Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 920: Emperor summoned

He used to offend this little grandmother, but can't be beaten?

It seems that in the future, the bet will be followed by the money and the thighs, and the province will be counted again.

When the cold iron just wanted to go to Bajieba to make money, there was a small **** who hurriedly ran over.

"Qian girl, the emperor announced that you see it."

Long Muzhen was nervous: "Duo, do you want me to accompany you?"

"Without fourteen, I will be fine. I guess the old man is being stimulated. I want to give him a psychological counseling!"

Money blossoming and shaking his head, revealing a confident smile.

Then he followed the little **** and went to the emperor's palace.

When the money blossomed, the emperor was lying on the bed with a decadent sigh.

The gloom of the clouds, the folds of the face, and the scattered hair, looming some white hair.

That way, like an old man with a ruin, there is no majesty.

Next to the doctor, kindly reminded: "Money girl, the emperor is suffering from a very serious stimulation, some blood and heart attack, physical and mental state, are not very good, you should pay attention to some time, do not provoke again Angry the emperor."

The emperor heard the whispering sound outside the curtain, and asked incompetently: "Is it a comer?"

Qian Duodu opened the curtain and smiled back: "The emperor uncle, I am coming. I just heard from the doctor that your physical condition is not very good. Hey, I see that you are not blind and do not spend your eyes now. Zhang Xiao face fat dudu red run, pretty good?"

The emperor turned and snorted: "That is, you are brave enough to dare to say this. You look at a group of slaves outside the temple. Isn't that a look of sadness?"

The money blossomed and disappeared. The thorns moved over a chair and sat on it. By the way, I touched an apple and groaned.

I’ve been busy for a night, and I haven’t eaten yet.

When I bite the flesh in my mouth, I replied vaguely: "What is sorrow? The old feelings of dying and dying, and then, you are holding the idea of ​​early death and early reincarnation. Are you happy to leave?"

The emperor snorted, what is the fallacies?

"If I change to the 14th brother, I think you are still happy?"

Qian Duodu took a look at it: "In my heart, you and the fourteen roots are not a grade, not comparable!"

Listening to her words so straightforward, the eyes of the emperor could not help but dim.

"Is it so unbearable in your heart? If you are returning to the sky, do you still celebrate the big dance of the firecrackers?"

If she dares to say yes, the emperor promises to beat her up.

However, Qian Duo Duo is very savvy and did not answer this question positively, just vaguely.

"You used this despicable means to frame me to eat poison and take away the fourteen characters. Do you expect me to hold your thighs and treat you as a god, and worship you like a river? Is it out of control?"

Having said that, the goose bumps she couldn't help herself fell off the ground.

The emperor was shocked: "Do you know all these?"

"Of course, with the wisdom of my money blossoming, do you think you can still live with me? But the emperor, you are also an old acquaintance, you can't do this to me! You framed the 14th, forget it, frame me. Can't be forgiven!"

The accusation of money blossoming, the excited apple shell almost reached his face.

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