Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1140: When the wedding is going on (2)

Long Mu smashed his hand and continued: "But don't say that the king was married for the first time. He was quite nervous. He felt passionate than the battlefield!"

Lao Gao hangs tears and owes a stern sentence: "I am not afraid, I will be born again, I will be familiar with each other. When I am a little wife next time, I will get used to it."

However, his voice has not just fallen, and Long Mu slaps him and flies out, naked hanging on the red lantern at the gate of Wangfu.

The other three generals, gloating in the side, said in unison: "Live it!"

Long Muzhen turned his head and looked at the three generals who were next to him. His face was full of smiles, and he was still grimacing at the old high, and he looked like a sorrow. There was no slight tension in his heart. A special imbalance.

I couldn't help but whispered: "I still don't go to the money house. If I miss the king's time, I will send you to the army's kitchen to chop firewood!"

When General Fang looked at the hour, he returned without hesitation: "Yes, there are still two hours. Don't worry, you are so nervous, Wang Hao will see it, and you should laugh at you!"

Long Mu's gaze is like a kite with a broken line. The hustle and bustle of the place, the nervous look, like a child facing a master check.

He inadvertently smashed the majestic 仗 仗 仗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ”

When the old party heard it, the laughing mouth could not be closed: "That is, the 14th lord, you look at it, the people in the welcoming team are all carefully selected. You see this tall, thin, thin, five senses. Consistent, with multiple births, and the horses that are welcoming, all of them are all white princes. Even a hair, you can't find it~"

Long Muzhen excitedly couldn't wait to hold the old man up and kiss him. He coughed a little, and turned his head on the horse. He waved his sleeves and said with a sigh of relief: "Brothers, make a bang, play this battle, It is bound to take the money and blossom it!"

Most of the welcoming teams are the elite soldiers of Long Muzhen. After listening to the master, the big guys have a glimpse of them, and then they shouted in unison: "The squad is invincible, the attack is invincible, the kinsflies are entangled. !"

Taking advantage of this loud slogan, the head of the welcoming team headed by Long Muzhen, from the vast Wangfu House, all the way to the money house.

At this time, when you see that Kyrgyzstan has arrived, the money house is also smashing the drums and dancing.

The red woven with the precious silk and silk thread is afraid to cover the face of the money.

She sat in front of the dressing table. As time went by, she seemed to have heard the drums outside the door, and the lively voice was very loud. It seems to be from the eyes of the blind man.

The moment I walked into the red carpet must be the most gorgeous moment of her laugh.

At this time, the maid of the money house ran in, excitedly shouted: "Miss, the king's welcome team came, everyone will prepare soon, help the lady ~"

According to the process of marriage, Qian Duodu is going to bid farewell to his parents before he marries into the palace.

However, she just got together and the door of the boudoir was pushed away by one person.

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