Pampered by Millions

Chapter 96: dark shadow 3

    Most of the three-day hunting battle has passed, and the two criminals who stayed with him hardly hunted in person. He became more and more sluggish, and he was rarely aggressive if not attacked, but he was still disturbing and dangerous.

    "Wan Wan," two days and two nights have passed, orange and red clouds drifted from the other side of the silent sky, looking at the young man who was cooking hares not far away at the lamp, and asked what troubled him for a long time. Question: "Why did he call you boss?"

    "You can too."


    "It's called a habit, we know each other before going to prison."

    "What's your reason for...?" Chao Deng stopped talking and added with a smile: "I'm a little curious, don't say it if you don't want to."

    To his surprise, the criminal numbered 100,000 threw the question to him: "What do you think?"

    Zhao Deng thought for a while and then shook his head: "I can't think of it."

      ," The man lit the cigarette skillfully. Because of the evening wind, he deliberately closed the lighter with his fingers holding the cigarette when lighting the cigarette. The orange-red flames reflected on his fair and handsome face, and his beautiful pupils were silent: "Guess what, If human life is worthless, what constitutes a crime?"


    This question...this question will not.

    Help, I feel ashamed of not being able to answer.

    Seeing his tangled face, the man suddenly chuckled.

    "It's okay," he said lightly when he saw his companion carrying the roasted hare back, "I'll find out later."

    After dinner, the man went to take a bath by the nearby stream, threw the unfinished rabbit legs at the lamp and wanted to follow him.

    "Nine students," the young man looked at him with a deep expression on his face: "You like sticking to our boss so much? Would you like to come to Okura to play."

    "Play, play, Okura?"

    "No fun, your **** will bloom."

    The man standing next to him answered.


    Young people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic and fan the flames: "Boss, you protect others."

    "It's the same for me." After a long while, he couldn't hear the footsteps of Chao Deng, and the man looked back: "Let's go."

    The same is true for your protection. Do you mean that you will also make me bloom, or will I bloom if your protection is useless?

    In all respects, I choose A.

      Seeing that he was always washing his feet by the beach, the criminal standing in the heart of the stream clicked his tongue.

    "Can't come?"


    "Just go straight."

    Hesitating for a moment towards the light, stepping down from the shore step by step, walking in a near-total darkness, actually need a lot of trust in the guide, when approaching the man, I stepped on the right side of the light. a bit-

    "Watch your right foot... uh."

    He was a little late.

    The action of slapping the stream caused a burst of water, and in the chaos, Chao Deng subconsciously hugged the waist of the person beside him, he choked on the water, and the coughing sound was clear to everyone in the quiet night.

     "Didn't you say don't rub me?"

    "I-I can't swim!"

    In fact, towards the lantern festival, it is not worth it, and it is not cheap.

    "Stand up," the man was helpless: "Don't rub, don't you want your **** to bloom?"


    Wow, think.

    The clouds drifted above their heads, and only by the gradually bright moonlight, could the light be able to see him and the other side standing on a protruding stone surface, except for this place, the surroundings were completely bottomless The stream, the stone path he walked on when he came, just broke off near the stone surface. After the self-conscious beast took shape, the five senses of Chao Deng were much sharper than before, and there was a small movement in the half-person-high white grass. Wanting to confirm, he saw the criminal next to him move his lips.

    He never heard those strange noises again, until when he left, he deliberately looked around the grass towards the lamp, and vaguely saw a black and dry arm, and what was even more incredible was, Despite its charred appearance, the white grass around it was still alive.

    "You don't want a number?"

    "No need," the blond criminal shook off the water droplets on his arm: "It rises too fast, and the little machines will become suspicious."


    "Is your foot twisted?"

    "No... ah, twisted," Chao Deng giggled: "Can you carry me?"

    “…go on your own.”

    "Hey hey hey~ as you wish."

    In order to avoid suspicion, they separated an hour before the end of the hunting battle, and Zhao Deng deliberately found some ash and blood on his body, and when most of the ordinary power users walked towards the open passage, he followed After walking out and returning to the first floor of the tower, he took a shower and tried to release his consciousness beast while wiping his hair.

    Half a minute later, a bizarre scene of half beauty and half skeleton appeared in front of him, the girl's long black hair was a little messy, and her blood was meandering down her fair body, Lamp sighed.

    "Do you have a name?"

    He softened his voice as much as possible.

    The conscious beast in front of him didn't respond. If I remember correctly, most of the conscious beasts don't have their own thoughts at all. It seems that this one is the same. He took out the tester from the bedside table and gestured to the girl Putting his hand on it, he bent his eyes at the lamp and smiled.

    "Is it okay to be called Linlang?"


    "Wow, you are a three-and-a-half-star consciousness beast," Zhao Deng looked at the result on the tester: "Three-and-a-half stars are very likely to grow into four stars, so powerful."


    "My name is Chao Deng, although you may not remember it... Caesar is super unreliable, I don't know where it is now, I will rely on you in the future."

    Zhao Deng held the girl's bloody, slender fingers made of white bones, his consciousness beast lowered his head, the girl's eyes and hair were as black as ebony, her skin was as white as porcelain, and the Deng Deng I am exactly the same.

