Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1159: What ghost weather

Fuzi did not hesitate, telling the truth: "The emperor has filtered, and Wang Hao is not angry with you. She is very happy, especially when she sees the 'king of the king's whip' that you gave her. Excited chaos ~ When you are in the chapel, you are still waving the golden whip indiscriminately, and you can finally walk the holy shrine, and you will be arrogant!"

The king of the king is the heart of the emperor. If the emperor knows that she has a slight disappointment, the emperor will certainly not feel good.

Fuzi is a clever and loyal slave, and naturally knows how to do it!

Sure enough, Long Yutian listened to this, and raised his lips, a faint smile, and said to himself: "Gorgeous food~"

Although this is a complaint, it is full of deep pets, but in the tone, it is mixed with the bitterness that is unknown.

Uncle 14 was really right. When Duo saw his rich gift, his mouth could not be laughed at. He still managed to go and not to join him?

He is now a good man and a king of a country. Sitting in the world, in the heart of Duo, is it even worse than a broken gold bar?

It’s very sad to be rushing to the feet~ Not happy!

But then again, as long as the child is happy, don't say it is a 'playing the king's whip', even if she wants to move the entire palace home, he will not wrinkle her brow, let her Do whatever you want~

Thinking of this, Long Yutian’s eyes suddenly converge, and his arm waved, and he said to the blessing behind him: “You go to the royal study room and move the shackles of the pipa.”

"The emperor, this day is not too early, you should use dinner ~!" Fuzi reminded.

"I told you to go down and read the scores at the Longhua Hall tonight. Nothing is going to be done. No one can come in and bother."

After that, Long Yutian turned and walked into the study.

Duo said that she can finally walk the holy sacred ~

Duo said that she likes Yaowu Yangwei~

Long Yutian can't give money to blossom a happy and complete home, but he will use his lifelong efforts to create a beautiful river and mountains for her in her lifetime, Taiping Shengshi~

——Duoer dividing line——

In the Longhua Temple, there is a night of light, but in the palace of the king, it is a song and dance that rises and rises.

Some of the generals of the sacred country guarding the frontiers, because of the wedding of Long Muzhen, it is rare to gather together once, and between the brothers, there is less than a thousand cups of wine, and they are holding together, and they say no. Drunk does not return.

This unprecedented grand wedding, which lasted until half of the night, only slightly stopped.

The butler personally sent a drunken general who had drunk out of the palace, while holding him, while still squatting.

"General, you go slower, the road is slippery, you look at the wind and the wind is blowing, it will rain, you still have to rest early~!"

The general shot a wine cellar and looked at the clouds in the sky. The wind was raging and sullenly said: "What the ghost weather, the sun is still shining in the daytime, and at night the gods don’t even say hello, they suddenly come. A storm, a real hell!"

The housekeeper listened to him constantly groaning, and echoed two sentences. After he got on the carriage, he turned and ran back to the palace.

In the main hall, there are only Long Muzhen and four generals, surrounded by brothers and sisters.

When Lao Gao saw the butler running in, he asked casually: "What did the kid yell at outside the palace? What the ghosts are not ghosts, and the day when Grandpa is overjoyed, how angry?"

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