Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1156: Takuya, goodbye! (1)

When Qian Duodu put down the booklet, he got into the bed, took off his coat, and threw it aside, wanting to take a break.

Inadvertently, I found that my milk-white gauze was bloody.

Money blossoming subconsciously opened the quilt and looked at it~ It turned out that it was my own big aunt!

She licked her mouth and smashed her coat into a ball, and threw it into the barrel, and then looked straight at her big aunt.

On the first night of the wedding, what relatives are not coming to the door, just catch up with the big aunt to join in the fun ~ really bad luck!

When she complained in her heart, she felt that her eyelids were fighting, and then, unconsciously, she slept and went to sleep.

——Duoer dividing line——

Outside the gates of the capital of the Holy Land, two horses are flying between the wide roads.

About a hundred meters away from the gate, one of the black Maxima, but slowly listened.

Sitting on the top of the tall and straight man, can not help but pull the reins, turned his head, eyebrows gaze in a direction for a long time.

"Since I can't let her go, why should I choose not to leave without saying goodbye, why not give myself a chance, and fight for it, no matter whether she or not with you, at least no regrets will be left~"

Another white horse, Yuyao woman dressed as a man, looks beautiful, handsome, but some distressed look at the man around, looking up at the watchtower.

When Tuoba heard the sound of Yuyao, he looked at it and then he lowered his eyes.

"When did you know~"

Yuyao turned his head and refused to let him see the desolateness of his eyes. She tried to pull a smile and make herself look lighter.

"When you wake up and look over the money and see the girl's first look, I know that you remember her. Although at that time, you took my hand and called it, and when you lost your memory, you lost your sight. It's exactly the same, but I clearly see the sadness in your eyes~ The emperor, you know, when you pull me, your fingertips are trembling!"

Takuya smiled: "I thought it was very well hidden. Even Long Mu and Duo were smashed, but I didn't think it was discovered by you. It's just Yuyao, since you know from the beginning. You are acting, why do you pretend to have nothing to do with it? Do you have even a little doubt?"

"The emperor, in fact, you hide really good, it is just seamless. The reason why I can find it is because in my heart, in my eyes, there is no extra existence except you, every one of you. A subtle change, I will feel the same."

Yuyao looked up, a pair of tender eyes, gradually covered with a layer of thin mist, her voice, with a thick nasal sound, seems a little sad.

"I played this play with you because I know that after you saw the wedding of Qian Qing and Yu Wang, it was difficult to accept for a time, thinking about escaping, thinking more about making her feel better, not putting any pressure on her. So I thought about keeping the amnesia down. It’s just that the old man’s words made them believe that you have forgotten the money girl in the subconscious mind~”

Tuoba listened to this, but he smiled happily, but in the laughter, with a bit of bitterness.

"I didn't expect that the person who knows the most, will be you~"

He took a long breath and then subtly shifted the subject.

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