Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 980: Tuoba's cold

Takuya's impatience drooped his eyelids, looked down at the uncle, and glanced at the hand of his arm.

Yu Guifei looked at his indifferent eyes, his heart snorted, and he retracted his hand and re-squatted on the ground.

The tears fell, hoping to cause the man in front of me, a trace of mercy.

"The emperor, the courtier promised you, will never tell the empress empress about the life of the broad child, only four months, can not be separated from the mother!"

Tuoba listened to this, but it smirked his lips and smiled coldly: "My mother-in-law? The mother-in-law is a flower, not your Yuyao. You better recognize your identity, don't I’m crazy about it!”

wishful thinking?

Ever since I fell in love with this man, I ignored him and opposed him.

In the Prince's House, I have long heard that the Prince's heart belongs.

She is still stupid, and hopes to use her gentle and considerate to touch the man in front of her.

Is this kind of moth's love for the fire, is it a wishful thinking, a delusion?

Yugui was on the ground, but still thinking about fighting for the last hope.

"The emperor, the courtier is not like what is extravagant, but the empress is only young after she is young. She has no real life. She doesn't know how to take care of the children. Her family is not good at the recent time. She always spits milk, in case the queen. The niece did not understand the reaction of the child, and was negligent at a time~"

When Yu Guifei said it, he felt a panic.

However, her words had not yet had time to finish, and Tuoba directly interrupted her.

"What about that? If you don't take care of Tuowei, what about it?"

Four words shattered all the illusions of Yu Guifei.

She looked up at her head, in an incredible eye, full of shattered tears.

"The emperor, the broad child is your own son!"

How can he, how can he be so pleased and deceive another woman, so worried about the safety of his own son?

"My son? I have had so many women, why have you ever had a flesh?"

Tuoba smiled and looked at the expression of Yugui, a disdain.

He bent over and gradually approached the woman with the pear and the rain crying in front of her eyes, reaching out, gently licking her white cheeks, and then slipped onto her chin.

The fingertips pressed hard and squeezed her rounded jaw, forcing her to look up and look at herself.

"Yu Yao, you bought the cockroaches, dumped the deciduous medicine, and squatted on the shackles. If the father did not protect the royal blood, do you think that you will be left with this child? ?"

"Hey tell you, in this world, except for the blossoming of flowers, no woman has the bones of blood, even if she is born, she will not care!"

Yugui was just swallowing swallowing water, tears and no snoring.

Tuoba continued: "Now, I have given it to Duo, and this is his blessing. If Duo likes him, maybe in the future, he will be the Prince of Nanzhao, if you really Your son is good. From now on, I will stay in your house, and I will not go anywhere. Otherwise, if I let the children know what it is, then I will scream and ruthlessly!"

After the warning, Tuoba took a look at it and put Yugui on the ground and took the door.

Then, the nurse-in-law ran in, followed by the little emperor who had slept well.

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