Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 982: Fourteen is coming.

Holding the Queen's lady's skirt, she ran out and ran out.

Then I went to the emperor and complained, and I sneaked a tear.

"In this case, then you only have to go to pick up the queen!"

After seeing these tricks, Tuoba not only did not get angry, but smiled at the lips.

However, when he was just preparing to go out, the **** Zhao Gonggong ran in.

"The emperor, the news that the slaves just got, the prince of the holy country, also went to Beijing with their messengers. Estimated this time, you should enter the palace!"

Tuoba sneaked on the spot and immediately fell into a silence.

Long Mu Yan, come so fast!

He raised his eyelids and glanced at the little palace girl and said, "Since the queen feels unwell, let her rest more. Also, after the queen wakes up, no matter what method you use, the queen is not allowed to leave. Fenghua Palace step by step ~ Also, the additional garrison troops are guarded outside the Fenghua Palace. No one except the shackles can be close!"

Zhao Gonggong’s rare appearance on Tuoba’s face has been such a serious and serious appearance, as if he would face a strong opponent’s general cautiousness.

He wiped his sweat and turned to Zhang Luo, but when he was about to go out, he was stopped by Tuoba.

"Zhao Xiang, there is something, you need to do it yourself." Zhao Xiang listened so important, and quickly came to the ear, Tuo Yan bowed his head and squatted for a while, then added: "Is it clear?"

Zhao Gonggong nodded. Even if he didn't understand why the emperor wanted to do this, he still snorted and then ran away.

——Duoer dividing line——

The succession of the new emperor of the Nanzhao Kingdom has sensationalized the five continents of the four continents.

After accepting the worship of the Baiguan, he continued to host a feast in the Cognac Hall to entertain the ministers who came to congratulate the countries.

On the bright yellow robes of Tuoba, embroidered with the dragon's dragon's dragon pattern, the golden wave of gold woven under the robe corner, the sleeves were lifted by the wind.

With the prestige of the world and the nobleness of being with you.

The queen around me is also wearing a red phoenix in the palace of the phoenix, wearing a golden silk and eight treasures on the head, squatting at the Chaoyang Wufeng hanging pearls, looks graceful and luxurious.

But the strange thing is that this was passed on to the gods, so that the emperor of the Nanzhao Kingdom favored the Queen, but it was always masked with white gauze, which made people unable to see her true appearance.

Just from the slender form, it can be seen that it is a petite and pleasant Xiaojiabiyu.

Therefore, when the dance was done in the temple, someone immediately couldn’t help but be curious and asked more.

"The emperor, this empress is from the very beginning, is there any discomfort in the body?"

Tuoba held the woman's hand around him and looked very loving.

"The Queen has recently felt a cold, and the doctor said it is inappropriate to see the wind."

Tuoba is the highest leader of the Nanzhao Kingdom and should sit on the dragon chair.

Beyond him, the most noble and incomparable person in the entire Cognac Hall is to sit quietly in the lower left, and to drink and discretion, the **** of war, the dragon god!

Long Muzhen had arrived in Nanzhao country three days ago.

I inquired about it in the capital, and it was a surprise. When Tuoba returned to Beijing, he did carry a coma girl and brought him into the palace.

Then, next to them, they were a queen, and they were inexplicably more than a queen.

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