Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 910: I also have evidence

"Long Chaohan, the great prince, I think that my money is already lie to the dead and not paying for it. Lies and bragging are the world's unsuccessful people who are not mad at the face. I did not expect that you can still be YY than me. The ability to think, you don’t go to Hollywood as a screenwriter, it’s a waste of your ability to talk about it.

"This is poisoned by Ah San. If you are not careful about the earthquake in Beijing, you still don't describe me as prehistoric Altman, invincible Decepticons?"

When the Queen took the case, she suddenly became angry: "The money is blossoming, you are less entangled here, come here, drag the money into the dungeon, listen to the disposal!"

The guards of the past have been facing each other for a few seconds. In the face of the Queen, some hesitates.

The money blossomed was so good that he held the shoulders and slanted the guards, and then the eyes slowly swept through the ministers who were there, and finally stopped on the queen.

"Hey, Queen Empress, you said that you don't want to be so cold, like a scam, you look at the civil and military officials of this dynasty, eyes are full of doubts and curiosity about you and this matter, is it? Doesn't this matter need to be a bad thing?"

The more the money blossoms, the more the cloud is light and windy. The more the Queen is worried, the more his eyes become erratic and guilty.

Especially when everyone was confused about her abnormal words and deeds, she took a deep breath and pretended to calm down.

"The money is blossoming, now that people are showing evidence, what more needs to be done, and you are worthy of your repudiation?"

Qian Duoduo’s cold eyes squinted at the Queen, and smiled and said: “The Queen’s Empress, the great emperor’s motive that I poisoned the Three Kings, just laughed at the big teeth of the Manchu dynasty. If you can convict with your YY imagination, That girl can also say that it is you and Long Chaohan, the one-handedly planned incident, in order to eradicate dissidents, want to successfully climb the throne!"

The hundred officials on the main hall heard this sentence and all of them stared and took a deep breath.

Although the battle for the throne is always a battle of blood and hurricanes.

Even when he was the emperor, the Queen Mother who died, he did not know how much blood was contaminated in his hands to stand on the supreme throne.

But this kind of thing is a scandal that the royal family can't be promoted. Everyone is unaware of it, but no one dares to talk privately.

But I did not imagine that this money blossomed openly broke this layer of paper and smashed things into irreparable roads.

The pale face of the empress, the subconscious rebuttal: "You are bloody."

Then, Wu Tong slammed on the ground, clutching the emperor's ankles, shaking hard, crying that is called a pear with rain.

"The emperor, the courtiers, the money blossoming, she is rude, you have to be the master of me!"

The emperor did not expect that things would be forced to this step, coldly scolding and blaming: "The money is blossoming, even if you have nothing to do with the poisoning of the third child, but you know that you have no basis to filthy as the motherland. Is it also a crime of decapitation?!"

"Evidence? Oh, the Queen can grab a few cats and dogs as evidence, then I also have evidence and physical evidence, and, my personal card, but the Queen's old acquaintance!"

The money blossomed with small sleeves and glanced at the queen.

Immediately, Long Haotian took a group of guards and swayed into the Longhua Hall.

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