Pampered Cute Mommy & Awesome President Daddy

Chapter 88: Love for seven days, infatuated (2)

Then, he lay straight on the bed, motionless.

Like a sculpture.

More like a wooden person.

An inexplicable light flashed across Quan Jianli's gloomy eyes and looked at the woman on the bed in confusion.

The moonlight shone on her body, emitting a faint silver light.

As if it were the most beautiful artwork in the world, it was so beautiful that people couldn't bear to blaspheme.

It also seemed that, with a certain mysterious enchantment, he led him, step by step, and walked over.

Condescendingly looking down at the beautiful body, unpleasant wrinkles formed between his eyebrows.

"Lin Moge, is this the way you understand to take the initiative to climb into my bed? don't know how to please men at all?"

Full of ridicule, her face instantly became red and hot.

She really didn't know what to do to please it.

Although she was a mother and had experience, she only had the night five years ago. Other than that, I never experienced any man again.

Feeling that the atmosphere is getting colder and colder, I finally mustered up the courage and knelt up.

The trembling fingertips slowly penetrated the air and unbuttoned the shirt on his upper body.

The honey-colored skin was exposed to the air, and her strong chest muscles and narrow waist and abdomen made her feel tight.

This man's figure, even if she has seen it many times, still makes her swallow.

Immediately afterwards, that precious leather belt was also rudely untied by her and tossed aside.

When the tired scars were exposed under the suit pants, her heart trembled.

The hideous scar is the best proof of his love with Bai Ruoxue, right?

If you don't love, how can you fight your own life in order to protect her?

In a car accident, the instant choice is the separation of life and death.

And he, at such a thunderous moment, chose to protect that woman and let himself withstand the most violent impact.

This kind of subconscious love and protection, faintly, made her jealous.

Reaching out and touching the thinnest piece of fabric, she hesitated for a moment, her fingers trembling more and more.

Then he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and tore off the piece of fabric, so ashamed that he couldn't open his eyes to see that exaltation.

That scene, just imagination, has already made her blush and heartbeat.

Her rudeness seemed to arouse his dissatisfaction, and she snorted, "It's not that I haven't seen it. Is it that you and the cinnabar mole in your heart are so innocent?"

Cinnabar mole in the heart.

The body trembled suddenly, and his eyes were already flushed.

Suddenly remembered the handsome face in the white sweater on the roadside today.

Yu Chen, goodbye.

Originally, still holding a glimmer of expectation. Looking forward to the day when I meet you again.

Now, once again nakedly defeated by reality, she and him, after all, missed it.

No matter how deep the love is, it is shallow.

This life is no longer qualified to stand in front of you.

Raising his eyes, greeted Quan Jianli's dark eyes, and the sharp cold swept her in an instant.

He lowered his eyes and saw through her eyes deeply, but found that there was deep sadness and desolation.

Was it the cinnabar mole in her heart that stung her sight and reminded her of the man who couldn't speak?

The anger in his heart suddenly rose, and it was so hot that it would turn him into ashes alone.

Reached out and held her chin, her tone was bitterly cold, "Lin Moge, remember, you have to admit defeat, and I just cooperate."

After all, the hot and scorching lips covered it aggressively.

Will her ice cold and sweet, completely occupied.

The body is as tall as a mountain, and it is also like a mountain and the ground is cracked, pressed down in an instant, and poured in without pity...

Sanity was occupied by him instantly.

There was even no room for resistance.

Under his rudeness and dominance, he quickly fell... lost...

At this moment, she realized what a vicious lion she had provoked.

Like the most primitive fighting and hunting on the grassland, there is no friendship at all, depriving and taking a little, until she is exhausted and has nothing...

Finally, passed out...

In his ear, he whispered, "Mo Er...please..."

"You grinning little fairy...what should I do..."

It seems to be early in the morning.

The cold moonlight, just as before.

The soft bed was messy.

Enjoy the fierce battle just now.

Like the finest artwork, one has soft and graceful lines, and the other is hard and stylish.

At this time, they were entangled like Dilian, unable to distinguish each other.

Lin Moge had already fallen asleep with his arm on his back, unconscious.

But I don't know that place is so high at this time, and it is still integrated with her...

In the night, Quan Jianli's eyes shot out a charming light like obsidian, like a leopard patiently lurking while waiting for its prey.

The arm that was pillowed by her hooked inward, holding the plump beauty in his palm.

With the other hand, he fumbled for the phone thrown on the floor, lightly opened the front camera, and adjusted the brightness.

