Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1147: Playing the king golden whip

It is to tell everyone that the emperor has long since no longer care about this matter, but also reflects his reliance and respect for the uncle.

No wonder -

The battle of the country of the grazing country not only expanded the territory of the holy country, but even the new emperor of the glory country, it was also grateful to the sacred priests, and every year tribute, it was not a bow down!

As for the Nanzhao emperor who stinked to the sky, I heard that I was also blessed by the savior of the king. From then on, the well water did not make a river, and the friendly exchanges were ~

As a result, in a short period of one year, Shengyi State has stood in an invincible position and has become the largest country in this continent with strong military strength and economic prosperity!

It can be said that this throne of Long Yutian, this Jiangshan, was all handed down by Long Muzhen!

Long Mu's look was faint, and it didn't look too much strange. He just thanked him and took over the imperial edict.

It was the blossoming of the money, the eagerness of the golden sacred look, and the envious eyes all glowed with gold.

She didn't complain that the papaya broke the gourd, and she didn't want the pain on her wrist. She immediately took the hand of Fuzi and shouted at her mouth.

"I am, I am, the fourteens have sealed the Regent, then what about me? Did Ah San think about rewarding me?"

To know that she was in the battle with the country of the country, it was also a battle of the past. Before the emperor, the old man also promised to give himself a female general to do it, and there is no joke!

Fuzi listened to the money blossoming to the present, or the call of A San A, the face is inevitable.

The emperor said that it is also awesome and cold, and the domineering side leakage, the gentleman of the world, the beautiful man, who came to Wang Hao’s mouth, thought of her younger generation, completely changed its taste?

He immediately jumped out and quickly inserted a mouth and interrupted the screaming of the money.

"Hey, don't worry, you are going to open the cuffs of the minions, so how can the slaves read the emperor's reward?"

When Qian Duodu looked down, Fuzi’s **** suit had already been pulled out by himself, and he was not beaten.

She groaned for a while~ then she retracted her hand and said with a smile: "Get started, let's get started!"

"Fengtian carrier, emperor 诏曰 宸 宸 宸 朵 朵 朵 , , 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇Whip one ~~~"

Fuzi took out another sacred decree and was reading it. It was only that the purpose was only read in general, and the money around him blossomed, but he jumped up.

Grab the golden whip that was held by the little **** around, and bite into the mouth.

Hey, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand gold, so heavy~ the teeth are almost nothing!

Money blossoms while biting, crying~

Fuzi was stunned by the sudden movement of money, and his mouth was twitching.

"Hey, hey, this is the king's golden whip. If you come to the prince, you can hit the stunned king, and you can play the singer. You have the right to play the first play. You can't be a hoe."

Hey~ A good golden whip, the hard-born beggar Wang Biao bite out a tooth print, if the emperor blames it, Wang Hao is not afraid, he is a small eunuch, the **** can not bloom!

After the identification of Qian Duo Duo, watching Fuzi wipe the tears, he shot his shoulder particularly well, not at all.

"It is because it is given by A San, so I have to leave a tooth print as a mark, so that I can prevent the mountain race and prevent it from losing. Otherwise, if I take it out, I will be robbed when I am going to sway." Okay, find out, right!"

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