    After a long time, his pained voice sounded in the room.


    The heaviest, who is the hero of the heroes.

    The first person to enter the prison was a tall man covered in tattoos. His height was over two meters. Both cheered, which made the robot female prison guard who led the way had to shake the pointer.


    She said loudly.

    After a brief silence, the criminals present burst into laughter.

    "Who the **** wants to be quiet? Be quiet sir."

    "Break this **** in the head-"

    "Tear it apart! Electric smash it!"

    As a rule, robots are not allowed to punish any criminals within a day after the end of the hunting battle. It is carnival time. The tall prisoner laughed and threw a kiss at the hot robot girl. The first After the individual passed the security check, Okura continued to let people go. A white-haired man walked among the row of criminals. He was expressionless, tall and slender. The man's handsome face was incompatible with the dark and dirty prison. In one room, someone suddenly yelled at him.

    "Caesar! Why the **** aren't you dead yet?! Trash, scum—"

    It was a unkempt middle-aged man, his body was covered with new and old wounds, and it could be seen that he was in a trance, no human could have his own name, when the robot girl turned back, the middle-aged The man was dragged inside by his cellmates.

    It was a smiling Asian man who gave the blond man a thumbs up.

    "There's something wrong with him here," the Asian pointed to his brain: "Do you want me to kill him for you?"

    Caesar hands him a cigarette.

    "Thanks, man."

    When the smell of smoke wafted, the screams of the middle-aged man mixed into the cheers of the criminals. He went back to the single-person prison to take a bath, and when he was notified by the medical room, his hair was still green Gan, when he entered the medical room with pure white walls, he saw a beautiful doctor with curly blond hair.

    "According to the survey, blond hair and blue eyes are the most pleasant, and the doctors made by robots are all blond machinas." Her voice was a little hoarse, but it did not lose the unique softness of women, so it seemed Extra sexy: "Perhaps you have a prejudice against gold? As soon as you came in, you showed a displeased expression."

    "I'm just upset with you."

    "Oh..." She shrugged, the neckline of the doctor's uniform was a little low, the attractive lines of the chest were looming, and the woman's gentle laughter fell in the room: "I'm sorry to bother you with public welfare, I I want to make sure our leader is safe and sound."

    "I'm fine," he sat down: "Can we go?"

    "It took me a lot of work to sneak into Okura and play this robot girl, I want you to make up for it..."

    She smiled ambiguous, her feet in red high heels approached the man's calf.


    Seeing that he didn't respond, the woman stopped moving boringly.

    "You went to see the boy, what game is this? Little Caesar."

    "Oriola," he said in a low voice: "This is not a game, it is a war."

    "The war of love?" Oriola smiled, the red lip glaze on her radiant face looked especially good: "Why don't you tell him who you are? That child I like you very much, at least very fond of you."

    "It's not fair."

    "It's not unfair, it's just that you are greedy," she smiled unchanged: "You don't want him to fall in love with you because of the fetters of the past, you want to start over, because you also want everything from him ,right?"

    Caesar has a headache: "Watch less bubble dramas."

    "We used the super calculator to find the person who best matches your data from all the planes. He is the most suitable for you. Have you ever thought about how incredible it is? With a 99.99% fit rate, you found him because of this number, and even brought him to your plane after he completed the mission, why are you cringing now?"

    "Oriola," Caesar's gray-blue eyes were as deep as pools: "The time is not right."

    "You're so terrifyingly rational, you're trying? Try to see if the numbers really match between you..." The blond beauty put her long legs together and licked her lips: " Is he great?"

    Caesar glanced at her: "No matter how good it is, it's mine, don't even think about it."


    Silence for a while, curiosity made Oriola speak without fear of death.

    "What if you can't help it, or if he likes someone else?"

    What to do?

    When he saw the conscious beast in the form of a girl, he used the word spirit to make Chao Deng dream of his favorite emotional fragment, his conscious beast is indeed not the word spirit, the word spirit is him Born with the ability, Caesar got the answer he wanted by creating a dream with "Wei Qiao". Similarly, he could also suggest everything about the other party in tonight's dream.

    "Remind him."

    For example, the most unforgettable fragment of the headlight…


     Oriola lost her head.

    The black-haired young man lying on the bed frowned slightly, he slept uncomfortably, the dense eyelashes weaved a small shadow on his face, his consciousness beast sat by the window, The girl with intertwined skeletons and flesh quietly looked at the vast stardust outside the tower, her long black hair slightly scattered in the wind.

    In his dream, there are overlapping September sunshine and heavy autumn rain, the Italian wind carries the fragrance of wild flowers in the countryside, the cherry wine melts in the glass, and the angel sings softly in the dome of the Holy See.

    "Second Young Master?"

    The warm voice always made him open his eyes, he was tied to the bed, the strangeness in his body made him almost scream, and it was cool and painful to face the light, so he moved his legs a little , was grabbed by the ankle.

    "You're finally awake," the man's amber eyes filled with a smile, Tang kissed his trembling right hand, swept his tongue over the fingertips of the lamp and looked at him like he did, It's like waiting for an unknown number of years: "Why are you running away again?"




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