The corners of her thin lips curled up slightly, and she included her little face that had fallen asleep to nothing.

With a click, the picture freezes.

Take a closer look and feel very satisfied.

It can express the current situation very well, but there is no eye-stimulating picture.

Because he was still worried that that person would not be able to stand it.

With a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, he pressed a series of familiar numbers to send the perfect "art photo".

As if being noisy by the sound of the photo, the person in his arms twisted slightly and let out a vague babble.

But again, igniting the flame in his belly, holding the perfect circle, and moving again...

The next day, the sun was shining.

Before I knew it, I climbed into the sky.

Spread the warm light indoors without hesitation.

But intentionally or unintentionally, avoiding the blushing heartbeat place.

The air smelled of crimson.

There was a double lotus on the bed, but it slept soundly.

Suddenly, the noisy cell phone ringing broke the certain silence and also awakened the couple.

Lin Moge frowned dissatisfied, and curled up.

However, he felt his body and clinging tightly, his nerves were tight, and he was stiff and dared not move.

Quan Jianli's eyes were still open, and he fumbled and answered the phone.

I was shocked by the roar from inside, "Niezha! Are you showing off with me? You sent this unsightly thing at four o'clock in the morning to stimulate me?"

The corner of his mouth raised, his tone indifferent and cold, "I think it was a good shot, and it can be called a work of art. Besides, doesn't this just fulfill your intention?"

"Hmph, I think you just want to **** me off! Why, your cleanliness is getting better? Would you like to touch the dirty woman who was kicked out of the bed? It really made me look at me..."

Elder Quan gave a cold snort, but could not hide the loss and anger in his tone.

"Since you sent it so hard, of course I have to take care of it. How can I fail your kindness?"

Quan Jianli's tone became more mean, and the angry old man blew his beard and stared.

I wish I could pass the murderous spirit to the phone.

That's right, Lin Moge was indeed chosen by the father's "choice of thousands".

Because she was the only woman kicked out of bed by Quan Jianli.

And he has always had a serious habit of cleanliness, and an unclean woman would never touch him.

Of course, if he was once defined as an unclean woman, and she got out of bed, she wouldn't touch it again.

The old man took his fancy to this point and sent Lin Moge to him.

Also proud, made that bet with him.

Unexpectedly, Quan Jianli violated the rules and moved the woman again! It's incredible!

"Hmph, did I underestimate Lin Moge's ability or underestimated your ambition? Are you so eager to get the shares of the boss!?"

The old man is now a general squad, a little confused.

Yesterday, Lin Moge was so excited that it was difficult to fall asleep because of Lin Moge's disturbing the second child and the woman surnamed Bai.

Unexpectedly, after only one night, the situation took a turn for the worse, and it became such a situation!

If Lin Moge is capable, it is true.

She was only next to her second child for a few days, and she was able to get him to dump the woman surnamed Bai, and successfully climbed onto his bed.

However, there are other possibilities.

It was the second child, who wanted to get the shares in the boss's hands and completely pocketed the company. Therefore, he resisted the seizure and accepted Lin Moge.

Regardless of the reason, the old man is tired.

With the facts before him, he was still fooled.

The anger was suffocated, but there was nowhere to vent. Finally, I had to sigh heavily, "Second, do you really want to be unsympathetic to this point?"

"The boss has gone to other countries over the years, and if you don't ask about the company, there is no threat to you at all! After all, you have the same blood flowing in your body, why do you need to go to this step..."

"It's useless to say more, I'm willing to bet."

Quan Jianli said coldly and hung up the phone.

His voice was cold and trembling.

Although you don't know who is on the other end of the phone, you can know it, which is not a good thing.

The silence in the room was restored again, and it was quiet and frustrating.

Because of the close contact with her body, she could clearly feel the swelling coming from under his abdomen, and her cheeks and ears instantly became red.

Tense, holding his breath, wanting to be farther away from him.

"Woke up?"

A low and hoarse voice spit out between her neck, and a hook of her arm hooked her into her arms again. The delicate roundness made a strong impact with the firm swelling.

The shock made her body tremble, her heart beating like crazy.

She was too shy and had to curl up, almost like an ostrich, and buried her head in the sheets.

In Quan Jianli's eyes, the shy appearance suddenly felt cute.

He sneered, "Lin Moge, I'm shy now, isn't it late? I remember that you enjoyed it very much last night..."

"That...that is your illusion..."

She retorted tremblingly.

It must be his illusion. She only remembers being tossed to the point of falling apart last night, and finally could not bear to faint.

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