Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 917: Break into the cold palace and cut off the throne

The Queen looked at the fascinating fox like the old-fashioned fox, and suddenly realized it.

The appearance of Guangfeng and Ziwei has already made her confused, and together, they all pointed to Long Chaohan in a word, which made her even more chaotic.

In order to protect his son from harm, the Queen only pleaded guilty to the blame.

Unexpectedly, Qian Duodu turned out to be using her beloved heart, and completely dug a pit for her!

"Queen, this is the end of the matter, what else do you have to say? I really didn't think that you were so a snake-hearted woman, even the sons of the company didn't let go!"

The emperor sat on the dragon chair and looked down at the woman who was soft on the ground.

The haze and coldness that came out of his eyes did not have any mercy and warmth.

The back of the emperor sat on the cold ground like a gray, and the pupils were scattered.

Knowing that things have been revealed, there is no room for change.

In addition, Lin Guifei will definitely fall into the rocks, trying to drag her down from the throne of the post.

The emperor's fascinating gaze came back from the Queen and turned to Long Chaohan, the opening of the condensation.

"Boss, these things, how much have you been involved?"

Long Chaohan shook his body and did not expect that the father would actually transfer his goal to himself.

If he confesses now, it will be sinful. If he is guilty, he will fall into danger and be in danger.

Just when he was hesitant and he was struggling, the Queen suddenly inserted it and buckled a few times on the ground.

"The emperor, all things are done by the courtiers, and the culvert is kept in the dark. He doesn't know at all. If you want to kill, you can rush to the courtiers. Don't do it. I’m stunned by the dynasty!”

The emperor closed his eyes in silence, and when he opened again, his eyes were desperate and indifferent.

"Come to come, pass on the will, the queen deliberately murdered the emperor, repeatedly doing politics, and now she will enter the cold palace."

After a pause, he took another look at Long Chaohan.

His face was gloomy and he said nothing.

The eyes seem to be unwilling and resentful, but in order to protect themselves, even if they ask for mercy, they dare not send out.

As the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat, although he prefers the third and fourth, but the boss is his own son.

This incident has already produced indelible resentment and suspicion between their brothers.

If Yuer inherits the throne in the future, will he regard him as a nail in his eyes and a thorn in the flesh?

What he is most afraid of is the occurrence of this kind of flesh and blood.

"As for Long Chaohan, immediately cut off the throne, and descend to the world, innocent will, not to enter the palace, return to the palace, think about it in the closed door!"

The emperor sighed, and his appearance was so old that he was a few years old.

Staggered and got up, was supported by the eunuch, and left the hall.

The queen was taken off by a few guards and pulled down.

Knowing that she was to be beaten into the cold palace, her face was pale and her pupils were scattered. At this moment, even a tear could not fall.

The ministers also retired. Long Chaohan followed the queen and wanted to go to the cold palace to talk to her, but when she walked to the side of Qian Duodu, she heard her voice.

"Long Chaohan, when you enter the Three Kings House and want to catch me, I have already reminded you that you are connected with the blood of Ah San, why bother to kill?"

Long Chaohan’s footsteps paused for a moment, and looked at them with a twisted look. He smiled bitterly: “The winner is the king’s loser. The king is willing to gamble and lose. Even if he finally lost his hand, the king will never regret it.”

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