"But it’s said that the squid and the geese are closed to the moon. The three kings of the holy country are not allowed to do it. Do you know that the three kings have been good recently? And I have heard that the king has recently brought your unmarried wife to the battlefield. I don’t know how this future 宸王妃, compared to the three kings, what is the appearance?”

This statement, like throwing a blockbuster on a calm lake, immediately caused an uproar.

Some people in the hall took a sigh of relief, and their eyes gathered together on Long Muzhen.

As for the sacred king of the sacred kingdom, the sorrowful sorrow of the sorrowful sorrow has been rumored in other countries.

When private ministers and ordinary people are free to do nothing, they are also talking about it.

I am so lucky to have the envy of money, I can get the love of two days of pride, and do everything for her.

There is a sour water, and the words are harsh and accused of the blossoming watery flowers, regardless of ethics and shame.

But no one, dare to splash dirty water on Long Muzhen.

However, in this grand ceremony of the country’s commemoration of the commemoration, Tuoba has chosen the former three kings and the current princes.

Undoubtedly, it refers to the mulberry, alluding to whether Long Muzhen is unhappy with his newly married queen.

I wiped, one is the horrifying **** of war, and the other is the young hero of the Nanzhao country.

Two equally outstanding men, when did you make a fortune?

On such a grand occasion, I also ridiculed each other's shortcomings?

This new emperor's grand ceremony in Nanzhao is really a twist!

Sure enough, when Long Muzhen heard this passage, he stood up and squinted, and fixedly looked at Tuoba.

In the pupils that are rendered by ink, there is already a murderous murder, like a cobra that is angered, haunted and dangerous.

Lao Gao has already prepared for the battle on the side, as long as his family is a 14-year-old, he hangs the rope without saying anything, closes the door and puts the dog!

Who does not know that Qian Duo Duo is a taboo of Long Mu, this Tuoba, not only robbed the woman of the 14th, but also dared to talk about Wang Hao’s past in this unspeakable.

It’s just looking for death!

The big guy’s eyes are wide open, ready to be fired when both sides open fire.

But did not arrive, was stimulated by the words to Long Muzhen, after a moment of silence, not only did not anger, but raised his lips and smiled.

The face of the brilliance is enchanting.

"Today is the emperor of the Nanzhao emperor, and the king has specially brought a gift to congratulate him, also to the queen."

After cleverly shifting the topic, Long Muyu took over the things in his hands and walked to the front of Tuoba.

It was a beautifully wrapped gift box with gold lines embroidered with a pattern of hollow tulip flowers.

All the people are thinking that the gift from the king of the king must be a rare gift, and they all look forward to the gift.

Only, no one noticed -

In the moment when Long Muzhen passed by the Queen, the palm of his hand quietly gathered a force, and the fingertips picked it up slightly. The internal force brought a gust of wind and opened the veil on the Queen's face.

However, his actions have long been expected in the extension.

At the moment when the Queen’s veil had just been gently picked up, Tuoba also pretended to wave a hand, blocking the action of Long Muyu with the internal force of the palm.

(PS: Recommended "Meng Po picked up: secret new wife successor of" Author: fixed-wing dust / Tonight there is a chapter ~)

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