Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 956: Nanzhaoguo came to support?

"When we flew over, people stood in the basket. When the fire broke out, the balloon would fly to the sky. I looked at the weather. Today it happened to be a northerly wind, just to take us to the enemy's tower. ”

"When we look at the timing, we will throw the explosives down. I promise that the three wooden piles will be blown up beyond recognition."

Long Haotian saw the hot air balloons flying in the wind, and couldn’t help but worry: "But it’s a child, if this balloon is holding you over the world, the national border that goes to Rongguo is falling, you guys Isn't the sheep in the mouth of the tiger?"

The money blossomed and bent down to make a long rope that looked around the ground and handed it to Long Haotian.

"Small four, don't worry about this. I tied this hemp rope to the basket. Once we saw that we bombed their castle, we brought the hot air balloon back, so it was nothing!"

However, because the weight of the hot air balloon is limited, the basket can only bear the weight of three people.

After learning about the plan of Qian Duo Duo, the big guy arranged three martial arts high-powered and astute soldiers to bomb the gates of the country.

However, at this time, there were soldiers rushing over, like Long Mu’s recent situation.

"Qi Yu Wang, our people just got the news, the prince of the Nanzhao Kingdom, Tuoba, is personally leading a 10,000-strong army, rushed to the country of the country, it looks like, and soon after, it will enter the territory of Makino. ”

Long Haotian’s expression is stiff: “The second lord of Rongguang’s forefoot has just arrived, and Tuoba’s foot has arrived. Is this going to support them? Is he also wanting to take a slice of the glory in the dynasty? Is it profitable?"

In the situation where the four countries stand up, Tuoba is also considered to be a talented and talented person.

Whether it is to lead the war, or the warfare, and the Long Yutian brothers can be said to be equally divided.

If he really has the heart to be on this festival, and to help glory to fight against the holy country, then the strength must not be underestimated.

The eyes of Long Muzhen also became as deep and cautious as they were silent. After a moment of silence, they told the generals of their men.

"High General, General Fang, you and the King together with two thousand soldiers to explore the real and false, if necessary, they must be ambushed before the 10,000 troops of Tuoba Fall, for the siege on our side, delay time."

Then, against the other two generals, they ordered an army order.

"General Yuan and General Di, you will quickly select a point here. Once the device on the upper deck of the enemy city is blown up, you will immediately lead the army to attack the city!"

This World War I is not a small one.

Not only is it related to the turmoil of the glory country, but it is also the first time that the holy country has faced the strong cooperation of the two major countries.

Masters, even a trace of negligence, will make them defeated.

The funeral of the thousands of soldiers was ruined.

At this point, Long Muzhen had to be careful.

The two generals Yuan and Di looked at Long Muzhen and left the camp with two thousand soldiers. They also began to act separately.

Three heavy-duty soldiers, holding small explosives in their hands, broke into the basket.

However, for a long time, I don’t know how to fly in this mouth, how to fly, how to drive.

"Wang Hao, we are the first to contact this high-tech, we will not play! And what do you want to use for this explosive?"

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