Pampered by Millions

Chapter 53: black sun 8

    Wei Nao Nao.

    My boss is a zombie.

    "...It's my cousin," moving towards the lamp, looking up at the young man's eyes: "My mother's relatives, why do you...know him?"

    "Cousin..." Tang bowed his head and chuckled, "Who would call my brother's name when the juice is flowing?" In his mouth, he kept drooling towards the lamp, and his other hand pinched the Omega's smooth and smooth little butt. The latter kept shrinking the soft lining of his mouth: "Will your brother treat you like this?"


    "One more time," Alpha's manic breath filled the room, and he murmured in the ear of the lamp: "Who is he?"

    "'s my brother...Aah, let me go!"


    "Really... didn't lie to you..."

    "Rabbit," Tang put his hand away, the terrifying sense of oppression disappeared, after he wiped his fingers clean, he gently wrapped around the Chao Lamp, which was still wrapped in chains: "Give me an explanation ."

    "E, we were together for a while, when my mother was still there," Chao Deng closed his eyes halfway: "I depended on him very much... Later, we separated, no accident, we should not See you later."


    Feeling the other party's emotions, Tang hugged him tighter.

    Because he won't let Lao Tzu look back.

    As a qualified subordinate, of course, you have to listen to the scumbag boss.

    "He's gone." Chao Deng finished speaking, and suddenly hooked Tang's neck, sweet pheromones tempted Alpha's sanity, he said softly: "Sorry, Tang, I'm used to Rely on him and you will pay attention later."

    Is there any problem that cannot be solved by sleeping?

    "Are you... seducing me? Second Young Master?"

    He supported Omega's hips with both hands, his caramel-like voice became hoarse.

    He smiled at the lamp, the cold white and thin fingers rubbed lightly on the other's glands, and the long eyelashes cast a small shadow

    If you can't get enough sleep, just sleep twice.

    Hee hee hee hee.

    Feeling the pheromone that wrapped him tightly around him, Chao Deng let the man act recklessly without resistance, Tang would not believe what he said, he would check it himself, when he realized that no matter what When the investigation was wrong, he should have washed off the mark, and now he only needs a reason to temporarily restrain Tang...

    "What you want," Xia Zuo put a bottle of light green potion in front of Chaodeng after another inspection. Tang is not here today, and the pressure that the Heotto family is gradually facing makes the young man The leader of Alpha was overwhelmed: "The mark can be completely eliminated in about three hours. Be careful when using it. Alphas are very sensitive to their own breath. If the smell on your body is weak, he will find out."

    It is self-evident what this Omega will face.

    "Thank you."

    Zhao Deng took the bottle of medicine, took Xia Zuo's right hand, and simply kissed the back of his hand to express his gratitude.

    "What do you want to do?" Xia Zuo couldn't help reminding: "The white bird is very strong, he will conquer the whole of Europe sooner or later, half of Sicily has been controlled by him, you can't escape Lose-"

    "When I disappear, please tell Tang for me," he avoided Xia Zuo's question, raised the corners of his soft lips, and disappeared from his charming and charming appearance: "I Brother really treats me like that, and he does a better job..." His smile deepened, and his whole face was indescribably glamorous: "Fuck Tang."

    The gloomy and cold breath of the rainy day did not affect this ancient villa standing on the mountainside. It smelled extravagant and expensive. The last negotiation ended. The leaders of the four major families finally gave in at Heotto's insistence and signed their names on the agreement that they would no longer participate in the drug trade. It means that most of the cancer will temporarily leave the land of Italy, and it also means that the underground world has acknowledged the birth of the new king in silence.

      The temptation and criticism from all directions proved that he has the outstanding ability to become the new commander-in-chief.

    Shortly after the meeting, a tantalizing sweet fragrance spread in the room, and an Omega in a dark black dress walked into the originally locked round table hall at an unknown time. It was a male, with blond hair With blue eyes and a face as beautiful as an elf living in spring, his legs are very long and his waist is very thin. His smooth and fair skin is looming under the gauze skirt. He wears a red collar and kneels down on Tang's body as softly as a pet. Leather shoe edge.

    "You should try this, sir." The head of the big family beside Tang elegantly cut his cigar, and the man saw Tang's amber eyes looking at him, and smiled: "The one who pleases Alpha He has learned the technique over and over, and his body has been taught very well, soft and affectionate like a niece... I promise no one has touched him, we all know you are a pure gentleman."

    "What is this?"

    Tang is smiling, most of the time, he has a faint smile in front of anyone.

