Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1154: Falling booklet

Long Mu smashed his eyes and saw that it was obviously unpleasant.

Today's protagonist is his good, this group of thousands of knives, come to join in the fun?

However, Qian Duodu looked at them and shook their heads together and smiled.

Lao Gao saw Wang Xiao smiled, and his heart sighed with relief. He was more eager to perform. He held the booklet in his hand and groaned everywhere. Who knows but he was excited. He accidentally took the booklet to Long Muzhen.

Long Muzhen bit his bite, bent over and picked up the booklet under his feet, and flipped it twice, and then the whole man bunked it~

Like a millennium ice standing in the air, there is a cold air on the body.

However, his face was a burst of embarrassment and embarrassment, licking the old high, gnashing his teeth: "You are dead!"

Then he hid the booklet behind him in order to avoid being discovered by others.

The money blossomed and the tip of the eye, I saw the strange movement of Long Muzhen, and quickly reached out: "Fourteen, what are you hiding, show me ~?"

Long Mu's eyes are in a mess, and his look is very unnatural. He said, "Duo's sorrow, nothing, don't look at it, the president will grow the corns~"

After that, he glanced at the old high, and Lao Gao immediately jumped out and followed the help: "Yes, yes, Wang Hao, this is what I use to scare children, children are not suitable, you still don't watch~"

Money blossoming with a pair of small eyes, the face does not believe ~

Not suitable for children? President's corns?

When Long Muzhen worked tirelessly day and night, he didn’t think she was still underage?

The money blossomed and did not speak, so he stared straight at Long Muzhen, five fingers open, and the claws stretched straight.

Long Muzhen was the strange little eyes of Qian Duo Duo, and he was not seen in the child. He knew that this girl was shackled with himself.

If he doesn't give her something hidden behind him, he estimates that he has to sleep on the floor for three consecutive days!

Thinking of this, for his own **** / blessing life, he hesitated to tweak for a long time, and finally, slowly took out the booklet behind him.

The more the dragon Muyu is performing, the more difficult it is, the more curiosity the money blossoms.

After grabbing a booklet, I hurriedly turned it up.

As a result, the picture depicted above almost did not brighten her titanium alloy eye.

Hey~ Is this the legendary ancient 'spring / palace / map ~'

The blood of the people who are simply watching is inflated!

The ancient small / yellow / book / child, do not want to day / this comic, the character is drawn too much anime form.

On the contrary, they all pay more attention to realism.

Especially the royal chaises like the Wangfu, this spring/palace/figure is vividly portrayed by the artist, as it is.

When the money is blossoming, I feel that I am going to have a nosebleed~

She turned over page by page, counted the above moves, and it was more than ‘Dragon’s 18’.

Still others are her moves in modern times that I have never seen before.

Long Muzhen looked at the look of the little things in front of him, and felt particularly embarrassed, especially the four generals, blushing, and wishing to retract their heads into the tortoise shell.

Long Muzhen coughed a little and wanted to pull back the thoughts of money blossoming.

The money blossomed and snarled, then looked up, looked at the baby's appearance, pointed at the picture above, and did not bother to ask: "Twelve, this is 啥~ tweaked together, hybrid rice? ”

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