Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1117: Takuya's good intentions (1)

Then, before the mouth is not salty or not, blaming one of his master’s words: "Master, how do you say that two days later, the child will become a relative? He soon became my veritable king, and you can’t always Do you want to take her as a child, isn't it?"

The old man of Tianji naturally knows the little ninety-nine in the heart of Long Muzhen, but he laughs and does not take anything.

Only Tuoyu, holding a glass of water that Yuyao had just fallen for him, his fingertips shook slightly twice. His expression did not show any ups and downs, only the swell of the eyes was magnificent. It is hidden deep.

The money blossomed and pouted, shyly reaching out and licking the chest of the dragon, and the man smiled more openly.

Once upon a time, this kind of scene seems to have been experienced by myself~ just until now, he is still embarrassed, do not know whether he is in a dream, or is deeply trapped in a beautiful memory, unable to extricate himself, such as the world.

Looking at the little girl's smiling hair and the admiration of the dragon's infinite pet, Tuoba seems to feel that there is something in the deepest part of the heart, broken ~

His face gradually turned pale, and his chest was full of blood, which made him feel uncomfortable and couldn't help but coughed a few times.

Yuyao saw this Tuoba since he woke up and noticed himself. His eyes were always on the body of money.

Before she made it possible for Tuoba to restore her memory, she was ready to lose his mind, but when she was there, she was still much more painful than she had imagined.

She kept silent all the time, quietly watching Tuoba's every move, until he coughed two times, then anxiously supported his body and asked: "Hey, how are you, how to look So bad, is it not uncomfortable?"

Tuoba shook his hand, then took a deep breath and screamed very weakly: "Duoer~"

These two words, let the eyes of some people in the place, all transferred to him.

Especially the money blossoming, my heart trembled, I looked at Tuoba very awkwardly, biting my lip and licking it for a long time.

She thought again, was a slap on his shoulder, called the brother of the brother? Or is it smeared with tears, showing heartbreaking, to express his guilt and concern for him?

Hey, I’m blaming this old man’s head. I have to sneak in it at this festival. Let’s see it, it’s so bad that she can’t beat the draft.

Just as Qian Duodu thought about how to face Tuoba, he did not expect that he suddenly sat up, pulled his eyes back from the money, and turned his head. He looked at Yuyao with a confused eyebrow. .

Then, she pulled up her hand and continually rubbed in her palm, repeating: "Duoer~ Who are they?"

The voice of Tuoba was settled, and the entire bedroom was silent.

Yuyao took the hand of Tuoba and touched his forehead. He flipped his eyelids and smashed it. Some uncertain questions asked: "Hey, what did you call me? You know Who am I?"

"Oh, fool, of course you are a sly baby, it is a queen of 朕~"

Takuya laughed twice, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth looked very natural, but Qian Duodu couldn’t say it, but he heard a sad mood.

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