposite showed an expression he couldn't bear, but Lu Zixiao was interested to see him The two struggled until they reached the safe area. The security guard who came to check the identity asked to show the certificate, and Wei Qiao released the flushed facing lamp.

    A small number of ordinary humans have moved into the safe zone. According to Arthur's plan, more and more ordinary people will be able to settle here. On the surface, Arthur provides shelter for civilians Everyone knows the abacus behind the scenes. The Arthurs led by Stephanie are the only group in the six bases that are good at scientific research. If they can't conduct clinical experiments, no matter how powerful she is, it is impossible to really develop a zombie virus. The antidote, these ordinary human beings who are ignorant and full of hope from all over the world, will in all likelihood end up being forced to conduct human experiments by Arthur.

    No one in the know will prevent the creation of the safe zone, the last hope for the end of the apocalypse.

    More and more guests gathered in the hall, and the leaders of the major bases came to chat with the guard one after another. He bowed his head and whispered softly to the beauty in his arms, and the tender appearance made many people's faces turn red, and it made the most powerful person in the world willing to show such an expression. The person he loves must be Get lucky.

    Feeling the gaze that was always looking at her, she raised her eyelids towards the lamp. Not far away, Stephanie, who was holding a champagne glass, was smiling and toasting to him. She was wearing a black velvet dress and golden high heels tonight. The ten toes in the package are covered with **** nail polish, and the thin collarbone and ice-white skin combine to form an alternative charm. Seeing the lamp looking at her, Stephanie's red lips are slightly raised.

    "Noisy, I'm going to the bathroom."

    Seeing Wei answering quietly, he walked quickly towards the lamp and left the hall. A few minutes later, there was the sound of high heels hitting the ground outside the bathroom, and thin bare long legs appeared in front of him, full of extravagance The velvet skirt worn by the drunk woman opened a dream-like arc under the light.

    "Have you done it yet?"

    Stephanie smiled.

    "You have already urged me," he pointedly said: "The ribbon-cutting ceremony in the safe area does not need to alarm so many big people, but you have called the powers of the major bases... You hope Am I revealing his identity in front of everyone?"

    "I really like you," she sighed: "You are beautiful, your brain is easy to use, and you can be cruel to anyone." Stephanie said as she approached him, Yan Se Ling's lips opened and closed: "Wei Qiao is so kind to you, so in return for him, aren't you afraid that he will hate you to death?"

    Five stars, yes.

    Zhao Deng had a faint smile on his face, he didn't answer, just stared at the brown eyes of the woman in front of him, Stephanie suddenly lowered her voice, like a little girl who revealed a secret general way.

    "You know what? I'm so sorry..." Her hand straightened the neckline for Chao Lan, and the lines on the corners of her lips deepened: "I don't have a long dick."

    [Love is worth two stars. ]


    Breast augmentation before talking, boots.

    "Good luck to us," she put down her hand and accidentally touched her skin by Stephanie. He was slightly startled by the cold touch of the other's fingers, and a dark light flashed in Stephanie's brown eyes : "I wish you can leave that monster too."

    [President all~]

    [ Said. ]

    [What happens if I don't get Hate? ]

    While he was saying this, he had already entered the hall. The man he saw from a distance had an impatient and indifferent expression on his face. After seeing him, Wei Qiao's eyes lit up. Liang, seeing this, Shark sneaked his **** behind the head of the regiment, obviously disliking his ability to read dishes.

    [Do you want him dead? ]

    Across the fake male and female guests, he looked at the lamp for a moment, and in the end, he staggered his sight first.

    [I don't want to. ]

    He whispered.

    The hedonistic atmosphere gradually increased, he walked towards Wei Qiao, seemingly casually smoothing two drinks on the wine tray held by the waiter, in front of the man, he unscrewed the small ice blue glass bottle.

    "The seasoning wine I just took over there is very low." The black pupil swept over the man's slightly raised eyebrows, and smiled lightly at the lamp: "I won't be drunk, I am drunk. carry you back."

    He slowly brought the small bottle of ice blue to the mouth of the glass, his movements were very natural, no one could see that he was hesitating, except for the sigh-like voice in his mind.

    [Fear not, towards the light. ]

    Half of the bottle of liquid was put into the cup, and she smiled at the lamp and said, "Hao~nao~"

    The man glanced at him and took the glass silently. When he swallowed the first drink, his slender fingers paused in the air for a moment, and then he drank it all without hesitation.

