Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 976: When I hugged the cat, I was licking my paws!

Yu Guifei lifted his eyelids and watched the money blossoming outside and twisted on the soft couch. He still licked an apple in his mouth.

Casually set a pink gauze, the hair is also scattered, and even the makeup is not.

This looks like a female rogue.

Moreover, what did she say, this early morning?

Queen Empress, your mouth is still stained with a rice particle, should you just used lunch?

Yu Guifei almost didn't get to the feet.

This woman, and her imaginary, the image of the empress who was crowned in the palm of her hand, so pity, is very different.

Yugui’s mouth twitched, and he was very polite: “Chen Chen thought that the Queen’s Empress had recently recovered a lot, so the courtiers did not ask for the visitor, and the courtiers heard that the little prince also took back Fenghua. Palace~哎, yes, for a long time, why didn’t you see the little prince?”

Qian Duodu looked at Yu Guifei and chased the figure of the little emperor everywhere, thinking that she liked the child, so she said to the palace lady around me, "You are going to take the little emperor and let Yugui look." ""

Soon, the mother-in-law took a small meatball that was waiting to be fed and went to the Fenghua Palace.

"I used to feel bored by myself. Tuoba took over the broad child. It is good to have a child to play with me. When he grows up, I will wear a skirt and a braid. Dressing up the beautiful and bright, let all the female dolls envy and hate!"

Qian Duodu looked at the little prince's meat toot like a small bamboo arm, full of pink bubbles.

"Queen Empress, Broad is a prince, not a princess!"

Yugui stunned for a moment, can't imagine what kind of harsh environment to grow in the future, can't help but remind.

"I know, because he is a prince, do you want to dress like this? Don't you know that this year's popular sexes? But men and women, can attack and defend, is definitely the yin and yang product of the universe invincible super !!"

The money blossoms with a fork and a big smile, and the constant YY in his mind is the development and development of the character after the extension.

She reached out and took the child, slid his little arm of his meat, and began to swing left and right.

The poor little prince was stunned by her inhumanity, and wowed and cried.

The glass heart of Yu Guifei was broken.

"Queen Empress, the child is not holding this, he is about to be spit milk by you!"

Qian Duo Duo took advantage of the little prince to play as a yo-yo, and looked confused: "But, but when I used to hold the cat, I used to pull my paws like this?"

Has she raised a cat? She thinks she has been raised.

Yugui’s heart was bleeding, and he couldn’t wait to cry in the sky. He said nothing, and grabbed Tuoba from the hands of Qian Duodu.

A distressed look down at the child in his arms, squinting at his little buttocks, squatting in a small tune.

Very strange, Xiao Kuer was hugged by Yu Gui, immediately quieted down, pouting, then took a small head, arched into the arms of Yu Guifei, and woke up and fell asleep.

The admiration of Qian Duodu’s face: "Yu Guifei, you seem to be very jealous of children? You don't really cry."

Yugui’s eyes have been watching the little man in his arms, and he has no reason to spend money and continue to sing a little song.

Qian Duoduo scratched his head and looked at the red-faced face of Xiaokuer. The small claws of the meat were on the chest of Yugui, and they were cute.

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