    "A small gift to celebrate the birth of a new godfather, business is always complicated and boring, you have to relax," seeing Tang's expression, the man couldn't help but introduce with great interest: "He has been urged When ripe and well developed, he'll squirt—"

    "What's your name?"

    Tang bowed his head slightly and looked at the Omega.

    There seems to be a pool of spring water in the blue eyes, which can especially arouse Alpha's sadism. Omega, who was watched by Tang, said cowardly: "I have no name, sir."

    "He is waiting for your name, my godfather."

    The head of the big family added.

    The young godfather withdrew his gaze. Under the high-intensity negotiation, he pinched his tall and beautiful eyebrows tiredly, and Tang's voice was flat.

    "I don't need this, now and in the future."

    "Do you think he is unsatisfactory?" The head of the big family lowered his voice: "There are more beauties in Italy."

    "No, as far as I'm concerned, it's enough to pamper an Omega." He said and stood up from his seat, and the leader, realizing his mistake, hurriedly kissed the back of Tang's hand and requested Forgiveness, Tang smiled and patted the other's shoulder: "Thank you for your kindness, no need to apologize, my brother."

    "Of course, of course..." Seeing Tang generously let him go down the steps, a trace of gratitude slipped in the man's eyes: "I will always be your loyal sibling."

    The car engraved with Heotto's family crest drove to the main house in the heavy rain, the villa that gradually eroded was left behind the car, and the doorman waiting in the wind and rain pulled the carved black iron gate Open, someone opened a huge black umbrella to cover Tang's head from the rain.

    "Where's Madame?"

    He asked first.

    "In the bedroom, should be sleeping, sir."

    Tang nodded and entered the room, he took off his slightly thick coat, and his slender figure was like a wood show in the forest. He stood outside the bedroom door for a long time, the five senses of the killer enabled him to listen Clearing all the small noises around, he didn't open the door until the breathing inside began to change.

    "Second Young Master?"


    "It was just after three in the morning."

    "Are you finished?"

    Zhao Deng stood up from the bed, following his movements, a splendid scar of plum red was faintly visible, which was left just the night before, Tang went around the bed, the beauty obediently The appearance of looking at it made him feel uneasy. Only this person can easily arouse his desire. He doesn't have to do anything, and he will be willing to offer everything.


    "Well, I just arrived," he downplayed the two hours he had been waiting for, stretched out his hand to caress the charming face of the lamp, and said with great interest, "Second Young Master, you still remember it for a long time. The Omega who used to strip at bars?"

    He raised his eyebrows at the lamp.

    "I want to see you in a dress," Tang said, hugging the chaolan with the quilt, naively expecting it to look particularly good on his face: "White or red, shorter , show a little, I want to lick and kiss your legs and waist."


    "I'll wear it...Don!...don't pinch..."

    Play with yourself, silly boy.

    The forest is covered with honey-like color, the Youyang sun stretches to the end of the sky, the fences on both sides of the road barely stop the spouting wildflowers, and the tall boy in the wide cowboy hat is rushing to the resting rancher. wave.

    "Sir, can I pick a few flowers?"

    "Of course," seeing him light a cigarette with a simple plastic lighter, and his clothes are trendy, casual and nondescript, the old rancher smiled with a solid wood pipe in his mouth: "Children like Yankees. That set, huh?"

    "I think cowboys are pretty cool, although they are often comedic characters in movies."

    The boy picked a bunch of wildflowers, he tied them with a blue ribbon in his pocket, the old rancher watched his movements and shook his head: "Which girl are you giving it to? No? No way, Italian women don't like roadside flowers."

    "It doesn't matter," he put on his cowboy hat with a single finger, he is really tall, from the angle of the old rancher leaning against the fence, only his beautiful jawline and splendid appearance can be seen , slightly raised lips: "I'm an American cowboy."

    Pink, white, and yellow flowers lined his eyebrows, and his black eyes seemed to be submerged in clear springs. When the other party took it, he randomly sent the bunch of flowers into the empty vase.

    "Isabella, thank you for yesterday's dinner," the man's cowboy hat hung behind his back, he smiled at the blushing girl: "The bread is delicious."

    "Then, do you want it today?" Seeing him looking at him suspiciously, Isabella's face turned red: "I baked some new kinds of biscuits, and no one has tasted them yet. Well, would you like to try it for me? ... Lance."

    Although the person in front of her gave her back the blue ribbon with the words of sincere love written on it, as long as he is still here, as long as he can see him in the town...he will become Her, everyone said Isabella was the kindest and most beautiful girl for miles around.

    The man glanced at the girl's pretty face with a half-smile, and finally whispered: "I am very happy."