    "How do you feel? I'll just say-"

     "Dear guests, thank you very much for coming," the woman in the black velvet dress showed her long and slender legs. She stood gracefully on the small stage in the center of the venue, and the floor-to-ceiling microphone made her hoarse and charming. The female voice scattered to every corner: "I invite you to come here today, in addition to wanting everyone to see the newly constructed safe zone, but also to announce the latest progress in zombie research..."

    The shark next to her sighed: "I know that perverted women can't do charity."

    Wei Qiao put the empty glass bottle on the long table beside him, and he gently rubbed the head of the lamp, just like in the past, as if he was teasing an ignorant child.

    "As previously announced, advanced zombies already have a human-like appearance, but rather than such rigid research reports, I believe everyone would rather see vivid and real cases."

    "For example," she fluttered her short blue hair, and then leaned down to approach the microphone, staring in the direction of silence maliciously: "The most powerful person who has been given high hopes by everyone, The silent he actually a zombie?"

    The audience was silent.

    The gazes of all the guests turned to the lights and the people behind him one after another, he didn't look back, he could only see the unbelievable expressions of men and women, exclamations kept passing in his ears, and Stephanie's gentle laughter Through the floor microphone, it became particularly infiltrating, the shark's roar mixed with the violent sound of the long table bursting, and Lorda had already rushed to Stephanie, who was wearing a black velvet dress on the small table.

    "Towards the lamp, stay away from that zombie," The female leader of the Thurs base avoided Luoda's attack. , Stephanie smiled before the microphone was blasted by Lorda: "Come here."


    The red-haired girl raised her head in disbelief, but the gap made her fly a few meters away by the guards who rushed over, blood flowed from her lips, and a violent cough resounded throughout the hall , Lola watched her sister being attacked, the power of rage distorted the entire space, and the crystal chandelier that fell suddenly alarmed the rest of the guests present. Having witnessed the abnormal situation just now, the leaders of the major bases began to attack one after another and remained silent.

    "Towards the lamp!" The shark stopped in front of him turned back and growled, the other side's forehead bulging, obviously trying to suppress his anger: "If you say something, Laozi believes in you, and the head of the regiment will also letter-"

    "It's me," he interrupted the shark: "I put an inhibitor in my drink."

    "You **** die..."

    The shark wailed and left immediately.

    [Hate is worth three and a half stars. ] The system clicked: [You look back. ]

     Without waiting for him to react, he covered his thin arms from behind, his pale skin lacked the blood color that a normal person should have, his soft black hair brushed against his cheek, and the heads of everyone around him were empty. It exploded. Shredded meat.

      In front of his chest, he covered all hellish scenes.

     God knows... how much pleasure is that?

    He was almost driven insane by the feeling, the strong smell of blood around him reminded him that people were dying, but he couldn't think at all, the boy left his lips and pressed the person on the blood-soaked blood On the thick blanket, his back was immediately soaked by the warm blood that had just poured out of his body. He saw the other party make a mouth shape and silently issued a new command.

    A more terrifying violent pleasure flooded Chao Deng's body in an instant.

    He began to scream, and then he was gasping for breath, his body had reached the brink of collapse under this peak of happiness, needless to say, he knew how miserable it was down there, Angel The young boy kissed his body lying in a pool of blood one by one, and every time the other party touched him, he curled up and whispered.

    "Towards ... lights ..."

    Young-looking Wei quietly recites his name. His vocal cords, which have been silent for many years, are abnormally low and hoarse, but he can faintly hear the clarity and anticipation flowing in them.

    The morning light is dying.

    Seriously cool to death, so cool to finish playing.

    "Toward the light...towards the light..."

    Fuck it.

    "You know..." He gritted his teeth to maintain his sanity, and his voice was as thin as a gossamer: "Why do I... want to be with Wei Qiao?"

    "Toward the light, to the light..."

    The boy's face flushed red, and he seemed very happy to hear his name from his mouth.

    "Because..." That gorgeous face burst into a big smile, and the beauty engulfed by desire and blood was so beautiful that she was thrilling: "He makes me very cool, nothing but cool... You It's not as big as him...get out of here..."

    The young man was stunned for a while, and the ethereal ice blue eyes lost the last bit of vitality.

    [Four stars for hate. ]

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