Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 925: Zhu Sisi’s Wolverine

Qian Duodu looked around the Taihe Palace. Zhu Sisi lived in the main hall. The two side halls next to it were already dilapidated, and the doors and windows were known.

It is almost ten times more broken than the previous condensate garden.

"Only you are alone here?"

The little palace girl replied truthfully: "The girl of money, originally a slave, but Zhu Sisi has a royal blood in the belly, so in the afternoon, I assigned another one to take care of Zhu Sisi with the slave."

Qian Duodu nodded and did not answer, but pointed to the main hall.

The little palace girl was dexterous, and immediately stood up and led the way for money blossoming.

‘Know--’, the door was pushed open.

Through the light, Qian Duodu saw the figure curled up in the corner.

The clothes she wore were still the clothes that were hit into the Hall of Supreme Harmony a few days ago. It is already spotted and messy.

Originally black and shiny hair, also covered with dust, like a pile of dry weeds, fluffy nest on the scalp.

Zhu Sisi was originally considered to be one of the best beauty embryos.

But now, under the double torture of the flesh and spirit.

The exquisite face is already uncomfortable, the skin is slack and dry, and even the dark circles are there.

The skinny and plump appearance, the more obvious pairs of empty eyes, the extreme bulging, that look, don't mention how terrible.

Zhu Sisi heard the footsteps and hurriedly raised his head. The original surprise expression turned into a resentment and indifference in the moment when he saw the money blossoming.

"How could it be you?"

Qian Duodu stood at the door and paused for a moment before he walked in slowly and smiled. "Isn't I still? Do you think it is Long Yutian? But I just happened to think of you, I came to see old friends. See how you are here and how."

Zhu Sisi suddenly looked up, Long Yutian three words, poked the pain in her heart, eyes emitting a vicious light.

"Hey, the money blossoms, you don't need your cat to cry, the child is false and compassionate. I am not good at Zhu Sisi, and I don't need your pity and sympathy. Let you see a joke! You will give me a roll!"

Qian Duoduo shook his head, helpless smile: "Zhu Sisi, do you think that in your current situation, what other point is worthy of my crying for your cat?"

"You are a man / person, you dare to say, if it is not you, how can I die, if not you, how can I be beaten into the cold palace, how can Yu want me not to be? Everything is because of you / person You must not die, you should be thundered!"

Zhu Sisi screamed exhaustedly, excitedly, and even braved the blue veins on his forehead.

The living image is a female zombie in the Resident Evil.

"Zhu Sisi, you still don't know how to repent now? Skynet is resounding and not leaking, and many lines of injustice will be self-sufficient. Isn't that simple reason you don't understand? The end of your Zhu family is all caused by you, and you can't blame others. Is it still that I am forcing you to fall into my death again and again, is it that I forced your father to accept bribes and party smuggling?"

Poor people must have hateful things, and this is true.

Qian Duodu originally thought that a pregnant woman had fallen into such a miserable end, and there was some sympathy.

Now that she is not repentant in the face of Zhu Sisi’s death, her pitiful heart is also gone.

Zhu Sisi looked at the money and blossomed, and he was too lazy to play.

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