    [Eat with your face. ]

    [Have a comment? ]

    [Well done, Lance. ] The system calmly... I don't know if it's a compliment or a mockery: [Tom, George, Arsino, Brunch, Lance... The level of naming is getting higher and higher. ]

      place, do you understand? ]

    It has been a month since he escaped from the Heotto family. He chose to escape on the day of the Sicilian Union meeting at the end of the season. On that day, Tang had to attend the meeting from beginning to end and preside over the overall situation, just like Xia Zuo According to the doctor, the medicine that removed the mark took effect for three hours. Although the system helped him to eliminate some of the pain, that feeling was really unwilling to try it a second time. The lamp opened Heotto's door.

    In order to prevent causing trouble to the other party, he did not dare to contact Father Costa, so he wandered around the Italian countryside incognito, eating and drinking, before his favorability level rose too high , towards the lamp will leave all those who have come into contact with him.

    [These two names do not exist in Italian. ]

    [Speaking,] Tossed the biscuit towards the lamp and tried to pick it up with his mouth, the system didn't want to see him at all: [President, do you have a name? ]


    [Heyyyyyyyy, boy? ]


    […you definitely have a name! …unacceptable! Tell me now! ]

    [No. ]

    [Cheat pig? ]

    [Towards the lamp is a pig. ]

    […Don’t try to get in the way,] The intimacy in that sentence made Chaodeng’s heart palpitate for a moment, and he rolled his eyes: [Come, come and tell your story. ]


    […I hate you. ]

    The young godfather stood indoors, and people kept kissing the back of his right hand to show respect. When he was finally free, Tang stopped the old Costa who came alone from behind.

    "Please wait, Mr. Costa."

    The old leader with a straight spine turned his head, and the deep outline of Europeans was as hard as iron, which was the opposite of Chaodeng.

    "Is he with you?"

    Tang asked, he carefully observed every change in old Costa's expression to judge whether the person in front of him had reservations about him. Great gains at the negotiating table.

    "No, my godfather."

    "Do you have any news from him? Any news."

    Old Costa shook his head, he seemed a little tired, but he still stood solemnly: "A Deng has not contacted us for a long time..." He moved the corner of his mouth to say something, but in the end he just asked Tang Xing Taking off his hat: "If you can find the boy, let him come and meet my old man."

    "Of course."

    Tang agreed, suppressing the look of inquiry in his eyes.

    He can't blatantly look for the lantern, although the big family in Sicily is temporarily marching with him, the small family and the chaotic party below still have their own minds, he takes this position too fast , Profit and power can temporarily bind Heotto with other families, but if there is a slight accident, there will be countless pairs of eyes behind him waiting for him to fall into the abyss.

    The light is his death spot.


    "Sir," the messenger who came to report knocked on the half-closed wooden door: "Doctor Xia Zuo wants to see you."

    "Xia Zuo?" Tang looked at the time and tapped his finger on the table: "Does he want to know if I have a heart attack?... Let him in."

    With the rhythmic steps, the doctor who walked in at noon rarely did not bring the cowhide medical case. Xia Zuo wore a trench coat and saw the smiling godfather sitting behind the desk, He got straight to the point.

    "I gave the light to wash off your mark."

    Tang's expression didn't change, but the furious pheromones instantly filled the spacious office.

    "He should have used it. Before leaving, he asked me to bring you a sentence."

    “—‘My brother does that to me, and he does it better.’”

    Xia Zuo said, seeing Tang twist the pen in his hand forcibly. After a pause, go ahead and continue.

    "He told you to **** you."

      Xia Zuo in the distance, Tang Youyou said.

    "Do you think I'll kill you?"

    "I don't know."

    Xia Zuo is extraordinarily honest.

    "It's useless to kill you, he will still find a way to escape, after all, he is so good at pleasing people and knows how to pretend to be the most well-behaved and harmless..." The red ink on it was rubbed with the silk that was sent by the person next to him. Although the trace was fading, it became more and more dizzy: "When you lose all vigilance and think that you have captured that beautiful fur pet, The rabbit should bite."

      In this way, the killer sitting behind the table closed his eyes slightly, his brows gradually showed a trace of anger, and Alpha's innate desire to destroy and conquer filled the room with an invisible storm that made the soles of his feet chill.

    "Second Young Master, are you really not good at learning, or are you pretending to be good to deceive me from beginning to end? It's cute though."

    "In this way," Amber squinted into a crescent moon, Tang's voice was extremely gentle, and seemed like the best lover in the world: "I have a reason to peel off your disguise, good ... it hurts you."

    [Three stars for hatred. ]

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